There is no reason to believe that Natasha is a rapist. The most she does is harass, but nothing more. And there is no blackmail, she has no dirt on Ash and she does not demand anything from her, she knows that Ashe wants it herself , and she is just playing with her. There is nothing terrible here, especially for a porn game. Moreover, the laws in this world may be different.
Of course, this is a positive point. Natasha should have arrested these two idiots for drug possession, but she saved them from punishment, even if it was for selfish reasons, and this is essentially the only option where she definitely broke the rules, but in Ashe's favor. And judging by the dialogue between Ash and Rachel, they clearly prefer the option of cleaning Natasha's apartment, even if something obscene happens there, instead of going to jail.
This is all a distorted understanding because you are too sensitive. Natasha does not abuse power and rape, there is not even submission. She makes Ashe want to be dominated, and this desire is voluntary, Ashe is not forced to want it. It is just one of the paths that you as a player can not to choose, and accordingly, you will make it so that Ashe does not give in to this desire. But choosing this path and then complaining about the consequences of this path, it is strange. Hello, the Kitten path is the path with Natasha, even the name says it all.