4.40 star(s) 118 Votes


Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 6, 2016
It's unfortunate that some pledges get removed for sharing Patreon content to cut off any potential "leaks". Payment disputes and leaking posts hidden behind paywalls are usually the reasoning behind pledges being removed. That's something out of this site's control. What we do recommend when you notice this happening is to start a private message or conversation with a couple uploaders/mods/staff you feel comfortable talking to. Any leaks are private and handled by the uploader/mod/staff which cannot be traced unless it's marked and tracked. (Which is unusual, rare, and prone to bugs/breaks.)


Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 6, 2016
Different strokes for different folks, amirite?
Eventually we'll all get dominated or try to in the next update! I'm calling Heather. She's mine. Paws off!
Even if we gotta find her on other pirate sites. That redhead will be found.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2018
I do not top-tier support Henissart as a direct way to purchase content. But rather as a way to help free up his time to allow him to be a full-time developer. The ugly, inescapable reality is that only a certain amount of money-making accomplishes this.
I may and do disagree about certain money-making policies, but still agree that the overall goal is necessary.
Imagine if a formerly hard-core pirate, ED being my first supported game, can set aside his cynicism long enough to step out of the darkness into the light.
Every single person has mitigating circumstances whereby they would do things "differently" if only they could. That's fine.
But please don't use the "I won't support this project until it's finished" gambit. If you do not wish to support, so be it. Indie development rests on the foundation of work-in-progress financial support. If everyone waited for completion, 90%+ of all games would be abandoned after 0.01.
ED is a great game! So great that it did the highly implausible : earn my support.
Ping dev in forum he obviously avoids....

The dev removed my pledge!
He didn't appreciate the fact that I was sharing with this thread. I offered to discuss things. He refused.

Oh, well!
and I'm going to 1000% claim bullshit here and offer a chance to retract. LOL I don't buy that for a second.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2018
Now, that is interesting!
Very close, but not quite.
Only the dev himself, NOT these randoms you know from here and there, could have got you that close. Calling me out while hiding the true reasons for your own curiosity? Not cool.

But, fine. More for this thread than you. The dev sent me a PM asking if it was I who was sharing Patreon media (I use a different nic there). He did not mention F95Zone by name. But he did tell me to stop it. I PM'ed him back that I "philosophically disagreed" with his stance but would comply IF he could explain to me the reasoning for such a strict policy. He answered back to just stop posting.
Now, I admit I was none too pleased by this response. I had thought there was some hope to attract more patrons for him, by lighting a spark or two in this thread. I had already mentioned this to him. He instead was doing a Mrs von Stern "total obedience", which admittedly rubbed me the wrong way.
About a week ago, I PM'ed him again. I again stated to the dev that I thought his "no leaks" policy was misguided. No reply. I thought I was in too deep to step away at that point, and continued share-posting yesterday, knowing full well there was a fair chance the dev would use his ban-hammer.
I think the dev soured on F95Zone (he was full of praise for his first few months here) and that may influenced his stiff attitude. I only wanted the best for this game and this thread.
Still, getting banned in less than 2 weeks came as a bit of a shock.
The TL;DR version.....Dev asked you to stop sharing content....you would comply IF blah blah blah....you proceed to immediately ignore the request...and then, like clockwork, get punted off of his patreon. Shocking....shocking I say. haha

Its not a very big community man. It took me a whopping 10 minutes to figure this out.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2018
At least now though...we went from this:

The dev removed my pledge!
He didn't appreciate the fact that I was sharing with this thread.
I offered to discuss things. He refused.

Where it can seem like a Dev is just shadow banning patrons for sharing content without notice. That meanie!

To....whatever it is you rambled on about. The point is...the dev made a simple request...whether you agree with it or not isn't relevant as far as I'm concerned...and the dev took action. End of story.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2018
Sorry, no.
You come here--an emissary?--talking smack, not admitting what you actually do in these threads. Plus, you act like you are well aware of the contents of PRIVATE messaging.
Doing damage control for the dev, obviously.
No...I just don't like bullshit and call people out on their garbage. It's not complicated.


Jul 8, 2017
If someone feels like supporting a developer or project they will - regardless of whether or not optional content/posts/the game itself were leaked elsewhere. If they don't - they'll pirate it, simple as that. Trying to stem the flow of digital media is a losing proposition (whether through DRM or banning supporters etc.) Life finds a way and piracy always has its way in the end.

I for one like this project, but let's be real here for a moment - the amount of scummy/milking devs. in the adult visual novel space on Patreon/Subscribestar is pretty fucking staggering. It's the norm rather than the exception. The amount of projects that actually ever make it to the finish line in even a semi-respectable state (not abandoned/rushed ending etc.) is minuscule at best.

I'm of the opinion that developers in this genre should count themselves lucky to be making any money AT ALL given the state of things - much less having the gall to play holier than thou with supporters and potential customers. If he's really biting the hands that feed him just because he's upset at content he posted behind a paywall leaking - well - that's just poor fucking form. He'd be better off focusing his efforts on delivering a quality product that entices people to DONATE towards his efforts rather than trying to police them.

I wish the guy well and all, and look forward to his game, but man, shit like that makes it awfully difficult to want to support someone.


Jun 20, 2017
I understand that this is a piracy forum and that we all have to justify in some way that we pirate things, but at least don't act like it is some kind of ideological crusade or cosmic inevitability, because no one has been sharing every Patreon post after 5 minutes of it being posted for the year that the game has been in development.
Maybe if devs weren't making any money AT ALL they wouldn't be making any game AT ALL.

And if you wanna share Patreon content don't act like you are doing the dev a favor and when they tell you that you aren't trying to argue with them about what's best for their project, then get mad because they don't answer your entitled questions and keep doing the same out of spite and fucking cry about getting banned because of it.


GFX Designer
Respected User
Feb 1, 2017
Every person that do pledge is doing a favor, what they get in return doesn't keep them warm, fed or sheltered, but at most entertained, they also take a leap of faith as well, cause there's a chance they may never receive a complete product and that product may be well overpaid, they are not shareholders, they don't invest money to make money; the dev can resell his content on other platforms and gain more from there as well.

It's just business, however is bad business.


Jun 24, 2017
I do not think there should be 3 paths. Eliminate the dom, widen the possibilities in the neutral. It's not too late to do this. The MC, on the dom path, could just realize he's on the wrong road and adjust.
The dev has stated that a player's choices cannot override a path's "arc". So, a player cannot truly be on a dom path. It's a mug's game, a totally losing proposition. The purest path is the sub. On a neutral path, a player can try to at least partially avoid some of the humiliations of the sub path, and dream of finding some dom action, maybe even some revenge against the von Sterns.
The dom path can only be a trap. Unless the MC can somehow dominate a Mistress, which would be a game-breaker for many supporters, at best he can only dominate Heather or Anja. Meanwhile, he is still in the clutches of the von Sterns. Would enough players be satisfied with that?
Well i like the dom route the most so far, so do a lot of other people.

"The dom path can only be a trap. Unless the MC can somehow dominate a Mistress, which would be a game-breaker for many supporters, at best he can only dominate Heather or Anja."

Why the hell can he only dominate Heather or Anja? In case you didn't pay attention, there is a lot of tension and conflict going on between the Sterns. I also believe the dominant route will not lead to the typical "dominant end" where the mc "rules/control" the mistresses. But he will probably be used as a "dominant" tool by one or more of the mistresses to put pressure on the others. Don't forget the mistresses are still humans and have weaknesses too.
Isabella appears to be very insecure. She is constantly trying to get respect from her mother and sister. She is also afraid of hard dicks.
Mrs stern is unsure of her age and appears to be sexually dissatisfied.
Elisabeth does not seem to have any weaknesses yet.

So far, Henissart has done an excellent job creating 3 different routes, all of which are credible.

Every route feels distinct and have, in my opinion, the following themes:

Sub route: You are a beta bitch and you will get abused by pretty much everyone.
Neutral route: You are trying to survive and help Anja and Heather the best you can.
Dom route: You are trying to survive but also to get something out of it for yourself. You enter the inner battle/conflict between the sterns. You are also trying to get, at least a little bit, respect from the mistresses.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 4, 2019
This is a message from the two experienced devs of Radiant. It is in the OP there.

View attachment 625054
To me, this is what it boils down to : if a pirate site is going to be used to "fish" for pledgers by devs, or their financial backers, they can't/shouldn't be able to dictate what qualifies as acceptable piracy and unacceptable piracy.
The only "extra" that I liked about becoming a top-tier supporter was the dev's promise to listen to feedback. It wasn't mentioned that this was a very limited type.
I kind of like this specific "condone" message as I think it relays the difficult balance between piracy but also the hope that some exposure on this site can also help with pledges. Every game I currently support on Patreon I found on this site, but of course I know there are a lot of cheapskates that just pirate everything too and will never donate a single penny. Hopefully, people have the decency to support a game they genuinely enjoy.

Z - Reborn

totally not zazzaro
Mar 19, 2020
virtuvoid I find it weird that you got banned since I remember him at some point on Discord saying something along the lines of "I don't like piracy, but I won't bother fighting it since it's a losing battles". Regardless thanks for the updates so far.

I too disagree with his stance. I think places like this forum help a project's visibility more than anything, but at the end of the day it's his call.

All I know is that you can't do better than Runey, the creator of Harem Hotel. He made himself so beloved here on F95 that people won't even share what he doesn't want to be shared on a piracy forum. I have no idea how he managed.

That said as far as I know the only things he doesn't want posted are his bughunt versions, and he posts news and updates himself.
4.40 star(s) 118 Votes