Please don't get me wrong, I enjoy Eternum and think it is one of the best games on this site.
I'm just saying, there are other ways to convey passion other than thrusting at the speed of light. Although maybe it's because Orion is circumcised and has no feeling in his dick? Going for that realism...
Personally, I think the way passion was given was as it should be, or even, was a bit soft. I will be sad if Penny doesn't get all the passion she deserves
But speaking more frankly, jokes aside, I bet Mr Caribdis just wants to give diversity on the sexy scenes. And you must agree the scenes fit Alex tsundere-like character. Annie for example was way more soft. But even with that in mind, I don't think all Alex scenes will be like those, same way Annie's ones won't be all vanilla. Diversity is what makes a player hooked into a game.
Same way when you see "evil" content in the game. Is important because it gives you a grasp of what happens in the universe, and what's wrong or bad, and reinforces the side the MC is, as well his goal in game. Yes those scenes can make people unconfortable, but are important for the game. Just a random example, think of stuff like Full Metal Alchemist, many like those series because it gives a good idea of what's pure evil, and reinforces the good heart of other characters. And many other media/books tries to apply that.
Alex's scenes didn't make me unconfortable (quite the contrary

), but I just used this example to explain the importance of variety. One person can be good with renders and etc, but let's be honest, the writing and diversity is what makes a person hooked in the game. And again, I won't forgive Mr.
Caribdis if Miss Penelope doesn't get the passion as well *wink wink*