
May 25, 2017
remove (and marry[you]=0) from (if pol[you]=0 and gender[npc]=1 and pol[npc]>0 and marry[you]=0 and otn) in qgen

call me a noob, but what does it actually mean?

Good question....


It's just a set of variables to form a condition which has to be true before something happens in the game. This is part of the Evil 2 code which can only be seen by using a special editor qgen.

The pol[xxx] and gender[xxx] where [xxx] can be [you] or [npc] are very confusion as both basically are used for the same thing which is stating which gender you or the npc are. marry[you]=x just means whether or not you are married (0 means no and 1 means yes.

  • pol[you]=0 means male so in evil 2 this should always be true because you can only play as male
  • gender[npc]=1 means the npc has to be female
  • pol[npc]>0 means the npc can not be a male (like sayd pol[xxx]=0 is male). In the original code from EVIL from hivoltage this means female (=1), castrated (=2) or futa (=3) but in Evil 2 castrated and futa npc's are deactivated so pol[npc]>0 also means the npc needs to be female
So the code could be much easier because in Evil 2 gender[npc]=1 and pol[npc]>0 both means the npc needs to be a female so 1 of the 2 could be removed as well in (if pol[you]=0 and gender[npc]=1 and pol[npc]>0 and marry[you]=0)

So far the course "Evil 2 code 101" :p

And yes by removing marry[you]=0 from that equation you basically tell the game you can marry more than 1 girl/female
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May 25, 2017
noobtrain made a mistake and added all of the tester cheats (which are hidden) to the 'dynamic $d_pimp_me' console cheat. He probably either intended for that cheat to be unpublished or he made a mistake in adding the tester cheats. So, several players out there are probably using tester cheats without knowing it. I did fix this bug (removed the tester cheats) from that console command in one of my hotfixes.
You're right. I just found a bit of the tester cheat code in the stripclub location which had a spectre1viper stamp attached so tester=1 was used by spectre1viper. Looks in the case of the stripclub he used it to be able to be there longer without need to manipulate the time manually all the time. This piece of code did exactly cause the strange behaviour observed by gandalf15

For people who experience weird jumps back in time. You can solve this yourself by having the cheats enabled and use the command injector with the following command. tester=0
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Aug 18, 2022
Can somebody tell me what i have to change so that i can marry more then 1? You can also pm me :) Thanks
probably remove (and marry[you]=0) from (if pol[you]=0 and gender[npc]=1 and pol[npc]>0 and marry[you]=0 and otn) in qgen .
And yes by removing marry[you]=0 from that equation you basically tell the game you can marry more than 1 girl/female
You can't. Editing that line won't change this behavior. When you get married, the following code gets called: marry[you]=npc
Even if you could marry someone else, it would change your married status to the new bride and dump the old one (you think it is working but it isn't). It would be possible but you'd have to allow the marry[you] command to accept more than one argument and the code to check for married status would also have to be edited to look for more than one argument. Not a simple edit.

You remove the check for married status as suggested. Your current spouse's npc # is 50. You get married again and the new bride's npc # is 55. The married code will now be marry[you]=55 (npc #). You will no longer be married to your previous spouse.
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May 25, 2017
I got a bug which the dev wishes to tell him.

I finished the family story and got to the point where i get wake up bj and sex from mom+sis. When the loop ends it appears a window "That doesnt have to happen and to tell the dev" (or so).
Can you copy the exact line instead of "That doesnt have to happen and to tell the dev" (or so). Else it will be very hard to find :cool:

EDIT: i guess you mean this message "Error: This should never happen. Please report details of how you got here to the developer."
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Aug 18, 2022
My earlier posted minutes "mod" was still based on the hotfix 1 game file. I redid it now with the skip day game file from skybarbie which includes hotfix 1, 2 and 3. For installation just follow the instructions in the QUOTE.

The minute skips will be different than the last one I did simply because it takes to much time if I check everything what I did the last time before making the changes again. Without it takes already a couple of hours to do this. Also last time I used fixed time skips like 10 minutes for drinking beer or 15 minutes for talking. This time I used variable time skips. Like talking can be anithing between 5 and 10 minutes etc. For me it adds a little bit in realism :p

Besides the minutes I also changed how the Date, time, money and debt are shown. Like last time they all show under eachother.

Another change is a fine tune in the End of Day eurnings report. I included a few linespacings (<br> for people who have qgen experiance) in the text for camwhores and drugdealers which makes it easier to read in my opinion.

For skybarbie I would ask if you make any further changes / bugfixes to do this from the attached "Evil_2_-_0_59_skip_day + minutes mod" file. I know you sayd you are afraid the time changes are everywhere and because of that it might cause issues. But they are just time changes from hour+=xx to minut+=rand(xx,xx) which I have all double checked for typos. You can easily doublecheck it yourself as well doing a search all minut+=. If in any case there still might be a bug I'm fully prepared in solving it. That will cost me less time then doing this mod over and over again whenever there is a new version or bugfix.
I'm playing for a long time this game but from last jessicajones' version with the similar minutes changes and much more changes I made to test things for a project I'm planning and I won't say I'm an expert but because all things I did so far I can say I'm quite familiar with the coding used in Evil 2.

I still hope noobtrain continues on the great work he did so far on Evil 2 and also from him I would like to ask to use the minutes.
It's not that I don't believe that you aren't skilled. My concern comes with experience. You don't make a change as big as that without doing extensive testing first.

I've worked for two different software development companies and it is a big time no no to make a widespread change like that and then hope it works. A re-test would be required for a change like that which takes lots of time. I would be laughed out of the company if I suggested making a change like that and then release it quickly to the public without doing extensive testing first.

I know you've played with those changes for some time but it sends lots of red flags up in my head based on many years in the software development industry.

I'll consider what you said but I'm not sure if I agree with you or not. No offense intended. I don't claim ownership of this game and am just a player like yourself. You are welcome to release whatever you want.


May 25, 2017
It's not that I don't believe that you aren't skilled. My concern comes with experience. You don't make a change as big as that without doing extensive testing first.

I've worked for two different software development companies and it is a big time no no to make a widespread change like that and then hope it works. A re-test would be required for a change like that which takes lots of time. I would be laughed out of the company if I suggested making a change like that and then release it quickly to the public without doing extensive testing first.

I know you've played with those changes for some time but it sends lots of red flags up in my head based on many years in the software development industry.

I'll consider what you said but I'm not sure if I agree with you or not. No offense intended. I don't claim ownership of this game and am just a player like yourself. You are welcome to release whatever you want.
I understand where you're comming from and why you hesitate. I've never worked in any software development or have any education in that field. My field of work is fixing electrical / electronic systems in the field as a technician. I believe in both coding and the work i do you need a good analytical mindset and I believe because of this I find it quite easy to analise coding like it's used in QSP and to replicate what I learn that way. This and anything computer and games related is already a hobby for years and years :cool:

Besides that. Yes if you look at the amount of locations affected by time whether it is in hours or minutes then it's looks like a big change. On the other hand it's just a change from hour+= to minut+= and i didn't change anything in bulk with the replace all function. I searched every hour+= one by one and only changed the ones I thought which could use a change to minutes. This to prevent any errors. If this was a big company project I would totally agree with you. But companies have their army of people to test things and still games nowadays come to the public with plenty of bugs and glitches.
But we're not a company here. All we have here is the people willing to play the game and to report back if they found a bug or think they found a bug. Most people here accept bugs as long as the game remains playable and bugs are taken care of. The playable part of my changes I'm 100% sure that's the case. Also gandalf15 reported the game plays like normal. The time back skip bug which was noted by him ended up nothing to do with the minut coding but with the fact he managed to set himself tester=1. For the bugs part if any, I already sayd I would look into any bug which could have been caused by my doing.

I know it might seem a jump in the deep for you, but I've done all testing I can do by myself. More testing can only be done if more people use it. And in my opinion it's better to work together than seperately. And I personally will check any bug report to see if my coding is the cause of it so I will clean up my mess if there is any. The only thing I want to avoid is that I have to do it all over again if you or anyone else bring out another version / bugfix. Because everytime you have to redo stuff it means a chance of a new error which end up in more testing being required. So I would ask you to give it a chance (y)


May 25, 2017
You remove the check for married status as suggested. Your current spouse's npc # is 50. You get married again and the new bride's npc # is 55. The married code will now be marry[you]=55 (npc #). You will no longer be married to your previous spouse.
Ok, so it would only be an easy way to dump a current wife :p


Aug 18, 2022
Ok, so it would only be an easy way to dump a current wife :p
Will cause bugs so not advised. The wife will still think you are married (no divorce mentioned in her story) and she may still remain in the 'relatives' section (haven't checked this thoroughly).

When the player is checked, you won't be married to her as the code only supports one variable/one wife.

Best to use the 'Divorce' option so it will be a clean and bug free separation.


Aug 18, 2022
The disable_music=1 did not work for me. Although thank you for the suggestion
What I found worked was to go into
Evil2/Evil/Sound and zip file all the music (don't delete) The videos with Mum and Sis play with sound but without the music.
That console command won't stop music that is attached to videos. It will only prevent .mp3 music from playing that is not attached to videos.

I did a search for 'PLAY' in the QSP and every single .mp3 song in the game is gated off with this code:

if disable_music=0:
PLAY 'sound/In My Mind.mp3'

Perhaps you didn't enter the console code properly.
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New Member
Aug 13, 2017
When I downloaded both the base game and the update there was no qsp player included and I cant launch the qsp inside. Where do I get the qsp player that is supposedly included?


Aug 18, 2022
I got a bug which the dev wishes to tell him.

I finished the family story and got to the point where i get wake up bj and sex from mom+sis. When the loop ends it appears a window "That doesnt have to happen and to tell the dev" (or so).

Also i got 2 friend in prison. When i bribe the police to get them out it appears a window with "168" and "169" and the two are in prison again. I can pay again and again but they always stay in prison after i leave the police station.
For the first issue I'll need a save game of right before that error occurs.

I'm working on the prison bugs. There are lots of them! You are correct, they aren't being released from prison.
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Aug 7, 2016
There are 5 random events in addition to the family story.

Those are all great suggestions but the last three developers have been chased off by this community.
Sad, what gives? Does this game offend any particular group?
I should have played this game earlier to tell them it's a job well done.


Aug 18, 2022
Yes you are right.
My last marriage is titled as (wife), the others don´t. But i LOVE the idea of a harem in which you can marry which girl you want.
But it seems that you cannot impregnate your mom&sis. I feel like they were a cumdump so often i came in them but they don´t get pregnant. Why can i then switch the birthcontrol on/off in the bathroom?
This is working for me. I can get my mother and sister pregnant and also marry them (one, not both). This only works after you've completed the family story.

If you want to force the pregnancy you can use this console code with the mother or sister on the screen:
dynamic $d_impregnate

It takes 10 days before it will show that they are pregnant. If you enable birth control at any time during their pregnancy it will abort the pregnancy.
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Aug 18, 2022
When i delete the passage i can marry almost who i want (no mom or sis). I married a lot of woman and they are now in my Family section listed. But only the last marriage shows (wife) at the end. But i can marry her again and again and again. The others in the list you cannot divorce anymore, so they will be listed forever in the Family maybe.
Stop editing the code and you won't have these problems.


Aug 18, 2022
Sad, what gives? Does this game offend any particular group?
I should have played this game earlier to tell them it's a job well done.
There is the group that is mad as hell that spectre1viper removed the female, trans, gay, and lesbian starts. He also removed transformation and feminization which upset fans of the original game. The reasons for this are spelled out in the Developer Notes/FAQ and the Game Overview if you want to read them.

But basically, this community can be rather harsh and unforgiving. Lots of complaints if they don't like something but few take the time to give praise and thanks. Even fewer take the time to write a review.

There are a lot of entitled players on this site who demand things and act childish. Developers get a lot of criticism and little praise. QSP games are especially criticized because they are sandbox games. Real porn games get a lot more criticism than other types of games. If you aren't developing a Ren'Py visual novel you have an uphill battle in pleasing players.

Most players also have little if any problem solving skills and your hand isn't being held in a sandbox style game. Combine all of these factors and QSP developers get trashed on a lot.


Aug 7, 2016
You try to raise in the criminal World, so if you don´t have problems to slap your woman in this game to motivate them, then no - it don´t offend
I mean...We try to shoot people in the eye for sport in FPS games, nuke a whole country flat in civilization games, kidnap people and throw them off the cliff in red dead redemption 2 just to hear the a slap really mean that much for you in games?


Aug 7, 2016
There is the group that is mad as hell that spectre1viper removed the female, trans, gay, and lesbian starts. He also removed transformation and feminization which upset fans of the original game. The reasons for this are spelled out in the Developer Notes/FAQ and the Game Overview if you want to read them.

But basically, this community can be rather harsh and unforgiving. Lots of complaints if they don't like something but few take the time to give praise and thanks. Even fewer take the time to write a review.

There are a lot of entitled players on this site who demand things and act childish. Developers get a lot of criticism and little praise. QSP games are especially criticized because they are sandbox games. Real porn games get a lot more criticism than other types of games. If you aren't developing a Ren'Py visual novel you have an uphill battle in pleasing players.

Most players also have little if any problem solving skills and your hand isn't being held in a sandbox style game. Combine all of these factors and QSP developers get trashed on a lot.
Yes, I have guessed as much. Such childish trivial battering.
I personally can never understand why gender war breached even into porn game society, it's not real, it's for your fantasies people...even Beastiality is ok, heterosexuals also have equal exclusive fapping rights too I mean...can we just also fap in peace without having to look into something off-putting?
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