- Jun 17, 2017
- 6,176
- 30,762
So, I'm looking at a Mini-ITX build to hold me over until the next round of Threadrippers show up. Nothing against the 2xxx series Threadrippers, but 7nm looks hella promising...
I thought about doing a Micro ATX build with a Threadripper, but then I might as well build a full Threadripper system, which I want to hold off on until the next generation of motherboards for Threadripper drops. Theres' this PCIe 4.0 rumor floating around... and I'll be building this system with some 'future proofing' in mind.
So it'll probably be a Ryzen system with an RTX 2080. 2080 Ti's are expensive, as are 1080 Ti's, but the 2080s are benching about the same as a 1080 Ti, and are cheaper. I'll still have the 6.4 GB memory limitation (stupid Windows VRAM tax), but I've gotten used to that. It'll be about 25% slower than my dual 1080s were able to manage, but I can live with that. 25% slower is better than CPU only... and I don't want to fry this laptop too.
This system will be transferred to my entertainment system when I do my 7nm Threadripper build, but I could still use it to set up scenes, while other scenes bake on the TR system. So doing two builds actually makes a bit of sense workflow wise...
I also looked at doing a dual GPU Ryzen build, but there aren't enough PCIe lanes to go around for those, unless you can find a motherboard that is 2x8 lane friendly. I didn't see anything in Micro ATX that inspired confidence in me, so this'll be a single GPU system. Plus that's approaching a 'full' system, and I want this thing to be portable!
At least this gives me an excuse to pick up a 4k monitor. I render my Daz scenes at 4K resolution, so it'd be nice to be able to see them at 4K. Assuming that the Daz interface text doesn't end up being too tiny that is...
Anyways, I have a 'non update' update for Enthralled.
This down time got me thinking about a minor side plot for Enthralled. It won't involve the main characters directly, but it may involve a Futa or two... Futa isn't generally my thing, but in this case... well you'll just have to wait for that part of the story. This sideplot may also have monster elements as well. I won't spoil it for ya.
Your continued patience is appreciated. I was looking forward to getting Part 2 done over the next couple of weeks, but them's the breaks. New system, then set up new system, then work out quirks in new system, then get Daz working agian... yeah it may be a bit before I'm back to rendering.
Thanks for being patient!

I thought about doing a Micro ATX build with a Threadripper, but then I might as well build a full Threadripper system, which I want to hold off on until the next generation of motherboards for Threadripper drops. Theres' this PCIe 4.0 rumor floating around... and I'll be building this system with some 'future proofing' in mind.
So it'll probably be a Ryzen system with an RTX 2080. 2080 Ti's are expensive, as are 1080 Ti's, but the 2080s are benching about the same as a 1080 Ti, and are cheaper. I'll still have the 6.4 GB memory limitation (stupid Windows VRAM tax), but I've gotten used to that. It'll be about 25% slower than my dual 1080s were able to manage, but I can live with that. 25% slower is better than CPU only... and I don't want to fry this laptop too.
This system will be transferred to my entertainment system when I do my 7nm Threadripper build, but I could still use it to set up scenes, while other scenes bake on the TR system. So doing two builds actually makes a bit of sense workflow wise...
I also looked at doing a dual GPU Ryzen build, but there aren't enough PCIe lanes to go around for those, unless you can find a motherboard that is 2x8 lane friendly. I didn't see anything in Micro ATX that inspired confidence in me, so this'll be a single GPU system. Plus that's approaching a 'full' system, and I want this thing to be portable!
At least this gives me an excuse to pick up a 4k monitor. I render my Daz scenes at 4K resolution, so it'd be nice to be able to see them at 4K. Assuming that the Daz interface text doesn't end up being too tiny that is...
Anyways, I have a 'non update' update for Enthralled.
This down time got me thinking about a minor side plot for Enthralled. It won't involve the main characters directly, but it may involve a Futa or two... Futa isn't generally my thing, but in this case... well you'll just have to wait for that part of the story. This sideplot may also have monster elements as well. I won't spoil it for ya.
Your continued patience is appreciated. I was looking forward to getting Part 2 done over the next couple of weeks, but them's the breaks. New system, then set up new system, then work out quirks in new system, then get Daz working agian... yeah it may be a bit before I'm back to rendering.
Thanks for being patient!