
Mar 30, 2021
I checked the code and she has a path variable and a point system just like the other main LIs. I wonder if the reason she is not listed is because caribdis does not want to spoil new players? But yes it will be nice to have her own outfits/gallery scenes like the other LIs.
If my theory is true, then her RP won't matter because Caly will just love or hate Orion, but her fate is ultimately tied with him. It's similar like the elf in her fairytale, but Orion is both the master and liberator of that story (depending on player choice). The fact that Orion can conjure her is a sign that she's currently not free, despite she says she'll not be imprisoned again. The question is can she kill Orion? She can hold Orion still with her power, but can she obliterate him? My guess is that she can't, and that she can freeze Orion only because he hasn't discovered his true power yet. Once he starts knowing more about himself, he perhaps can even wield some of her power, like that villain from her story. If true, then in a way, she really is his weapon.

Geralt From Rivia

Forum Fanatic
Jun 15, 2022
A few corrections here:

Jerry is around to show that you can be killed and resurrected from scratch just find. The big deal is excommunication which was explicitly shown to us with regards to Ben's death. That also is shown with the murder mystery where Luna and Annie Alex shine that we are tied to this plane with the MC in some capacity.

Arasaka is a Soul Killer virus. Source: I'm a tabletop player that loves Cyberpunk 2020 and Cyberpunk Red and I'm real familiar with the lore besides the 2077 game. That particular virus kills you then makes a copy to put onto the net. And don't get me started on Rache Bartmoss and the RABIDS. That guy was crazy.

Good post btw.
Thank you. I read a bit of Cyberpunk lore after playing 2077 so I'm familiar with the concept, but it's more of a generic reference. The concept of digitization of the human mind. The same can be said about some episodes of the Black Mirror, such as San Junipero.
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Jun 24, 2021
Alex...The best animation and performance .. 100/100.
well done Dev ... you have taken the animation to the next level.

If you anyone does not agree than.. challenge the 100/100
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Feb 2, 2018
Have you lost your mind sir? If it were real life, and you were the MC, and you saw some fucknut bastard luring a child (human/humanoid/alien/sheep/goat doesn't matter) you would seriously think all is well and normal?

You can't be serious. If you are I guarantee the feds are already keeping an eye on you. Holy shit!
Except we don't even know if its an actual child, we don't know if every NPC is like Thanatos and is an actual person turned into an NPC. The MC admits this.

If the child NPC truly is simply lines of code then I don't see anything wrong with doing whatever you want to it. Because then it's not an actual person, it's just an object.

More to the point, is that the other playing was saying all the common arguments people make in favor of taboo erotic fiction. "It's not real", "I wouldn't do this in real life", "It's just lines of code". The Developer is throwing stones in a glass house if he's implying that those arguments hold no merit.


May 26, 2020
Except we don't even know if its an actual child, we don't know if every NPC is like Thanatos and is an actual person turned into an NPC. The MC admits this.

If the child NPC truly is simply lines of code then I don't see anything wrong with doing whatever you want to it. Because then it's not an actual person, it's just an object.

More to the point, is that the other playing was saying all the common arguments people make in favor of taboo erotic fiction. "It's not real", "I wouldn't do this in real life", "It's just lines of code". The Developer is throwing stones in a glass house if he's implying that those arguments hold no merit.
This argument isn't valid no matter the games, it's even less in Eternum. In Eternum you can feel the sensations of things like in real life, so much so that they are people who will confuse both. It's totally a possibility (and a high one) that if someone accomplish his pulsions in Eternum, they will try it in the real world.

Geralt From Rivia

Forum Fanatic
Jun 15, 2022
Oof... the scene with the player and the little boy NPC. Did the game dev get his knickers in a twist over people wanting lewd scenes for flashback characters?

The player had a point. As far as he knows the NPC is just lines of code, seems a little vindictive to kill him.
Except we don't even know if its an actual child, we don't know if every NPC is like Thanatos and is an actual person turned into an NPC. The MC admits this.

If the child NPC truly is simply lines of code then I don't see anything wrong with doing whatever you want to it. Because then it's not an actual person, it's just an object.

More to the point, is that the other playing was saying all the common arguments people make in favor of taboo erotic fiction. "It's not real", "I wouldn't do this in real life", "It's just lines of code". The Developer is throwing stones in a glass house if he's implying that those arguments hold no merit.
You're so dead



Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
Prolly a HS2 thing. She's supposed to be old, right? Luna's Grandma also has the same issue, IIRC...

(Haven't used HS2 but I'm assuming that all female models likely share the same skin texture (any HS2 dev out there correct me if I'm wrong lol) so I can see how making an old lady can be quite the struggle if the aging morpher is just barebones and shite...)

Dev: Look, I just want a female character that looks like an authentic old person. Is that too hard?

HS2: Got it. We'll just deepen the laugh lines and add a little something on her cheeks and eyebags and call it a day.

Dev: ಠ_ಠ
I'm not HS2 dev but I can tell you that HS2 Studio is a and even more gigantic pain in the ass than MC's cock even though it's powerful as hell...like MC's cock


Feb 2, 2018
This argument isn't valid no matter the games, it's even less in Eternum. In Eternum you can feel the sensations of things like in real life, so much so that they are people who will confuse both. It's totally a possibility (and a high one) that if someone accomplish his pulsions in Eternum, they will try it in the real world.
The argument is valid for every game that deals solely with fictional characters. There's no proof that it will lead to real life action. Also I'd like to remind everyone that we're on a website that allows loli porn.

As for whether that'd hold true for a really immersive game like Eternum, well, we don't have evidence either way. Regardless, I still pity the guy because from his perspective there is no reason for him to believe that the NPCs are any more than lines of code, objects that don't exist in the real world.


Croissant enthusiast
GFX Designer
Apr 9, 2022
Can we all agree though that Calypso is most definetly not an NPC
Well she's clearly not an NPC she's the Princess of the Sy-tel-quessir and the Daughter of Raewyn, THE Princess of Hyril'ar (I think by now it is quite obvious she's not an NPC or a "code")
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