VN - Ren'Py - Eternum [v0.7.5 Public] [Caribdis]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my first review on this page, because I really felt that need to comment on that. The images and general premise has put me off before I even started, but Lord was I wrong. This is something different.
    Eternum takes the general inspiration of SAO anime (That;s how I see it) and tweaks it to fit it's need, and believe me - it works.

    What really surprised me is the production value, I have never seen that clever usage of RenPy features before and sound with 3Dmodels. It is a textbook example on how to use those in VN. Subtle sound effects are just perfect. I wish I knew how to handle it as well as the creator(s).

    It starts out pretty normally and defends itself with interesting characters and witty dialogue. It needs to be stressed that the the sexual themes are leveraged in favor of the narrative, not the other why around. Neither is lacking, but it takes it's time and the reward is a well structured, engaging story. To my absolute surprise - I laughed - the jokes are well placed and everything in the medium is used to amplify them. As my boy Todd would say "It just works".

    Sometimes it does try to take itself too seriously, but it is all overshadowed by the instances where it takes risks and the payoff is great. There are some choices that don't seem to have a real impact in the game, but how they are presented deserves a praise. (
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    ) is a marvelous example of such clever writing. For me this is where the game shines.

    Strongly recommended. If not for the story then how to actually write VNs with these tools.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably among the very best adult VN around there, it has everything : a good story, great characters, great animations and even some voice acting, it is truly a gem and I can't wait to see more of it.
    I also recommend their other game, Once in a lifetime, altho less incredible than this one, but still a very solid VN.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Greatest AVN I've ever played so far, GOATED. The premise is already solid but the quality kept improving the more I played, from the story, to the sex scenes, and character development. The humor is great and everything is very modern. If you didn't like honey select style, I think you should still give it a chance.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent story and graphics. A really fun game with good characters even if their progression is a little linear. The game makes up for this with great dialog that is even very funny in places. Great art and fantastic worlds to visit. The ambiance varies from happy to mysterious to eerie horror with some gore in battles. Some nice pop culture references and scenes from movies like Alien and Oceans 11. A truely great game overall.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    When I first started this game last week, I wanted to quit again immediately: The art style and the MC turned me off and - to be honest - looked like crap. But I stayed for the writing (it helped that the introduction was funny) and boy, I'm glad I did. It didn't took that long until I was totally hooked and the artstyle got better over time as well (especially the MC, at this point he looks like a complete different person). But yeah, this is one of the stories I would read even without pictures (and/or sex scenes) as it is truly entertaining and amazing. After I finally caught up now, I can't wait for the next update.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Eternum" stands out as an exemplary blend of stunning graphics, captivating plot, and intricately designed character models, culminating in an unparalleled gaming experience. This game transports players into a world that sets new standards in both visual and narrative aspects.
    The graphics of "Eternum" are breathtaking. Every detail, from the vivid landscapes to the meticulously crafted character models, is realized with utmost care and artistry. This visual presentation creates a more immersive experience, drawing the player directly into the game’s world.
    In terms of plot, "Eternum" excels with a complex and profound story that takes players on an emotional roller coaster. The narrative is rich with twists and turns, often leaving the player in awe, thereby intensifying engagement and connection to the game.
    The character models and their development throughout the game are another standout feature. Each character is uniquely and thoroughly conceived, with their own backstories seamlessly integrated into the main narrative. This depth fosters a strong connection between the player and the characters, adding an additional layer to the gaming experience.
    Overall, "Eternum" is a masterpiece that redefines the boundaries of what is possible in a video game. It is a must-play for anyone who appreciates deep stories and visually impressive games. "Eternum" is not just a game; it is an experience that hopefully lingers in memory long after the gameplay ends.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Exciting in every way.

    Anyone who's a fan of animes like Sword Art Online, or just sci-fi and mmorpgs, will probably enjoy the story of Eternum. It's about a fully immersive mmorpg with a Willy Wonka twist. In addition to this central plot, the world-selecting mechanic of the video game they're playing allows the author to do some fun, episodic genre switching for each character arc. You might log in with one character for a sexy beach episode, or a dungeon delve with another, or a spooky mystery quest with another character.

    While I'm sure the author has a fixed destination in mind, the premise of this story means that there's almost no limit to how many settings you can explore, and how long this saga can go on while still keeping an audience entertained. Eternum truly is an epic story.

    Erotically, this game is a harem builder, told in a slow burn, and I will say that I think eroticism/romance is one of this game's weaker points. For example, it seems like a giant plot hole that the MC is romancing so many characters that have close relationships to each other, without them finding out, and I have no idea how this won't eventually blow up in the MCs face without some pornographic deus ex machina.

    Additionally, even though many of the scenes are indeed spicy due to an excellent buildup of romantic and sexual tension, there's something inherently less impactful about them when they take place inside Eternum.--It almost feels more like mutual masturbation than sex.

    Still, I can't think of a single thing that would hold me back from giving this game 5 stars. The story's just too damned fun. Highly recommend.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    One of most popular 3dcg games on this site and overall, one of first games that i've seen more than a year ago when i made account on this site. It took me some time to try this game, as usually i dont like 3dcg games, they are repetive and focused more on story than any gameplay. I had fun with other games like this so i wanted to give this one a try.

    First of all im aware this game has good renders, enjoyable story and decent sound effect for a 3dcg. All of this is on at least 4/5 star level. I liked Alien story and somewhat enjoyed the game. I could talk more whats good but honestly every single person in reviews mentions same thing so i would rather focus on more spicy things, like what sucks about this product. And im not amateur that gonna enjoy few good renders and call game a 5 star.

    - game teases you with pregnancy content but has none - im sorry but this is just cheap low tier bait, game is in development for very long time and it has only 1 creampie scene and its not even close to any content of that kind. Sure, maybe dev will add it later but why even mention it when development will take years? I find it disappointing.

    - choices doesnt matter - in at least 90% of options literally doesnt matter what you pick, its just cheap illusion of choice, well known in games in any kind. Still i would rather have less content but well made than pseudo choices that end up the same way. A good example would be Alien scene where we had option to plant bomb, give egg, free scientist and all of it didnt matter, ship blowed anyway and we "died" in eternum. So why even make this options? to make cheap illusion for a player, i guess most of them wont check if other options are better or worse so its a win for dev.

    - all girls look almost the same - yeah i know they have different hair color and one has eye patch, such a diversity! But seriously, girl faces look extremly similar, they are pretty but it was hard for me to remember which one is which. Somehow i didnt had any problem when i played for example Harem Hotel.

    - game copies content from other games/movies - yeah sure, everyone does that more or less. Still im not a big fan when every chapter of the game is from something else with stolen jokes/humor/atmosphere. Why not something orginal? Does almost everything has to be taken from something else? I mean its for sure easier, and i guess it somehow works cus this game has high score. People are like OH MY GOD ITS ROBOT FROM NIER AUTOMATA, INSTANT 5 STAR DUUUH.

    - some of decisions around affection are extremly silly -Ok, for example last episode that was available in this version we went to a sick girl to cheer her up, we played eternum and then we had 3 dialogue options. One was asking to stay in for a night, one to say girl is pretty and one that we enjoyed playing game with her. What the hell? Why is third option the only good one, after playing eternum with that girl and experiencing all that happened, to bang her we really had to say "it was cool playing with you"? I just dont get that logic, its too silly for me im sorry.

    Anyways, i wrote too much. Its just hard for this type of games for me to enjoy when many things are a bait or silly story. And honestly it doesnt matter, its just an H game and i spend half hour on a review for no reason.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Caribdis is probably the best at making these games with amazing renders, well-written characters, and intriguing stories. If you liked Once for a Lifetime, you gonna have this game. improvements across the board in every regard. Also, these two games have insanely good jokes while also having decently serious moments.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Eternum is a gaming gem that effortlessly combines in-depth characteristics, a rich story, and beautiful graphics to deliver an exceptional experience. The game's intricate characteristics offer players a depth seldom seen, providing diverse love stories and ensuring lasting appeal. The rich narrative is a captivating journey, full of twists and turns that keep players enthralled. Complemented by beautiful graphics, the game's visuals are nothing short of stunning, immersing players in a visually breathtaking world. In summary, Eternum is a triumph in gaming, offering a perfect blend of depth, story, and aesthetics that sets it apart as a must-play masterpiece.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Eternum is the perfect harem game for me. It is lighthearted, fun to play, has extremely likable characters and an interesting overarching plot. It achieves dramatic tension without doing anything to diminish the likability of the characters. It has varied environments that make everything feel fresh and new. It even does an incredible job making the characters look different each scene (different outfits, hairstyles, accessories etc) that makes everything feel different.

    The story is about a hyper realistic MMORPG and the MC's adventures within it. However everything is not what it seems - the company that owns the MMORPG engages in shady practices including covering up murders and the MMORPG itself may not really be a game. The overarching plot revolves around investigating the company and the motives of its mysterious founder while playing the game itself and participating in a challenge to collect 10 objects within it.

    When it comes to sexual content, there is not a lot but what is there is quite good. This is also one of those games that is meant to be played as a harem game while making optimal choices. Picking suboptimal choices and exploring different routes is very poorly thought out - it does not make sense to lose a girl's path if you dont feel like going to the gym with her one day or giving a sick girl some space when she specifically asks you to leave her alone. This did not impact my enjoyment of the game since I played with a walkthrough but branching paths/options are not well implemented here. Additionally the harem route contains all the scenes of individual girls so if you stick to a single girl or a subset of girls, you will not get anything new or unique compared to the harem path. But as mentioned before this game is designed to be played as a harem game and the girls are designed to be extremely likable so this was not an issue for me.

    Overall this game is a 5/5 for me despite the negatives listed above. It was just plain fun to play and I would recommend it highly to everyone.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Eternum is an exceptional game that offers a fantastic story, immersive gameplay, and beautiful animations. The game’s story is captivating and keeps you engaged throughout the game. The gameplay is smooth and intuitive, making it easy to get lost in the game’s world. The animations are stunning and add to the overall experience of the game. I highly recommend Eternum to anyone looking for a game that offers a great story, immersive gameplay, and beautiful animations.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    + Interesting story
    + Nice dialogue
    + Hot girls
    + Good humor
    + Nice lewds
    + Nice music and sound effects
    + Frequent updates and good amount of content for the time waited (happy patreon supporter)
    + Best dev

    Awesome game. Can't wait to bang Calypso. ;):sneaky:
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The game manages to pull you in with the story and characters. I came with the intention to enjoy some pornographic storytelling but stayed because of how in-depth both it, the settings and the characters are. A very very pleasant find.

    The songs in the game are really nice, so thats a huge plus. Some references to games, anime, and entertainment and a bit of humor, a bit of horror, a bit drama, this is better than watching many movies out there even without the pornography aspect.

    I do not feel like I am playing a game, I feel like I am living a new life.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow. I had the luck of playing this for the first time. Not sure why I didn't do so earlier.
    Great story telling that's so rare to find nowadays, integrates thrillers, comedy and adventure seamlessly. Renders are beautiful and character development is top notch. Not much to improve on other than completing this story as fast as possible.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Man I loved this game, the character models are gorgeous and custom instead of just using the same handful of models I’ve seen in a dozen other games. The sex scenes are just oozing eroticism because the plot takes its time building up to each scene with plenty of teasing and foreplay instead of just being another fuckfest. The animations are also very well done and fluid with custom animations instead of just the same old stock positions. the characters are gripping and well personified with their own motivations and goals and are enjoyable to read, I normally don’t like VR plots but I found this one really engaging I think its because of the “real life” consequences for MC and crew. The emotional scenes really hit me in the feels any AVN that makes me feel things in addition to horny is a success in my book. Looking forward to more
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    No words can describe how much i enjoyed this game.
    The best visual novel i have ever played.
    The gameplay is simple as it is just just a vn, but in certain parts of the story it just changes gameplay style, which I was pleasantly surprised with when it happened, I also really enjoyed when genres changed depending on what servers the Mc and the crew were in. The models are just perfect, the body proportions are much more realistic than other games. The scenes are well animated and also really hot, the dialogue is also on point . The only real problem I had with the game is the amount of scenes with Luna are not enough at all.
    So with all that said i give the game 5/5 Walter Whites.

  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I went in to this eager to play it quickly and leave a bad review to spite yet another overrated game - as it's not the usual style of game I prefer (I generally find harem games boring and predictable). Boy was I let down in that regard.

    It was either Michael Bay or Jerry Bruckheimer who said something like:
    "We are not in the film industry. We are in the transportation industry. Audiences pay us to be transported to another world for a few hours."

    That's exactly what this game is. You are transported to a different world, incredibly enjoyable and makes you forgot all about whatever you were doing in your real world room prior. In an age when too many games are just boring derivative works, this demonstrates there're still people who can dream; a very human creativity.


    Decent, I'm personally not a fan of the honest select look and prefer the Daz realistic approach, but the art is still very passable here, and it helps all the girls have fairly realistic bodies and proportions which I enjoy. Skin textures are great. Some of the characters blend together in appearance which is a minor downside, however the personalities are sufficiently unique so this wasn't a big deal.


    Fairly good. Some animations could be a little more detailed or longer, but this is a minor quibble. They're still better than most games, and flow seamlessly with the gameplay.


    Fantastic. Easy to follow and become immersed in. Lacks the annoying trends frequently found like a whiny MC or broken English. Feels very polished, clearly hard work went into proofing it.


    Solid, easy to navigate menus, with well-designed layout for reviewing past scenes. Other than that, typical renpy fare which is to say easy to use and move around in.

    -Story/game flow

    As alluded to in my lede, very much the high point of the game. For those who haven't played it without spoiling it, the story involves vastly different scenery and settings over a span of time, all well done and engaging. It feels very much like an epic tale.


    Overall, an easy hard 5, no rounding here. If you haven't played this, stop reading reviews and click download now. While some games are overrated and others underrated, there's a reason why this sits where it does on the overall charts.
  19. 1.00 star(s)

    Obi Wanks Kenobi

    It's not a game. It's a Visual Novel - a powerpoint presentation with click-to-see-next-slide zero-to none interactions, very childish, full of cliches story and goofy-looking honey select renders. Didn't like the childish, cliched story (young and dumb guy in school is surrounded by similarly looking teenage-girls), didn't like the art (goofy looking honey select models). There are no choices here (other than ordinary and boring "do you want to suck up to a girl to get +1 points with her"), there is too much text, no sex-scenes, and if there is a sex-scene there are no options what you can do, you just watch the short scene, and that's it. There are no dialogue options, whole story is childish, boring, full of tropes and cliches fantasy themed teenage gibberish. MC is a fool, tool and generic boring young guy too perfect to be true sucking up to all girls just to get relation points. All girls are the same, boring and stupid, and the whole story - if you could call that a story - it's just generic, click to see next slide full of stupid text, to see goofy looking girl and after 3 hours of clicking and reading stupid, gibberish, full of cliches dialogue you will get a two-slides of goofy looking sex action... this supposed to be a work of art for adults - where are my choices to "f*ck her in the ass", "f*ck her throat", "c*m on her face" or "c*m inside"? I'm getting really tired of this childish games with childish story aimed at young boys aged 12+, that think all this childish nonsence is so hot....
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Once In A Lifetime was superb, but Eternum is on another level. That said, I'm maybe halfway through 0.5's content, and for the past few hours (12... holy shit), I have quite honestly been blown away by the increasing production value.

    Seriously, after 0.4 or so, the production value of this game has absolutely skyrocketed. OiaL to Eternum was already a massive jump in quality, but Caribdis only keeps improving with every update.

    The story is more involved.
    The characters are just as charming.
    The music choice is sublime.
    The humor has the same wacky and charming quality that made me laugh out loud in OiaL.
    The "graphics" are much better.
    And now there are animations for more than just the sex scenes. I genuinely question whether this is still made in HS2 or if Caribdis went and got a whole studio involved.

    Overall, if Once In A Lifetime was a solid 10 out of 10, Eternum is a 12.

    God damn, am I going to be devastated when I reach the end of 0.6 and have to wait for more.

    Amazing game Caribdis! Even my broke ass will probably throw a few cents your way soon! If only out of desperation...