Comics CG Enthralled: My Squienis Story [Part 1-4] [OhWee]

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Engaged Member
Oct 13, 2016
Damn, this story is getting more and more interesting!!!

A quick 'non update' update!

So I mentioned that I'd have a few panels ready to go by now in my last post, but I decided to do something special for my 2000th post related to my adult art hobby in general, that I'm still working on. Here's a screenshot in Daz Studio showing what I'm hammering away at currently...

HOLY FU.......!!!
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Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Wow, it's been a bit since I posted here! Apologies! R.L. stuff has taken precedence lately.

OK, update time!

I've rendered a few more panels for the story, but I've been mostly focused on other art and R.L. projects at the moment. Also, I felt the need to stretch my Daz legs doing some unrelated stuff.

AMD is taking it's sweet time with the 7nm Threadripper announcement. My interim rendering system is OK, but it's rather slow with large scenes. By definition, with multiple characters in the scenes I'm working on, plus the detailed backgrounds, yeah the Enthralled scenes I'm doing at the moment take a somewhat painful time to load. It'll be a few months before I build my dedicated rendering system, so in the meantime, things are going slowly, and I'm doing art more as a casual thing at the moment.

Anyways, here's a couple of somewhat related pieces I've done recently featuring the Fab Four!

I enjoy putting these four characters together. Interest in Meghan and Katie is fading now due to their backstories being abandoned, and Tracy is also beginning to fade into the background a bit. I very much enjoy using them in my fanart to keep the memories of them alive, plus they are very sexy so I like doing renders of them.

Dee's game backstory isn't done yet, but my version of Dee is an alternate universe version, where she tells Rachel to fuck off when Rachel tries to take her back home in Part 1.

Anyways, back on topic. The plan is to finish up Dee's Enthralled backstory, then get back to Meg's story with a few more panels, then package everything up into a single Part 2 release. It'll be a few weeks, but I'm plugging away at it slowly.
I may release a few story panels between now and then.

I'm also getting back to work on Consent finally, athough not seriously. I find that alternating between projects is helping keep my interest in doing renders up at the moment. Focusing tends to burn me out.

I do want to tell Trace's and Kate's backstories as well. They are a bit simpler, but that won't happen until part 3. Part 3 will then transition back to the stuff that happens after the Bring Your Father To Work Day panels that were shared in Part 1.

Since this is a labor of love, and is being released for free, and where I have R.L. stuff going on at the moment too, well I do appreciate your continued patience!

So yeah, I'm still working on this, as interest and time permits. Please be patient!


Feb 2, 2017
Hey look! New story panels!

Next batch soon!
I Like this.
I Like where this is going.
Actually, I Like everything about this (y)

Only one problem. At this point the original game is bound to disappoint :D
Keep up the good work OhWee. It's always exciting to read when you release new content like this.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2018
Would you mind hide them in spoiler tags?
I don't want to see anything until this thread updates to "part 2", my heart skips a beat each time this thread is updated you see...

Monsieur X

Engaged Member
May 26, 2018
One small comment about the last pictures, I know the scenes happen at night but I find the pictures a bit too dark, I can't see the characters very well.
It's no big deal anyway.
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Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Just a couple of quick notes before I share the next five story panels.

Part 2 is getting close to completion. I have a couple of goalposts I want to reach with Meg to wrap up part 2. When I reach that point, I'll upload pages 59+ as a single .zip file and have the F95Zone uploader types do their propogation thing, and then have them promote this thread at that point. For those holding off until Part 2 is done, just keep an eye on the Latest Updates section of this forum. When Part 2 is uploaded in whole, Enthralled will appear among the latest updates, similar to how other games appear when new chapters, etc. are released.

Dee's backstory ended up taking 44 pages, which is more than I intended. I could have easily added a few more panels to this latest batch with more sexy action, but I wanted to wrap things up, as Dee's backstory isn't the focus of Enthralled. What's coming in Part 3 is...

So for those wanting more Dee panels, well there WILL be more, but it'll be as they relate to the Enthralled story going forward. I do hope that I adequately explained Dee's 'alternate timeline' with her backstory, but I don't want to dwell on it. About the only thing I'd like to show is Rachel fucking Dee's brother (again. alternate timeline), but I'll probably do that as DMD fanart, not as part of the Enthralled Story. Rachel doesn't play a part in Enthralled. Also, I'm waiting on more Daz model info for said young male character. But I digress...

Anyways, here's the next five panels. Not quite back to the RV + inflatable pool stuff yet, but I'll be getting back to that part of the story in the next batch of panels...

120_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 121_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 122_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 123_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 124_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg
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Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
This post is a 'last 9 months in review' sorta post. No renders in this one.

As I've stated before, for those of you that are waiting on Part 2 to be completed and zipped, we are still a ways off from that. I've been releasing panels as I finish them here for a while now, and will continue to do so, for the handful of you that are following this thread regularly.

For those that just want to ignore this thread until Part 2 is released in it's entirety, as I stated in my last post just keep an eye on the latest updates section of this forum, here:

Note that it may be another month or more before I am at that point. When the time comes, I'll be in touch with the appropriate people to propagate my Part 2 download, and to 'flag' this thread as updated so that it appears as recently updated in the latest updates.

My guess is that I'll probably post at least two more story panel updates here before I have the rest of the panels for Part 2. It's gonna be a while... I may also post some fanart pics when the whim strikes as well, as I've been doing up to this point.

For those needing a quick thread roadmap to find Panels 59-124, Part 2 starts here, pauses around post #88/panel 80/81, and continues here. The panels I've released so far are pretty much in chronological order, so you can follow the story pretty easily, just note the 'update jump' between from 88 and post 112. You can skip posts 89-111, as those are mostly chronicling my hardware issues and resulting solutions, and I recapped the few story panels I had done in that time in post 112. There are a few fanart pieces in there though if you care...

I just took a few minutes to read through this thread again. Wow! When I started Part 2 I figured it'd take a couple of months. Boy was that far off the mark!

A good part of the delay was hardware failure related. First my bricked uber dual 1080 laptop meant that I had to build a new rendering system, which took a few weeks to put together. Then the power supply failed on my new 4k monitor. I eventually tracked down a new power supply and the 4K monitor is doing fine now, but I wasn't sure if a dead power supply was the issue at the time. I was using my 1080P TV as a monitor in the meantime, but it eventually caught fire so I had to replace it. I never did get my new 4K TV and my rendering system to play nice, so I was effectively at a complete halt for a bit.

In short, I had more hardware failures in the last six months than I've had in the previous decade... thankfully none of those were hard drive/SSD related. I do backups every so often, but probably not as much as I should.

One annoying thing is that AMD STILL hasn't announced the 7nm Threadripper lineup. Those won't show up until Q4 at the earliest probably, so I'm making due with my single GPU rendering system in the meantime. It's getting the job done, but it's slower than my uber laptop was, even with the 1080 Ti. The 3950X 16 core AM4 Ryzen is tempting, but even that one won't show up until September, so I might as well wait on the next batch of Threadrippers and make do in the meantime.

The load times are significant for the panels I'm working on at the moment, and renders generally take more than an hour, even if I bail on them early. I usually end up re-doing renders 3-4 times as I see things that need adjusting, which adds to the time equation. Plus I'm working on other stuff too, so short form, SLOOOOOOOWWWWW!

I think that the various delays were all for the better though. I hadn't originally planned to dedicate 44 panels to Dee's alternate backstory, but I'm glad that I did. I wanted to share my vision of how she ended up becoming open to group sex, and her story was a bit complicated. It could easily have been longer, with a bunch more panels, but as I noted before, I wanted to get back to the story at hand. That and renders using Liv's house take longer to load and bake due to the added detail.

The 'club' renders I still need to do also take a long time. I won't have a lot of those to do, but the 4 gals chatting? Yeah those renders take a while to load, tweak, and bake... I just spent more than a day on one of the panels.

Anyways, back on topic, Meg's alternate backstory is a bit more straightforward, but that story isn't quite done yet. Trace and Kate's 'multi-partner' backstories were already pretty well established. Actually, Kat(i)e may not have done much of that as of yet in KC, but based on where her story was originally headed, that was a foregone conclusion IMHO. Nonetheless, I'll address both Trace and Kate's backstory briefly in Part 3. It's much simpler...

Anyways, I need to apologize for dragging this out. My initial estimate of 2 months ended up being overly ambitious, and if I had pushed to meet that deadline, well the Dee backstory would have been much shorter. So going forward, in the interest of not over-promising, I'm just gonna say 'eventually'...

As for how many more panels will be in part 2, I honestly don't know. I'm probably going to spend a little more time on a couple of the scenes, and generate a few more panels for those than I normally do, as those parts of the story would benefit from the additional attention. I do have my 'general story' sketched out, but as for specific panels yeah I figure those out on the fly for the most part. So I'll know when I get there as far as when Part 2 will wrap out, but I can't give anyone a hard estimate on how many more panels I'll need at this point.

This is why I continue to trickle out the story in batches. I know it's gonna be a while, but some people like to follow the story as it develops.

Anyways, that's my current update. Short form, Part 2 won't be done for a bit yet, I'm working on new panels, and your continued patience is appreciated!
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Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Still plugging away, slowly. No new panels for this post though.

I was setting up another scene for a new render, and felt the need to do this silly thing...

Interpretive dance number or something... anyways, back to work!


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Part 2 is done!

New story panels below (next two posts) for those that just want to see the new panels, or just download the .zip here:

Without further ado, the rest of the panels for Part 2:

125_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 126_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 127_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 128_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 129_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 130_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg

Panels 131-142 in next post.
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Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
And the rest of Part 2...

131_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 132_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 133_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 134_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 135_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 136_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 137_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 138_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 139_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 140_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 141_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg 142_Enthralled_OhWee.jpg

That's it for a bit! I'll start working on Part 3 someday, well the stuff that isn't done already anyways...

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Kendra Denimore

Active Member
Jul 13, 2017
OhYeah, OhWee!!!! WOOT! *pants heavily, replaces the batteries in my egg and downloads part 2, while waiting impatiently for part 3*
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Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2017
Bizarre fun, akin to the old Rock Star Wars story in Heavy Metal magazine. Even some underloved Judas Priest on the radio! I do agree that some panels are too dark but applaud the whole creation!
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Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Break time!

First off, thanks to those of you that have been enjoying my silly comic so far! I'm far from the best artist here on F95Zone, but I make do. My artistic choices may not always please everyone, but it's my 'style' and every 3D artist develops their own rendering style.

R.E. Dark renders. The monitor I'm currently rendering on has really good brightness levels, and is 4K at that. I've calibrated it of course, but since it has stronger white/black level responsiveness, no doubt that's playing into how the darker renders look on other monitors. I'll keep this in mind for part 3, but I'm not all that interested in going back and redoing renders for part 2. Nonetheless, the renders in question are in dark environments, so there's that...

Now that I found a suitable cliffhanger ending point and wrapped up Part 2, I'm going to take a break from Enthralled for a bit. I'll still work on art stuff, but I need the break. No promises as to when I'll start tackling Part 3 in earnest other than 'someday'.

Plus, the followup to that cliffhanger, well I have to think about how exactly that plays out in the next few panels dialogue and action wise, so I want to take a bit of time to ponder that...

I still like to share art in these posts, of course, so here are a couple of fan art pieces I did recently:

Anyways, I hope y'all enjoyed Part 1 & 2!
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5.00 star(s) 2 Votes