
Apr 18, 2021
I'm only providing the possibility because OIAL (Caribdis' past game) and this game share the same setting and it's revealed in one of the endings of that game that the BBEG, Astaroth, knows about Calypso's existence. Even if we don't take that as fact the hints in this game is strongly suggesting that Astaroth is a native of Eternum, and that fucker managed to find his way into the Physical/Material Plane. So if he could do it (and even sire a kid which turns out to be the player character of OIAL), then who's to say that Calypso couldn't in the future?

Again, it could be that Exit Portals only work for Player Avatars, not natives of Eternum. It's possible that it's designed that way to prevent, say, any sort of native from accidentally touching them and getting transported to the Physical/Material Plane. That, or natives couldn't use them because Exit Portals connect the Player Avatar to their respective bodies once they exit Eternum...and you can't use them if you don't have a corresponding body to go back to on the other side (which could be an explanation to the question of "why couldn't non-native NPCs/the Syndicate use them if they're actually former players/dead people" if, say, the theory about NPCs or the Syndicate is true).

Again, this could be explained with the Syndicate just trying to recruit Orion (that being us, as the player, remember we're seeing what Orion is seeing from his POV) into their cause. Possible explanations range from his perfect compatibility rating being the cause, or he's some sort of chosen one, or just random happenstance, take your pick.

"So it's hard to see the vision abd nightmares as related to them." Have you forgotten the revelation from those Space Station audio logs that Eternum could be accessed through dreams? I mean, if that's the case, then that just makes it easier for the Syndicate to communicate with Orion through dreams/nightmares, no?

As for how they managed to communicate using the phone...that's likely a mystery that's going to be explained later on (unless of course, the simple explanation is that the Syndicate is not just composed of the living dead, but live players who are sympathetic to their cause...that or a complicated explanation involving the internet, dead spirits touching exit portals, and said dead spirits being limited in contacting people through external means using said internet (i.e. headset with communicator, phone).

That, or one of my theories is true, that Eternum is bleeding through Kredon somehow, and this allows the people from the other side to be able to send their message without having to jump through hoops to send it).
There is another secret ending in OiaL where you wake up and found that all of that was a "bug" in Eternum and in some forums they said that there is a rumor about sharing memories and that's what happened to you.
So, Astaroth being in Eternum plane? He probably don't exist at all, because same setting but different history and non related. Stabby Mike is just an internal joke.

But yeah, maybe one day she will travel to our world. But the import point is: what is our "world"?
If we are in Matrix here and Eternum is just code, she can't travel.
If we are in the fake world and Eternum is the real one, she will probably be able.
If there are parallel worlds or planes or something like that... it's hard to say because it depends on the rules. If Eternum isn't a plane with matter it's hard to travel to one world that has.

The thing with NPCs it's that is hard to believe all of them are the same thing. Some look programmed but others look a lot more real. This point is why I believe some are npcs crafted by an AI and others are a form of life beings (maybe more complex AI).

If, as you said, this sign
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it's to contact us... it looks too much. This changes a lot, and remember it was your first day and it's a lot of coincidence that someone knew you would pass through that place (this could be easy explained with the time loop theory). So if they are trying to contact others makes more sense (like other players).
This is why Im more inclined to think of them as hackers from our world with, maybe, some connections with AI in Eternum. But as I said, it all depends in what is Eternum and what are npcs.

It was revealed by someone in the Ulysses party that NPCs have a neural implant that control their behavior (and could be acting as an inhibitor collar that prevents them from doing shit). It was also revealed by said someone that the neural implant could be hacked so that NPCs could do all sorts of behavior that they would not likely want to do (i.e. having sex with players).

Assuming that the "NPCs are the consciousness of dead people trapped in Eternum through excommunication" theory is true, then taking off the neural implant from an NPC would likely result to them going batshit crazy once they realize their status ( ). Another theory is that the ones who managed to have their implants removed (either by accident or by some YOLO player who does things for science) and have...well, accepted their status as deceased have formed the Syndicate, probably in the hopes of taking the fight to Ulysses since whatever the corporation has done to them is still keeping them bound to Eternum and not allowing them to pass over to the afterlife (which is likely where the issue of Acheron being sealed until the ten gems are found/gates are opened by Calypso comes into play).

They said that, but at the same time maybe they think all npcs are the same. Remember it was said that the Founder created all, and they think Eternum is just a game, so maybe they are referring to Praetorian, Idriel, and other npcs like maids there. But as I said before, some doesn't act like npcs, and that bug difference doesn't make a lot of sense.

But here I'll take with the theory of dead consciences.
It's rare. Because in the beginning you would need people entering in an empty game to be excommunicated just to have npcs at all later. So if that was because of experiments taking place secretly, then could be, but again why no one says "hey, I know that person".
But at the same time makes a lot of sense in 0.4 when we think of what Axel saw. If he saw his friend and that was the thing that tried to say makes a good and interesting theory.

I rerply with a list of points, in order to be more concise.

1) Eternum is a Caribdis' game and if there is a thing in which he is very good, that is make a mess with our expectations.
2) It was stated that Calypso wasn't ready to be free, so we can assume something went wrong with her programming; maybe she has a too strong and independent will.
3) In a server Orion, Annie and Luna have discussed about the fact the various Eternum's NPCs don't act like the other games' NPCs, but more like real human beings, so it is possible all the Eternum's NPCs aren't aware of the fact they are AI.
4) In truth we don't know nothing about the reality of Eternum, because Caribdis loves very much disguise the truth behind a lot of misleading hints.
5) "More real than the life itself" can be a simply commercial, used by the Ulysses Syndicate to promote Eternum.

My theory is Eternum is an actual RPG in which the NPCs are AIs so evolved to have gained the self-awareness and some of them want to be free from the constrains imposed by the Eternum's OS; do you remember the phone call that Orion has received in the train station and the various Orion's dreams?
But again we don't know anything about what Caribdis is actually plotting, if not a bunch of confused and misleading hint, so I may be wrong. The only thing I can say for sure is, all other theories I'm able to elaborate are more based on my speculations and less grounded on the facts we actually know.
When you are programing, there has no sense to give a false background. If Calypso is a weapon of Atlas why dont use a background with that at least?
Maybe Calypso is real and they were trying to erase her memory?
All the time they are giving hints about how Eternum is more than just a game so it's hard to forget that and think of it as just marketing.

About the Alien situation, I didn't see much of those movies so I don't know if it was some dreaming connection in them, but for the game I think that they are connected before the "game" itself existed (and he says it too so this breaks the possibility of Eternum being just a game) and when we dream we extract info from Eternum and use it as inspiration. So someone slept and saw flashes of Aliens and they made the movie in our world, but that was because que can take hints or flashes from there.[/spoiler]


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
When you are programing, there has no sense to give a false background. If Calypso is a weapon of Atlas why dont use a background with that at least?
Maybe Calypso is real and they were trying to erase her memory?
All the time they are giving hints about how Eternum is more than just a game so it's hard to forget that and think of it as just marketing.
Maybe you are right or maybe the Weapon of Atlas were created to free the Eternum's AIs from the constrains imposed them. Basically it is a concept similar to the one of Ghost in the Shell, in which there is an AI (the Master of Puppet) which gained self-awareness and started a fight to free himself from its programmers. We simply don't know the truth and it is too early to understand what Caribdis is actually doing, so I don't want bother all of you with a detailed explanation of my thoughts.
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Engaged Member
May 21, 2017
There is another secret ending in OiaL where you wake up and found that all of that was a "bug" in Eternum and in some forums they said that there is a rumor about sharing memories and that's what happened to you.
So, Astaroth being in Eternum plane? He probably don't exist at all, because same setting but different history and non related. Stabby Mike is just an internal joke.
I feel like out of all the endings, that one was just placed there by Caribdis as a sort of tease for Eternum. Besides the canonicity of that ending is already sus given that a lot of information in that ending contradicts stuff that's already happening currently (i.e. Orion playing through the memories of OIAL's MC when the neural implant and game itself doesn't work like that; That ending contradicting the fact that Stabby Mike survived the Astaroth encounter and became President; That ending not having the YOU HAVE DIED screen from Ulysses considering that OIAL's MC is implied to have died in that ending).

Also, Caribdis has already said that the Harem Ending is the canonical ending, so there's that (though that doesn't mean that we can just discount some of the lore info from the other endings as non-canon, given that some of them could likely be plausible, like Calypso being namedropped in one of the bad endings).

The thing with NPCs it's that is hard to believe all of them are the same thing. Some look programmed but others look a lot more real. This point is why I believe some are npcs crafted by an AI and others are a form of life beings (maybe more complex AI).
They said that, but at the same time maybe they think all npcs are the same. Remember it was said that the Founder created all, and they think Eternum is just a game, so maybe they are referring to Praetorian, Idriel, and other npcs like maids there. But as I said before, some doesn't act like npcs, and that bug difference doesn't make a lot of sense.
That's why I distinctly separate NPCs from natives, and maybe I should've clarified that. "NPCs," for me, are those found throughout the "servers" of Eternum that aid the players by providing quests and the like. They're the ones acknowledging the player presence in a helpful manner, almost to a subservient degree, and are only antagonistic if they are programmed as enemies for quests and the like (or if the player is doing something that breaks TOS, in which case they basically call the Praetorians to take care of said player). Back when the game started I've also wondered what separated an NPC from a player, but as of 0.4 we at least have an answer: they also happen to have a neural implant, but instead of acting as the means of being able to access Eternum, these implants control their behavior instead.

Also, it's implied that either some or all of them happen to wear the faces of/are actually dead people (see: Axel's deceased friend Ben sharing the same face of an NPC waiter in the Ulysses party)

"Natives" are creatures or individuals that I classify as beings that may look like an NPC...but there's evidence that they aren't. Calypso is one. The Proto-Xenomorphs/Aliens from the Andromeda server are another. Idriel is likely another candidate (given that I'm expecting a twist development from her in the future). I say "native" because there's evidence to suggest that they were not programmed/designed by Ulysses, but that they actually existed in Eternum long before the game became a thing.

The wildcards here are members of "The Syndicate," since they could be players or could be freed NPCs (or both).

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...and it just so happens that those two look and act like the textbook definition of ghosts (complete with disappearing act after they deliver their message and creepy ass music whenever they appear...just plain nope material if you ask me) than actual players (though you could argue that maybe that's just their signature garb/thing). Whatever the case, I expect that the reveal of their nature is likely soon, given that the plot is likely going to escalate now that the Founder is making his move.

It's rare. Because in the beginning you would need people entering in an empty game to be excommunicated just to have npcs at all later. So if that was because of experiments taking place secretly, then could be, but again why no one says "hey, I know that person".
Eternum is a vast place so it's quite possible for relatives or friends of the deceased to not even meet the NPC that has the appearance of said deceased player. That, and NPCs can be quite different in terms of behavior which could mask their appearance/presence upon first meeting (and could be a possible explanation why Orion didn't react when the NPC with Ben's face appeared during the Ulysses meeting...that, or Orion is just dumb).

There's also the possibility that the brainwashing from excommunication might not be instantaneous, and that the excommunicated individual could be spirited away somewhere for "reprogramming" before they could be placed back into Eternum (maybe a hidden "prison" server, perhaps? If so, I'll laugh if said server happens to be named "Tartarus" and we find ourselves there for plot reasons).
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Apr 18, 2021
Maybe you are right or maybe the Weapon of Atlas were created to free the Eternum's AIs from the constrains imposed them. Basically it is a concept similar to the one of Ghost in the Shell, in which there is an AI (the Master of Puppet) which gained self-awareness and started a fight to free himself from its programmers. We simply don't know the truth and it is too early to understand what Caribdis is actually doing, so I don't want bother all of you with a detailed explanation of my thoughts.
Lovely movie. And i like your idea. I'm inclined to think that Hyas and Dione were created for us to found the Gems, probably the Founder trying to give us something to complete the task quickly (because the only one that can really use a weapon and keep it it has to be a good player). And about Calypso, I believe that she did exist before, but they are trying to use her (provable because of her bloodline) as a weapon to open Acheron (maybe only someone that can control portal magic or has her bloodline can open it) because they can't use her or something like that, and that's why they were trying to make us use as a weapon.

About why she wasn't ready I like to think that the 3 weapons were in some point Alice, but they concerted them in objects or contained them. And they were trying to do it with Calypso too but we found it before that happened.

But if you want to write more about your theory I'll like to read it. Its always interesting to discuss this and to find something we may have missed (like yesterday when someone posted about a servant being really similar to Benjamín, and that dropped my jaw hahaha)


May 28, 2022
The visual on this game is fucking-A-mazing, probably the best i've seen around F95, its a dammn shame u only allow 2 signature, tho i swear i have seen ppl with 3-4 signature before, with animated signature that roll through lots of different games , or else i would've put the entire cast of Eternum into my signature field. hard to pick your best girl when everyone is such eye candy, can anyone suggest me some more game with new graphics and visual like this, preferably have at least a few hours content at least as i dont want things to end too fast.
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Apr 18, 2021
The visual on this game is fucking-A-mazing, probably the best i've seen around F95, its a dammn shame u only allow 2 signature, tho i swear i have seen ppl with 3-4 signature before, with animated signature that roll through lots of different games , or else i would've put the entire cast of Eternum into my signature field. hard to pick your best girl when everyone is such eye candy, can anyone suggest me some more game with new graphics and visual like this, preferably have at least a few hours content at least as i dont want things to end too fast.
You edited your message but if you still need the signatures there you have some.

About others recommendations I'll DM you to avoid going off topic here.
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An known

Active Member
Sep 16, 2021
I feel like out of all the endings, that one was just placed there by Caribdis as a sort of tease for Eternum. Besides the canonicity of that ending is already sus given that a lot of information in that ending contradicts stuff that's already happening currently (i.e. Orion playing through the memories of OIAL's MC when the neural implant and game itself doesn't work like that; That ending contradicting the fact that Stabby Mike survived the Astaroth encounter and became President; That ending not having the YOU HAVE DIED screen from Ulysses considering that OIAL's MC is implied to have died in that ending).

Also, Caribdis has already said that the Harem Ending is the canonical ending, so there's that (though that doesn't mean that we can just discount some of the lore info from the other endings as non-canon, given that some of them could likely be plausible, like Calypso being namedropped in one of the bad endings).

That's why I distinctly separate NPCs from natives, and maybe I should've clarified that. "NPCs," for me, are those found throughout the "servers" of Eternum that aid the players by providing quests and the like. They're the ones acknowledging the player presence in a helpful manner, almost to a subservient degree, and are only antagonistic if they are programmed as enemies for quests and the like (or if the player is doing something that breaks TOS, in which case they basically call the Praetorians to take care of said player). Back when the game started I've also wondered what separated an NPC from a player, but as of 0.4 we at least have an answer: they also happen to have a neural implant, but instead of acting as the means of being able to access Eternum, these implants control their behavior instead.

Also, it's implied that either some or all of them happen to wear the faces of/are actually dead people (see: Axel's deceased friend Ben sharing the same face of an NPC waiter in the Ulysses party)

"Natives" are creatures or individuals that I classify as beings that may look like an NPC...but there's evidence that they aren't. Calypso is one. The Proto-Xenomorphs/Aliens from the Andromeda server are another. Idriel is likely another candidate (given that I'm expecting a twist development from her in the future). I say "native" because there's evidence to suggest that they were not programmed/designed by Ulysses, but that they actually existed in Eternum long before the game became a thing.

The wildcards here are members of "The Syndicate," since they could be players or could be freed NPCs (or both).

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...and it just so happens that those two look and act like the textbook definition of ghosts (complete with disappearing act after they deliver their message and creepy ass music whenever they appear...just plain nope material if you ask me) than actual players (though you could argue that maybe that's just their signature garb/thing). Whatever the case, I expect that the reveal of their nature is likely soon, given that the plot is likely going to escalate now that the Founder is making his move.

Eternum is a vast place so it's quite possible for relatives or friends of the deceased to not even meet the NPC that has the appearance of said deceased player. That, and NPCs can be quite different in terms of behavior which could mask their appearance/presence upon first meeting (and could be a possible explanation why Orion didn't react when the NPC with Ben's face appeared during the Ulysses meeting...that, or Orion is just dumb).

There's also the possibility that the brainwashing from excommunication might not be instantaneous, and that the excommunicated individual could be spirited away somewhere for "reprogramming" before they could be placed back into Eternum (maybe a hidden "prison" server, perhaps? If so, I'll laugh if said server happens to be named "Tartarus" and we find ourselves there for plot reasons).
There could be a chance that Idriel, Praetorians, and also the Founder didn't know anything what's happening behind the Eternum (knowing that the Founder can be replaced by the person who collected all the Gems of Doom), Idriel mentioned that The Founder is just a man
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By stating this there could be chances that The Founder also trying to know the what could be the secrets of Eternum (knowing that the Founder could be just a scapegoat stated by Orion before the ending of 0.4). The Praetorians could be also an insider that controls the flow of Eternum and being the Eternum Police and give them the privilege to kill anyone from the game. And why would Idriel say that Calypso is obtainable if She was still not ready from being used? (we all know only the Praetorians said that Calypso isn't ready yet, there could be a reason that they trying to fully control Calypso knowing that Calypso was imprisoned not created) She also stated that she created the Weapon of Atlas and if it's then she could be the one will say that Calypso isn't ready. (also if Calypso was a "Native" of Eternum there is a chance Idriel is lying about creating Calypso I mean how would she create Calypso if Calypso is a "native"? Is she her Mother or something. Yeah... but we could also say that she was created from a code or some shit)

My theory is someone is manipulating Eternum from behind that Idriel didn't know, The Founder didn't know, The Praetorians...(maybe they know). There's also a small chance that knowing that Eternum is somehow connected to OIAL there is a chance that "inroth" are the one behind the killing and converting dead people to NPC (knowing that Astaroth's objective is to become a God) and they were also hinted that they are still a part of the game as being almost mentioned and ...
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being in a "FUCKING NEWSPAPER" and not just a newspaper but not just a normal newspaper it a newspaper from Eternum which is from the game I mean if they exist in real life (from stating that there is a cult and a group named Son of... a bitch? jk "Astaroth") what is the reason behind being in the ingame(newspaper) and real life are they trying to do something or they could be behind all of the reason of the weird things happening to Eternum we didn't know.(and we didn't see death scene of Astaroth soo... maybe his still alive?)


Active Member
Sep 26, 2020
The sequence was always head. Where you distracted by our gracious lounge host? :D Understandable. She threw the coin several time. I counted more the 4, i believe it was 6 over all and she always got head. I took an interest because shots 3 or 4 is when you expect to have head at last 1 different outcome because the chance become very narrow. Let's say she took 6 shots. To have all heads is a probability of 1 on 64, rather narrow. The sense of the scene, i think, is that something is off with statistics at that moment. Rigged if you wish. But somehow adding Orion in the equation promotes the change that breaks the rule, somehow. If he makes the right choices.
Probability and randomness are weird. No matter how many times you flip a coin, the chance of heads is always 50%. So while the base probability of 6 heads in a row is, I believe, correctly stated as 1/64, if you've had 5 heads in a row the chances of the next flip being heads is still 50% – this is not affected by the preceding results.

Interestingly, the more times you flip, the higher the chance of a longer streak of the same result. I.e., the chance of a repeating sequence changes depending on how many times you perform the action (while the chance of any individual result of a single flip remains static at 50%.) If you flip 20 times, in about 45% of cases you will get a streak of four. This is based on the number of permutations of results: 45% of permutations of 20 contain a streak of four. To get a similar chance of 7 in a row (44%) you'd need to flip 150 times. This shows that the common assumptions we might make – such as the probability of a streak continuing being affected by how long it's been running, or that the chance of a repeating sequence of a given length is static – are not necessarily accurate.

(this has nothing much to do with the game, but I think it's fascinating)

Naturally, in a world which has people in control of certain aspects, it's possible that the result was being manipulated. But it could also just happen.


Active Member
Aug 18, 2021
My theory so far is that the Founder had a wife that was about to die (our world), so he followed some kind of myth and went to Greek temples and found the Gems of Doom. But he couldn't save her in time, so he used the power to create a path to this plane called Eternum because he wanted to recreate her or something like that. As a GM he created some stuff like a game, but he probably lost the power once used and needs other one to gather all again.
So maybe you are the chosen one (because you don't want power for bad reasons) or maybe you are the son of the Founder and her wife, so everytime you die or failed they restart everything with the Gems. And the Syndicate could be the bad ones or someone that were with the Founder in some time but then fractioned (the know about the loops).

But I don't have a lot of info to support my
craziness, YET.
I think the founder didn't hide the gems of doom. He knew about dimensionsional travel, found out about the gems and build eternum in response.
The point of the game around the gems is that now he has millions of people searching the gems of doom for him and even paying for the privilege.
I don't think finding the gems of doom will actually he a good think and the founder trying to do whatever he is trying to do with them will be the final villain.
They are named 'Gems of DOOM', I think it's fairly obvious that they are not necessarily a good thing.
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Apr 18, 2021
There could be a chance that Idriel, Praetorians, and also the Founder didn't know anything what's happening behind the Eternum (knowing that the Founder can be replaced by the person who collected all the Gems of Doom), Idriel mentioned that The Founder is just a man
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By stating this there could be chances that The Founder also trying to know the what could be the secrets of Eternum (knowing that the Founder could be just a scapegoat stated by Orion before the ending of 0.4). The Praetorians could be also an insider that controls the flow of Eternum and being the Eternum Police and give them the privilege to kill anyone from the game. And why would Idriel say that Calypso is obtainable if She was still not ready from being used? (we all know only the Praetorians said that Calypso isn't ready yet, there could be a reason that they trying to fully control Calypso knowing that Calypso was imprisoned not created) She also stated that she created the Weapon of Atlas and if it's then she could be the one will say that Calypso isn't ready. (also if Calypso was a "Native" of Eternum there is a chance Idriel is lying about creating Calypso I mean how would she create Calypso if Calypso is a "native"? Is she her Mother or something. Yeah... but we could also say that she was created from a code or some shit)

My theory is someone is manipulating Eternum from behind that Idriel didn't know, The Founder didn't know, The Praetorians...(maybe they know). There's also a small chance that knowing that Eternum is somehow connected to OIAL there is a chance that "inroth" are the one behind the killing and converting dead people to NPC (knowing that Astaroth's objective is to become a God) and they were also hinted that they are still a part of the game as being almost mentioned and ...
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being in a "FUCKING NEWSPAPER" and not just a newspaper but not just a normal newspaper it a newspaper from Eternum which is from the game I mean if they exist in real life (from stating that there is a cult and a group named Son of... a bitch? jk "Astaroth") what is the reason behind being in the ingame(newspaper) and real life are they trying to do something or they could be behind all of the reason of the weird things happening to Eternum we didn't know.(and we didn't see death scene of Astaroth soo... maybe his still alive?)

Lets see. About the Founder being "just a man"... well, clearly he doesnt look like it. The Praetorians are under his control as he said at the end of 0.4, and he has info that players have not (like the weapons you found, or the ones related to you). He looks inaccessible in the "real" world so MAYBE he is an AI or for some reason he cant be found (in our world).

So its hard to say he doesnt know whats happening behind Eternum. I can believe that Idriel doesnt know, because she didnt say anithing after your party hacked they way into Ogigia, or after you found Calypso or had a Gem of Doom (the first one). She knew about the second one for obvious reasons (someone "lost it" and at the same time she had to givo you an invitation to you). So, its hard to say how much she know or doesnt know but at least Ill give her the benefit of the doubt in some info.

About Calypso being "not ready", its hard to say. I think that if there are 3 weapons of Atlas, even if they are not ready its something you need to tell to players, even when in your plans you want to control the third one (Calypso) to give it to players or something. A possibility here is that they were trying to give it to Thanatos only, because how he entered Ogigia but couldnt leave? there is a chance that he isnt a hacker and he was able to enter becase Founder, Idriel, or Praetorinas allowed it, but after they were killed he was left there without a way to leave.
Another theory could be they wanted to convert Calypso to a weapon form so it would be "used" in the way they want without her causing problems at will (she knows too much maybe). Remember the Syndicate said she was the key to open the doors of Acheron. This is why I think the Immortals (lets say Founder and others) wanted access to that place but for some reason they cant open it, so, if Calypso is a key, and the gems another one, if Calypso is a weapon and they can cantrol de player that uses it and the one that has the gems maybe the will win what the want there and the player wins something in our wolrd? This makes some sense when you think about Thanatos always finding the gems wherever they are, and maybe why he is immortal too.

About "creating" Calypso, maybe Idriel meaning of that word is about converting here into some kind of weapon, like when you prepare someone for a specific destiny. Or maybe it was a lie, it isnt hard to belive the will lie to us hahaha.

About the newspaper, remember that it was a game event. So he found info about the event like the npc or the pictures or the phone call. Its like every game that lefts info for you to understand context, nothing more.
About the jokes and references to OiaL, well, its like easter eggs, funny hidden jokes or references about other games, like Alien, movies like Ocenas Twelve, or even Gladiator. Its nothing more than a reference or a joke, but Caribdis said that this is the same setting as OiaL but its not a secuel or something strickly related.


Engaged Member
May 21, 2017
There could be a chance that Idriel, Praetorians, and also the Founder didn't know anything what's happening behind the Eternum (knowing that the Founder can be replaced by the person who collected all the Gems of Doom), Idriel mentioned that The Founder is just a man
I wouldn't trust anything that's coming from that woman's mouth since the things that were revealed as of late has made it clear that she's lying by omission. She said you couldn't sleep with an NPC. Well, technically yes. But if you hack through an NPC's neural implant you could. She said excommunication is basically a permaban...and to be fair, it is. She also failed to mention that the reason that it's a permaban is because it fucking kills your physical body in the process and (possibly) turn your consciousness into that villager in a random town in a random server that no sane person would ever visit because its boring and only boring people go there. She said she created the Weapons of Atlas...and yet she couldn't disclose to Orion what Calypso is. And when you do find Calypso...well, guess what? She's a person with a past that's being guarded by Praetorians in a secret server who isn't supposed to be found yet and they're preventing you from getting her because...what, they weren't done getting her ready? Maybe not done with brainwashing her for player use? Huh, maybe Idriel should've fucking mentioned that...oh wait, she didn't.

My theory is someone is manipulating Eternum from behind that Idriel didn't know, The Founder didn't know, The Praetorians...(maybe they know). There's also a small chance that knowing that Eternum is somehow connected to OIAL there is a chance that "inroth" are the one behind the killing and converting dead people to NPC (knowing that Astaroth's objective is to become a God) and they were also hinted that they are still a part of the game as being almost mentioned and ...
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being in a "FUCKING NEWSPAPER" and not just a newspaper but not just a normal newspaper it a newspaper from Eternum which is from the game I mean if they exist in real life (from stating that there is a cult and a group named Son of... a bitch? jk "Astaroth") what is the reason behind being in the ingame(newspaper) and real life are they trying to do something or they could be behind all of the reason of the weird things happening to Eternum we didn't know.(and we didn't see death scene of Astaroth soo... maybe his still alive?)

I said it before and I'll say it again: I don't think the SoA or Astaroth are involved in this story. They're being referenced, sure. But like the Darci and Moon cameos in OIAL, I don't think they're anything more than that. If anything, this just reinforces the fact that yes, this game takes place after OIAL. Yes, the Sons are fucked now that a lot of people know of their existence (as opposed to back in OIAL where they have the power and influence to keep themselves hidden in the shadows and stay that way). Furthermore, everything that is happening in Eternum's story doesn't sound like the SoA/Astaroth. I mean, sure, you could argue that they may have switched tactics. But like they say, "a tiger cannot change his stripes." And Astaroth wears his stripes with fucking pride (which is what lead to his defeat in the first place: all throughout OIAL he was too proud in thinking that the MC has no hopes of defeating him so he tries to corrupt him into joining his side until it was too late...but such is the nature of demons, I suppose).

Not to mention that the entire premise of the game is about trying to solve the mysteries surrounding the nature of Ulysses, Eternum, the excommunications, et cetera. Bringing back an old foe that we already know much about and that the current player character doesn't even have a connection with just feels like a big disconnect IMO. Better to have an antagonist that's tailored for Orion and for what the story is going for, IMO.

As for the theory that someone other than Ulysses is manipulating things from behind the scenes...current story trajectory doesn't seem to support it (though who knows? That may change in the future). Not to mention that we already have too many players in the board - from Orion's crew to the Syndicate to the Lady in Black to Ulysses/the Board of Directors to the Founder to Idriel to fucking Thanatos - that adding a hidden player would feel like an unnecessary complication at best.
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Apr 18, 2021
I wouldn't trust anything that's coming from that woman's mouth since the things that were revealed as of late has made it clear that she's lying by omission. She said you couldn't sleep with an NPC. Well, technically yes. But if you hack through an NPC's neural implant you could. She said excommunication is basically a permaban...and to be fair, it is. She also failed to mention that the reason that it's a permaban is because it fucking kills your physical body in the process and (possibly) turn your consciousness into that villager in a random town in a random server that no sane person would ever visit because its boring and only boring people go there. She said she created the Weapons of Atlas...and yet she couldn't disclose to Orion what Calypso is. And when you do find Calypso...well, guess what? She's a person with a past that's being guarded by Praetorians in a secret server who isn't supposed to be found yet and they're preventing you from getting her because...what, they weren't done getting her ready? Maybe not done with brainwashing her for player use? Huh, maybe Idriel should've fucking mentioned that...oh wait, she didn't.


I said it before and I'll say it again: I don't think the SoA or Astaroth are involved in this story. They're being referenced, sure. But like the Darci and Moon cameos in OIAL, I don't think they're anything more than that. If anything, this just reinforces the fact that yes, this game takes place after OIAL. Yes, the Sons are fucked now that a lot of people know of their existence (as opposed to back in OIAL where they have the power and influence to keep themselves hidden in the shadows and stay that way). Furthermore, everything that is happening in Eternum's story doesn't sound like the SoA/Astaroth. I mean, sure, you could argue that they may have switched tactics. But like they say, "a tiger cannot change his stripes." And Astaroth wears his stripes with fucking pride (which is what lead to his defeat in the first place: all throughout OIAL he was too proud in thinking that the MC has no hopes of defeating him so he tries to corrupt him into joining his side until it was too late...but such is the nature of demons, I suppose).

Not to mention that the entire premise of the game is about trying to solve the mysteries surrounding the nature of Ulysses, Eternum, the excommunications, et cetera. Bringing back an old foe that we already know much about and that the current player character doesn't even have a connection with just feels like a big disconnect IMO. Better to have an antagonist that's tailored for Orion and for what the story is going for, IMO.

As for the theory that someone other than Ulysses is manipulating things from behind the scenes...current story trajectory doesn't seem to support it (though who knows? That may change in the future). Not to mention that we already have too many players in the board - from Orion's crew to the Syndicate to the Lady in Black to Ulysses/the Board of Directors to the Founder to Idriel to fucking Thanatos - that adding a hidden player would feel like an unnecessary complication at best.
I dont know if Idriel is bad or just isnt allowed to talk (but trying). She said "This time... it will be the right one" insinuating something already, the also said maybe we are not doing the correct questions when we implied she wasnt useful at all. So, maybe Founder or her programmation doesnt allow her to say more? And what of the "dark Idriel"
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? why he saw that the moment we managed to control our power? and why the woman in dark dress from our nightmares has a really similar hair cut to Idriel?


Engaged Member
Apr 7, 2020
Naturally, in a world which has people in control of certain aspects, it's possible that the result was being manipulated. But it could also just happen.
About this. There are gambling machines in Italy, and i guess pretty much everywhere, that you usually find in coffee bars or dedicated places. I don't know the english name of it, we just call them Video Poker. They are like slot machines, but entirely software and with a poker logic behind the combination.

Now... What a colossal moron one have to be to play to one of those traps? I mean, i'm sure they are all regular and in line with the law, and if they get rigged it's a serious fellony, but the point is: You don't need to rig them at all.

The reason why "the House always wins" in the casinos is not because there is a scam behind. It's just because how statistisc works. Again, i don't know the english name of it and i don't want to check, but in Italian it is called something like "Fair Games Theory", which simply states that for a game to be 'Fair' what you win should be what you bet multiplied for the reciprocate of the winning chance. Easy example: Are we flipping a coin? then you should win twice what you bet. But in casinò games you don't win that. You win 'a little bit less' and it's legal and how the system works.

So, basically, since the more you try the more the statistical result nears the perfect average, the more people play at the casino, the more the wins near the average, minus, the little bit less you don't get when you win. That little bit less is what makes casinos rich, on busy nights.

But still, as a single player you can have you lucky strike and win big. Because, as Quorkboy correctly pointed, the chance of each coin flip, isolated, is still 50%.

So, why video poker are 'traps'? Because a softwer can produce and very likely is made to produce exact sequences, not random sequence (or pseudo-random, being progams).

So a video poker don't have that rare lucky night where someone breaks the casino. And the more you play the more you can be confident that your overall balance, as a player, will be a loss.


Active Member
May 29, 2017
Nevertheless, looking beyond the surface, there's a darker side to this pretty facade: black markets, torture, rape, illegal content trafficking, unlawful assemblies, data theft… Eternum follows the rules of no man.
Still waiting for this part! ;D I also saw something about choice being a factor in the description for doing these things..... Is rape, torture, etc. still planned for the game?
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