Wait so you can't use the 3 day ownership passes as the MC

so your saying my choice is cucked vs no scenes.... right.... great concept shit implementation.
If i'm wrong here please correct me but this is kinda dog shit that there isn't any MC route other then just exit building game over.
Somebody remake this game, make it so the other players gain DP points daily for doing random task as does the MC, you can use your points to purchase the pass and use them on the opponents to block them for 3 days from being able to do anything or use on alisa to get your own bang time with her.
*Conclusion *
Already 10 times better then the current game.
Also if your going do animated shadow scenes then just skip the static colour images all together no one wants to look at a stationary picture XD i can google hentai and see like a million of them in seconds.