if pol[npc]>0 and otn['<<you>>,<<npc>>']>=100 and youslut[npc]=0 and slave[npc]=0 and maid[npc]=0 and marry[you]!npc:
act'Talk about how cool it is to be a whore':
'You paint in bright colors the life of whores, expensive outfits, rich lovers, luxurious life.'
if corr[npc]>(intel[npc]+(famrich[npc]*20)) and dom[you]>dom[npc] and corr[npc]>dom[npc] and will[npc]<60:
if marry[npc]>0:
'<<$name[npc]>> - "Come on, my husband will find out."'
if institut[num]>0 and institut[num]<6:
'<<$name[npc]>> - "Come on, someone from school will find out or see me and report it to the dean''s office, I''ll get kicked out of college!"'
if work[npc]=5:
'<<$name[npc]>> - "Come on, I make a decent living, and if my work finds out about it, I''ll get fired."'
if famrich[npc]=2 and lust[npc]<=intel[npc]:
'<<$name[npc]>> - "Come on, what nonsense! I don`t want to be a litter for all sorts of freaks!"'
if anus_virgin[npc]=1 or throat_virgin[npc]=1 or vag_virgin[npc]=1:
if anus_virgin[npc]=1:'<<$name[npc]>> - "No way! I''m not going to let guys shove their cock up my virgin ass!"'
if throat_virgin[npc]=1:'<<$name[npc]>> - "No way! I''ve never deepthroated a cock before!"'
if vag_virgin[npc]=1:'<<$name[npc]>> - "No way! I''m still a virgin!"'
'<<$name[npc]>> - "Come on with your nonsense.. You talk bullshit all the time!"'
if kamhora=1:
$story[npc]+=' Age <<age[npc]>> - You convinced her to become your whore.'
$story[you]+='<<day>> <<$month>> <<$name[npc]>> <<$surname[npc]>> agreed to become my whore.'
'<<$name[npc]>> agrees to be your whore and you agree, that you allow <<$genre3[pol[npc]]>> to keep half of <<$genre2[pol[npc]]>> earnings.'
act'<b>Leave</b>':gt 'sluts'
act'<b>Leave</b>':gt $curloc
Ok, let's break this down. In order to get the 'Talk about how cool it is to be a whore' option they have to be female and you have to be best friends or lovers with a relationship score of 100 or more. They also can't be a whore, slave, maid, or married to you.
The next code checks several things:
- Is their corruption higher than their intelligence + family background - so if they are smart and/or come from a wealthy family you won't have much luck
- Is your domination score greater than the npc's domination score
- Is the npc's corruption score greater than their domination score
- Is the npc's will less than 60
The next code checks if they are married or going to the university. If either is true, they won't accept.
If they have a good job they won't accept.
If they are a virgin (any type) they won't accept.
If the NPC can pass all of those checks, then they will accept being your whore.
There is a secret hack for convincing a student (and a few other things that may cause them to reject you) to become a whore. You have to do several things:
- Give them drugs until they become a junky
- Record a sex tape of them during sex
- Fully corrupt them through sex
- Blackmail them with the video tape
Let me know if you have any questions. Good luck!
There is an unpublished cheat that you can use to remove an NPCs student status: dynamic $d_remove_student
You can also lower their intelligence by using this console command: intel[npc]=20
You can lower their social status by using this console command: famrich[npc]=0
You can lower their will by using this console command: will[npc]=40
You can remove their married status by using this console command: marry[npc]=0