Comics CG Enthralled: My Squienis Story [Part 1-4] [OhWee]

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Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
OK, I should post an update on my progress. Or lack thereof since the last update...

No Enthralled related pic this time, don't want to spoil what's coming... plus it'd just be variations of what I've already shared.

Anyways, I've hit a creative wall of sorts. I have some sexy scenes that I need to tackle next, and right now it's feeling too much like a chore. My 'desire' to set up these renders just isn't there, so they will probably end up as looking 'uninspired'. So I've shifted gears a bit and worked on a couple of fan art pieces, to see if I could 'get the mojo back' as it were.

Here's one of the fanart pieces I did a couple of days back. I may tie it into Trace's backstory just for fun, but mainly I just needed to change things up for a bit.

BTW, the guy on the left actually didn't come out too bad for throwing him together real quick. He's my 'homage' to an older Ron Jeremy, 'cuz a lot of Porn actresses have been banged by him over the years... the guy on the right is my 'homage' to Long Dong Silver, who supposedly had a 21" member... it was probably just a prosthetic according to the lore, but he earned his spot in porn history nonetheless. The gal is my homage to Traci Lords. I actually put her together a little while back, but as I said I felt the need to 'shift gears' and do something other than Enthralled for the moment.

If I do incorporate this into Trace's backstory, yeah I've been contemplating how to put that 21" to good use, as opposed to just 'burying it' inside a gal's ribcage as she's getting fucked. Yeah I know that's a 'thing' with some other 3D porn artists (some even show the dick poking against the belly). Nothing wrong with that, but yeah vaginas are only so big, so I'd rather make use of the 'exposed' part of the 21" in other ways (such as a tit job from one gal while fucking the other gal, you get the idea).

Trace's backstory is a ways down the road though, so there's no immediate hurry on working on that if I end up working this render into her backstory.

So anyways, yeah I'm taking a mini break of sorts, so that I can get excited about setting up Dee, etc. in the upcoming renders. I'll jump back on it in the next couple of days, I'm sure, I just need to get 'inspired' again.

I don't want to 'rush' this part of the backstory, and a few people have requested that I set up a few more renders for each sex scene. Which of course means it'll take longer, plus each render in the location I'm working on currently takes more time to bake, due to the extra details, characters, etc. that I'll be incorporating into the various scenes. Plus I still need to arrange the furniture and other props in one of the bedrooms in the house, and work out the lighting details once I place characters into said room.

So yeah, your continued patience is very much appreciated. I'm slow, but I AM still plugging away when I can, while trying to avoid burnout at the same time.


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017

Which girl are you referring to? No one is coming immediately to mind.


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Sorta kinda progress update!

So, I'm SLOOOOWLY generating new renders for the next part of the story. As I said before, I have a few 'banked' already, and am now at a particularly GPU intensive part for the rendering. The lighting is a bit tricky as well, so I'm ending up adjusting the scenes and restarting the renders multiple times (rendering partway) until I'm reasonably happy with the render at which point I run the render to completion.

Anyways, I WAS going to share this on St Paddy's day, but it wasn't finished in time. I was going to give Meg, Kate, and Trace diferent poses (I just re-used the poses and outfits from my XMas render, with different colors for the outfits of course), but since I missed the date, well I just rendered what I had so I could get back to work on story panels. Better late than never I guess.


I added Squeenie just for fun. He looks quite dapper with the hat!

Also, to commemorate the F95Zone domain move...

Back to work!


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Mini update time.

I needed a rockstar limo driver, i.e. this dude...

The shirt art is something I grabbed from a photo. For this guy, not just any shirt was going to do...

He's the same guy that you saw in the strip club chatting with Meg in Part 1. The limodriving thing may be his 'day job' when he's not on tour. Or something like that, don't want to spoil the next few panels for ya.

I'm still not happy with my version of Jen(nifer), but at least she looks fairly close... She may not be a rocker chick in DMD, but she is in my mind...

Here's the unscripted placeholder panel that relates to the pic above:


Jen(nifer) and Elle(na) actually look pretty good in this lighting context. Brayden appears to be a bit grumpy 'cuz Jen's in the front seat paying attention to some other guy...

I'm getting to work on scripting a few more of the panels I have banked, and (barring any distractions) will be sharing the next batch of story panels in the next couple of days hopefully.


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
A quick 'non update' update!

So I mentioned that I'd have a few panels ready to go by now in my last post, but I decided to do something special for my 2000th post related to my adult art hobby in general, that I'm still working on. Here's a screenshot in Daz Studio showing what I'm hammering away at currently...

A good portion of the Enthralled cast is included in this group shot, including Penty and Tackle!

I'll need to render this in multiple passes once I'm done tweaking poses, lighting, etc. While I'm waiting for the various renders to bake, I'll try to hammer away at scripting a few of the Enthralled panels, so that I can share those at some point soon.

Yeah this 2000th post commemorative render soaks up a LOT of system resources. The scene itself takes an hour and half just to load into Daz Studio! So I'll probably not attempt something this ambitious again, but as I said, I wanted my 2000th F95Zone post to be truly special. BTW, I posted the above pic in my development thread as a placeholder, and it was my 2000th post. I wanted to reply to a couple of other posts, and also post an update here, hence the placeholder thing...

Edit: while working on this, I was reminded of an orgy groupshot I did a while back, which I'm sharing again below. Meg/Meghan, D/Dee, Trace/Tracy and Kate/Katie are all featured in this piece I did.

My skillset wasn't quite as developed back when I did this one for Christmas 2017, but I had fun throwing it together.

I'm DEFINITELY not going to take the time to make an orgy groupshot involving 65+ characters, but a mass orgy featuring the guys/gals/creatures in my 2000th commemorative pic would surely be epic. Well at least not until I get a MUCH better computer, then if I'm particularly bored, well maybe...

Apologies for the delay! Enthralled is still very much on my mind though, as well as this 'crazy groupshot' pic...


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
How long did it take to render this?
I haven't rendered it yet. That's just a screenshot from the Daz viewport. I'm still making a few final adjustments, and working on some optimizations so that I can render more characters at a time (say 8-9 characters at a time instead of 6-7). Reducing texture map sizes, that sort of thing.


Oct 6, 2016
I haven't rendered it yet. That's just a screenshot from the Daz viewport. I'm still making a few final adjustments, and working on some optimizations so that I can render more characters at a time (say 8-9 characters at a time instead of 6-7). Reducing texture map sizes, that sort of thing.
Ah ok. I was going to say, that many characters is going to take a long time regardless of how powerful your rig is.
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Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
OK, time to get things a bit back on track.

About a page ago, we had a switch from Meg telling her backstory to Dee telling a bit of her back-backstory. In the interest of not having y'all having to go back a page, here are the relevant panels again, with a couple of new ones. More panels may be coming later today (scripting them now), but in the interest of continuing the story...

79_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 80_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 81_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 82_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 83_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 84_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg
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Resident Evil-doer, part-time Candyman
Dec 24, 2016
I smell drama building up here... The poor boy is in need of some instant solace, right there right now. Who will be coming to the rescue?? Hm... Make a tree a happy tree, OhWee. And that 'penis thingy'... wtf?? I'm getting nightmares. XD
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Reactions: OhWee


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
More panels...

89_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 90_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 91_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 92_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 93_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg

Oh @muttdoggy ... some classic car porn for ya! The full body shots will be coming later, although I've already shared one of those!

There's a few more panels to go for this batch, which I'll post soon. Once those are posted, I'll need to get to work on rendering the next batch of story panels.
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Resident Evil-doer, part-time Candyman
Dec 24, 2016
Be sure to also show the 'naughty bits', like the rear end of that red riding hood...
Also thanks for propagating road saftey measures. Good to know blonde got air bags included as cushions, and safety belts on. 'May someone please think of the children!' :eek:
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Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Yep, even more panels...

BTW, I split the dialogue in one of the panels in my previous post into two panels, with a new pic showing off Coco's wheels from the front end. The dialogue didn't change, but it might be worth a second look at least...

94_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 95_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 96_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 97_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 98_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg

I still have a few more panels to share from this batch. I'll post those soon...
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Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
OK, a bunch of panels... this is pretty much the rest my current batch at this point, so it'll be a bit as I need to compose a bunch of new scenes for the next set of panels...

99_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 100_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 101_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 102_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 103_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 104_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 105_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 106_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 107_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg

The Dee backstory has ended up being a bit more involved than I originally envisioned, but I like how it's turned out so far. Those waiting for Squeenie's big appearance, well apologies, I'll get to it eventually!
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Resident Evil-doer, part-time Candyman
Dec 24, 2016
Wow, them circling at the ground got me thinking... Such is not often shown in games. Has to be more advertised.
Good job OhWee! Hot constellation we got here. ^^

But thinking of poor dad, he might be lonley at this point: 'Meanwhile my dad at home ...'
Maybe he got some visitor too that night??
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Reactions: ZeroBOY and OhWee


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Felt the need to shift gears and take a bit of a break. Sgt. D has a new ride!

As for what's next for Enthralled, Dee still has a bit more of her story to tell. The renders are going to take a bit to bake though, so as I mentioned before, it may be a bit before the next update. Posing multiple figures takes me a bit, plus the environments I'm using currently are pretty involved...

I'd like to get things to a point where I can bundle everything into Part 2, before adding all of the new pics (after Page 58) to the OP and sharing them as a single update. But I'm at least a couple dozen panels away from that goal, and I'm slow when composing new panels. Anyways, I hope everyone enjoyed all of the panels I posted in the last week or so.

I'm taking a bit of a mini break, then it's back to work on Part 2!
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