Here is a fun little feature that was requested - skip day.
Copy the file to your 'Evil 2' folder (not the 'Evil' folder) - right-click on the file - 7-zip - Extract Here - Overwrite All - If you aren't asked to replace files then you didn't install it correctly.
A new icon will appear next to the time after you play for a bit. It saves a bunch of time from having to advance time manually and then refreshing the location manually and then finally clicking on Sleep.
This was built off of hotfix 3 so it includes all previous fixes.
Aleyo - this will fix the bug that the developer fixed on release day.
My earlier posted minutes "mod" was still based on the hotfix 1 game file. I redid it now with the skip day game file from
skybarbie which includes hotfix 1, 2 and 3. For installation just follow the instructions in the QUOTE.
The minute skips will be different than the last one I did simply because it takes to much time if I check everything what I did the last time before making the changes again. Without it takes already a couple of hours to do this. Also last time I used fixed time skips like 10 minutes for drinking beer or 15 minutes for talking. This time I used variable time skips. Like talking can be anithing between 5 and 10 minutes etc. For me it adds a little bit in realism
Besides the minutes I also changed how the Date, time, money and debt are shown. Like last time they all show under eachother.
Another change is a fine tune in the End of Day eurnings report. I included a few linespacings (<br> for people who have qgen experiance) in the text for camwhores and drugdealers which makes it easier to read in my opinion.
skybarbie I would ask if you make any further changes / bugfixes to do this from the attached "Evil_2_-_0_59_skip_day + minutes mod" file. I know you sayd you are afraid the time changes are everywhere and because of that it might cause issues. But they are just time changes from hour+=xx to minut+=rand(xx,xx) which I have all double checked for typos. You can easily doublecheck it yourself as well doing a search all minut+=. If in any case there still might be a bug I'm fully prepared in solving it. That will cost me less time then doing this mod over and over again whenever there is a new version or bugfix.
I'm playing for a long time this game but from last jessicajones' version with the similar minutes changes and much more changes I made to test things for a project I'm planning and I won't say I'm an expert but because all things I did so far I can say I'm quite familiar with the coding used in Evil 2.
I still hope
noobtrain continues on the great work he did so far on Evil 2 and also from him I would like to ask to use the minutes.