Once her corruption reaches a certain level, explore the EP World version of the town; you'll notice certain NPCs have a heart icon. She'll be more open to "experimentation" in the EP World than in the real world (likely due to a mindset that whatever happens in the EP World isn't "real" anyway and no one will know).
As her corruption grows even further, she'll be more willing to have real world exploits as well.
Well said.
Oh I always did simple cuz I thought it was just a faster way of doing efficient. I didn't want to see that animation all the time. All I did was do the dungeons.
And then i restarted and did it simple all the time for consistency.
You remind me of my close IRL friend who always manage do things in the unorthodox way and without fully understanding what he is doing. Doing accidental virgin run is hilarious, but also kinda cool at the same time.
update: well, I've gotten to the last dungeon (basically same progress as on my main, slut saves), which is practically the end of the game for me because I just. can't. with this last dungeon. It's really a shame because I REALLY like the concept and rest of the game, but this last, instakill maze dungeon just ruins EVERYTHING for me. I'd really love to see the ending(s) but the absolute sheer frustration of this last dungeon makes me hate existence itself.
That's unfortunate. You were our best chance of finding out what's in secret virgin ending (assuming that there is one, which is improbable).
That last level full of fuyous (let's call it battle level 13 for simplicity, although it is not named so in game files) is very short, I encourage you to try again.
Or you can edit the save file to skip it.
So I managed to get to that level, first question is: what is even beyond that point? Just asking because its hard af
I don't understand what you all finding so particularly hard about it.
Random moving fuyous are slow and, well, they're moving randomly. Just dash around them.
Other, quick fuyous move in fixed patterns. Recognize the pattern and move only when it is safe to move.
So I managed to get to that level, first question is: what is even beyond that point? Just asking because its hard af, so I wonder if its just a gameover screen.
As far as we know, it branches. If you don't do anything, you receive standard game over screen. If you find secret area 51 (maybe it is a reference to zoomer humor, which I don't understand) and activate it, you will see secret "To be continued" ending featuring a girl with mushrooms (?) on her head.
What disappointed me personally was the lack of a clear-cut ending.
It is clear that there should be two main endings:
- If our protagonist is not sufficiently corrupt, she foils fuyous' plan to take over and subjugate physical reality and destroys EP world for ever. Good ending (?)
- Otherwise she eventually is corrupted completely, turns into a Gravid (the creature we played with in EP Girl) and helps fuyous to materialize in real world and corrupt townsfolk. True ending (?), also a plot hook for next game.
I hoped to see second option implemented in the game in form of Fuyou's nice pixel art and without words. But instead the game just ends abrupty with words "To be continued?.."
Second, think this recollection room is mostly filled besides this point, what is here? Also can't you change her form in this place?
Judging by visible halo accessory you already finished battle level 12. You should have everything.
You can't change form because not every combination of costume-trap is drawn.
And they don't always show up in the recollection screen, not sure if you need to see them all or if they just go automatically to the last possible state.
AFAIK, not all of H-scenes is viewable from recollection room. Some thing just weren't implemented.