Comics CG Enthralled: My Squienis Story [Part 1-4] [OhWee]

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Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
So, I'm looking at a Mini-ITX build to hold me over until the next round of Threadrippers show up. Nothing against the 2xxx series Threadrippers, but 7nm looks hella promising...

I thought about doing a Micro ATX build with a Threadripper, but then I might as well build a full Threadripper system, which I want to hold off on until the next generation of motherboards for Threadripper drops. Theres' this PCIe 4.0 rumor floating around... and I'll be building this system with some 'future proofing' in mind.

So it'll probably be a Ryzen system with an RTX 2080. 2080 Ti's are expensive, as are 1080 Ti's, but the 2080s are benching about the same as a 1080 Ti, and are cheaper. I'll still have the 6.4 GB memory limitation (stupid Windows VRAM tax), but I've gotten used to that. It'll be about 25% slower than my dual 1080s were able to manage, but I can live with that. 25% slower is better than CPU only... and I don't want to fry this laptop too.

This system will be transferred to my entertainment system when I do my 7nm Threadripper build, but I could still use it to set up scenes, while other scenes bake on the TR system. So doing two builds actually makes a bit of sense workflow wise...

I also looked at doing a dual GPU Ryzen build, but there aren't enough PCIe lanes to go around for those, unless you can find a motherboard that is 2x8 lane friendly. I didn't see anything in Micro ATX that inspired confidence in me, so this'll be a single GPU system. Plus that's approaching a 'full' system, and I want this thing to be portable!

At least this gives me an excuse to pick up a 4k monitor. I render my Daz scenes at 4K resolution, so it'd be nice to be able to see them at 4K. Assuming that the Daz interface text doesn't end up being too tiny that is...


Anyways, I have a 'non update' update for Enthralled.

This down time got me thinking about a minor side plot for Enthralled. It won't involve the main characters directly, but it may involve a Futa or two... Futa isn't generally my thing, but in this case... well you'll just have to wait for that part of the story. This sideplot may also have monster elements as well. I won't spoil it for ya.

Your continued patience is appreciated. I was looking forward to getting Part 2 done over the next couple of weeks, but them's the breaks. New system, then set up new system, then work out quirks in new system, then get Daz working agian... yeah it may be a bit before I'm back to rendering.

Thanks for being patient!
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Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Man, waiting becomes unbearable, do not torture us like that:)
Computer failure, couldn't be helped.

The new system is up and running, although I am using my TV as a monitor at the moment, so the color spectrum isn't the best...


Anyways, here's something I did to get back into the storytelling mood, using my new system (it's a bit slower than the old one for rendering, but is quite responsive otherwise).


The 'copter model was something I acquired just for this purpose during a holiday sale, and ties in with the 'cue theme music' reference that is in Part 1.

The above render isn't for part 2, but may tie in with a followup chapter... note that it does tie in indirectly to a previous fan art piece that I've done...

Anyways, the bangs on an upcoming character are still kicking my ass, but otherwise I think I have her dialed in well enough. You'll see said character in a flashback which ties in to Part 2.

So I'm back to work on this, albiet taking my sweet time easing back into things. Your continued patience is appreciated!


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
For those following this thread regularly, I tweaked the dialogue slightly on Page 78 (immediately above). Nothing major, but might be worth a look before you read the next three pages...

79_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 80_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 81_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg
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Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
So I'm at a very delicate point dialogue-wise in the story... here's the next panel:


What Elle says in the next panel or two... well this seems like a very Single White Female moment, and that's not quite what I'm going for. I'll be pondering this for the next few hours. The goal of course, is to get Dee onboard with the threesome... Elle(na) is very direct, and goes for what she wants, so the panel above works in my mind - she's cutting through all the BS and putting all of her cards on the table.

Dee on the other hand. well she's only been with Dad for a few days, so Elena will have to be VERY convincing. Not going for the blackmail thing here. That'd be easier, although Dee would harbor some resentment at that point. It may not seem like it, but Elle is at a very vulnerable point here (she's about to profess her love for both of them), and she's taking a big chance with her heart...

She will still want to keep her options open (she likes to change things up, and doesn't want to be tied down at this point), but Dee and Brayden have her heart.

The end result I'm going for, of course, is that Dee will end up wanting to try new things afterwords occasionally (read: other cocks), but still come home to Daddy, so yeah...

I'll figure it out. Panel 83, and maybe the next few followup panels may take a bit. I want to get this right, at least as far my alternate timeline crossover story is concerned that is...

Also, quick note for the DMD fans in the peanut gallery. That young boy that Rachel sleeps with? Well in my mind he's her son (Go Incest Train! Choo Choo!!!), and Brayden isn't the father in his case (Rachel cheated on Brayden? Reason for the divorce? Makes sense...), so yeah, in my alternate crossover timeline that's what the half brother thing is all about. Not sure if I'll cover that in Enthralled, but I thought I'd mention it at least.

Back to pondering!
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Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
I never knew that the DMD universe had tentacle monsters in it.

We need some of those for later when we get the harem up and running.
That's one of the reasons I'm calling this an alternate timeline. As far as I know, DMD doesn't have magic in it either, or oily textured magical dudes (see Dreams of Desire), so the crossover thingie, well I decided to just go for broke!
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Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
It's been a couple of days since I posted here, so I figured I'd share my progress at least.

I've been trying to dial in Elle(na) a bit better. I can get her to look pretty good under some lighting, but she looks different in other lighting situations. At this point, I'm declaring 'artistic license' so that I can move forward. I've ended up redoing a few renders (several that I haven't shared yet) with newer Elle versions, sometimes multiple times, which has slowed my progress.

This has resulted in knocking me 'out of the zone' writing wise, so I still need to script the panels I have, and I still need to do a few more scene setups so that I can move the story forward.

So, short form, I"m plugging away at least.

Here's a couple of renders I wanted to share. The second one is my way of paying homage to the harem a few of us want to see in the 'source' DMD story. You'll see the cups in a render or two, but this particular render I felt the need to share, as I had just finished 'installing' the cup hooks under the cabinet in the Daz scene. The text on the cups is customized for my story characters, of course!



Yeah, sometimes I get bogged down by minor details. Other times I just blow past them, I'm fickle that way...

Edit: I probably should share this one here too (I've already shared it in other threads), since it showcases the four hub characters. This could be used as another of those 'show pilot' promos or something. Yes, the costumes are rather impractical (note the lack of full body coverage), but it's a 'throwback' to 50's B movie sci fi or something. I had fun throwing it together anyways - just some silly idea I felt the need to run with after it popped into my head.



Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 6, 2016
It's been a couple of days since I posted here, so I figured I'd share my progress at least.

Edit: I probably should share this one here too (I've already shared it in other threads), since it showcases the four hub characters. This could be used as another of those 'show pilot' promos or something. Yes, the costumes are rather impractical (note the lack of full body coverage), but it's a 'throwback' to 50's B movie sci fi or something. I had fun throwing it together anyways - just some silly idea I felt the need to run with after it popped into my head.

A new movie coming to theaters near you directed by Dad and financed by Brayden! If you're a good boy, you might get a peek at the "behind the scenes" scenes!!
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Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Just a quick non-update...

I'm still in the middle of some set construction, and I get distracted easily by shinies, or in this case perverting childhood icons...

Yep, the van on the left is a moving violation waiting to happen. But in Consent/Enthralled land, they are a bit less repressed about naked chicks. I still might put a bikini on the gal though...

Brayden could easily fit the parody part for Fred Jones. As for Shaggy, Velma, and Daphne... not sure. But, if I decide to have some 'fun' with a later chapter in Enthralled, yeah maybe. Meg could probably pull Velma off convincingly enough. And maybe Graham or Trace's brother as Shaggy... as for Daphne... well if we wanted a smokin' hot Daphne that'd be Trace, plus there's Olivia (DMD) and Kate maybe.

BTW, if you are wondering why I'm working on this house, well Graham and Olivia live here, and they will be making a cameo in Enthralled...

Well, enough useless pondering about future parody characters for now. Need to install some stair railings on the staircase I just built in this house! Back to virtual house construction!
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Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
The hardware gods must not like me this year.

So, my new 4K monitor that I bought less than 30 days ago died suddenly. Fortunately, I can hook things up to my 1080P TV for now, and was able to save my work in Daz (was building a bedroom), but of course everything was layed out for 4K not 1080P, so I had to make a few adjustments.

The store I bought it from has a 15 day return policy apparently. The monitor should still be under manufacturer warranty, but of course then I need to ship it to the manufacturer...

Among other things, the power connector kept popping out of the monitor. I had the cable taped to the back of the monitor with gaff tape after the first couple of times this happened, so that there was no weight whatsovever on the connector, but it still was popping out randomly. I then used some more gaff tape to tape the connector in such a way that it wouldn't pop out, but then the monitor decided to suddenly die after a few hours hammering away with Daz today...

Hence, since the connector is a piece of crap anyways, I was hoping to exchange it for a different monitor instead, but of course I'm outside of the return window...

Needless to say, I'm a bit annoyed.

My 1080P TV is has developed some issues of it's own, but it's like 8-10 years old so I'm not as annoyed with it. But, I wasn't ready to replace it quite yet/was eeking out the last bit of life out of the TV, but now I may just have to replace it.

Dammit Dammit Dammit!

Anyways, I have the stairs pretty much done now. Here's a 'test' pic from earlier today. Need to deal with the ceiling textures to the left, matching the texture scaling, and some wall alignment issues, but one thing at a time...


Pic is untouched, other than scaling it down to 1080p and adding my sig in photoshop. I'll probably continue to plug away, but my TV is crap for computer display, so I won't be fine tuning the color with it. I'll probably be shopping for a new display or TV tomorrow though... which will put me on a ramen noodles cheap diet for a bit or something no doubt.

Dammit Dammit Dammit!


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Just a progress report.

I was working on adding the nude beach from DMD to the neighborhood area yesterday, and also set up a scene for a story panel. I'll be working on more story panels (I have a few done already that I haven't shared yet, just need to script them), but I got distracted by more freebies yesterday. In this case, from the site...

I threw this together mainly for fun, and to show off some of the awesome assets that Summoner has made over the years (and offers on the FoA site) to make others aware of them, but of course this could tie in to the Tarrakian Tales thingie I shared somewhat recently. If I ever decide to make TT a thing, well it'll be cool if I do. Too many other projects at the moment, plus I want to get Part 2 of this comic done first.

Back to rendering!


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Teaser render. Coco's wheels...


I'm still working out the nuances in the dialogue for the next few renders (there are a few). This is another part of the storyline that is rather delicate, so it needs to sit well with me at least. After a few days of pondering between renders and other stuff, I think I'm happy with my 'plan'. Plus, the renders in this location area (the house and peninsula/neighborhood) take a while to set up and crank out. At at my 'usual pace' I usually only manage a render or two a day, if I'm not distracted with other experiments...

So I want to wrap up all of the panels for the Dee backstory section before I share them, to make sure that the dialogue is locked down. That way, I don't end up re-sharing some panel(s) where I might have changed the dialogue. So this means that it may be a few days before I share the next few panels.

I do have a few renders banked for this part of the story at this point, I just need to script the ones I haven't scripted already, so that I can release them in order to continue the story. Note that there are a few more renders that I still need to put together that come after the ones I've banked as well. This means that Dee's 'backstory' will have a good number of renders by the time I get to the point where Meg can continue her story. So a few more Dee related renders than I had originally planned on, but I like the additions that I now have mapped out for this part.

I'm also deliberately being a bit vague here, so as to not spoil the story too much for y'all beforehand. You've already seen what Elle(na) has in mind, but there's more going on...

Anyways, back to the teaser pic - I may make a slight adjustment to the above in photoshop as well. The red spilling into the reflecter bowls for the passenger side headlights is annoying me... that may just be a reflection, but it looks weird.

Anyways, I think her wheels look pretty sharp, and I'm a sucker for the classics or cars with 'classic lines' (note that Meg's Dad drives a 2008-ish Challenger). It was a lot of fun working out the Iray textures. Still not perfect (the model has a few niggling issues), but it's compelling enough that I'm running with it.

This makes me want to do the 'iray car paint thing' to the Challenger, and maybe redo those renders (there's a small handful with the Challenger in them), but I like to keep moving forward, instead of re-treading old ground.

Thank you for your continued patience.
Back to work!


Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 6, 2016
That's nearly spot-on for a 1971 Barracuda. I've occasionally worked on them and an very familiar with its twin the Challenger. Sadly, 1971 is the only year of the 4 headlight setup with the awesome grille. Maybe the girls can give the car a funny fish like name like "Hangry Tuna Boat" or sth.
One that could fit is if you have a 1970s Challenger or another muscle car you can render and do the same thing to, it could lead to the girls doing a strip drag racing competition where the loser has to remove an article of clothing. :D
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Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
That's nearly spot-on for a 1971 Barracuda. I've occasionally worked on them and an very familiar with its twin the Challenger. Sadly, 1971 is the only year of the 4 headlight setup with the awesome grille. Maybe the girls can give the car a funny fish like name like "Hangry Tuna Boat" or sth.
One that could fit is if you have a 1970s Challenger or another muscle car you can render and do the same thing to, it could lead to the girls doing a strip drag racing competition where the loser has to remove an article of clothing. :D
Good eye! Although the 'HEMICUDA' lettering on the scoop could have been a giveaway as well (it's not easily readable).

It's this model btw:

She does have pretty lines. I couldn't figure out what was going on with the rear quarter panel (i.e. why it had a separate texture section) but looking at the model promo shots, it makes sense now. Makes me want to add the 'black panel with stripes' paint option to the car, but I'd have to figure out how to do that with the Iray shader...

The model isn't perfect, but I'm making do. The seats are sitting too high in relation to the steering wheel, which causes posing issues with the legs for the driver. Plus I think the default model is a bit smaller than it should be, so I bumped the scale of the model slightly to better accomodate the passengers. I need to double check the specs for the length - I did download this cool measuring stick to check the car length in Daz with (if I 'butt' two or three of them end to end)...

Edit: checked specs. Should be 186.6" length, 108" wheelbase. Mine is now a bit longer than that due to the 'making more room for legs' issue, but not by a whole lot at least...

The seats aren't adjustable. If they were, that would have been helpful with the leg issue (I could have 'pushed' the seats down for more steering wheel clearance).

I didn't realise so few of these were built in RL (reading over the product notes on the Daz page), so this makes it an even more special gift to Coco from her dad (hence the 2 COCO license plate). In my crossover, Coco will mention that her dad left this car to her when he died (from cancer or some such thing, she doesn't go into details), and that she has fond memories of riding in this car with her dad when she was a younger.
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