Other people play the game, enjoy Natasha's behavior, and also come to the forum to talk about it. Those people have as much right to play the game, and as much right to use the forum, as you or anyone else.
I've acknowledged that to be true, as recently as only a few post above in
#3143, and multiple times before that.
At no point have I tried to stop anyone from playing the game the way they choose to.
Meanwhile, the people on the other side didn't expect someone on an adult game forum to be unable to separate fiction from reality, and unable to accept that some people enjoy different kinks than themselves. They are equally blindsided by you.
Agreed. I expect people to be able to recognize sexual assault whether it is in a game or reality, yet there are those on here who appear unable to do so.
I'm not kink shaming; quite far from it. I've even encouraged people to explore their fantasies in these formats. If you enjoy fantasies about sexual assault, molesting, aggression, and groping, go for it; indulge in your fetishes. Far as I'm concerned if it's not hurting anyone in real life, feel free to enjoy any kink you like. But failing to acknowledge when something is sexual assault, and repeatedly arguing that something isn't what it obviously is, has nothing to do with enjoying a kink.
If your idea of educating people is to tell them that the sexual fantasies they enjoy are not acceptable, and they must get in line with the kind of sexual fantasies you enjoy, then I would say you're on the wrong path.
That is not my idea, nor did I even suggest that. All I've been trying to do, since the beginning, is get the people who are arguing in favor of Natasha's behavior to accept what it actually is. If they enjoy it, more power to them, but they can't seem to even admit what we've all clearly seen.
To be clear, everyone here has a right to make up their own mind about Natasha's character (and every other game character), and everyone has a right to give their opinion. You don't need my permission, and I don't need yours.
Most definitely. There is absolutely nothing wrong with people deciding how they feel about Natasha's character, nor having an opinion about it. Nor does anyone need anyone's permission to do so, or to play how they choose.
The problem is, that was never the point. Conceding that a sexual assault occurred is still the issue, and has yet to be resolved.
What anyone does with that, or chooses how to act upon it, is entirely their business. As I said, they are free to play how they choose. But there is a difference between denying that it ever happened, and agreeing that it did and that they liked it and want more.