pps. the best way to do the game is do the things in a certain order to not miss anything or get stopped in your quests cause u don t have done some prerequisites... : first do massage quest to get the job, maid quest, jorik quest, mom quest, continue maid quest till u can do grace quest, truck quest, finish maid quest, estella quest, laura quest, u should be finished in may i guess, raise friendship with betty, go to 28th august do university entry exam (hope u have 100 int) start university quest, do mrs jones quests, start nata quest, do dads quest, continue nata quest, if your blocked by dad in the living room there is a safe load thing a few pages back to solve that bug, finish nata quest, do dave quest in combination with mrs stevens quest, finish those, do betty questline, do ann questline, do lana questline. except for a few bugs i have: datesite get white screen so i cannot get the old mother second time.... truck event the 3rd girl also gives white screen. and datesite at mothers after mystery girl i also get white screen. be aware that without a time cheat/reset day etc its a horrible grind to get every szene there is and for some quests u NEED all of those (Betty questline).