So far I got sex scenes with Sarah who is btw the Barista girl from the Cafe. Also note when you "awaken" Sarah, she will forget about you and you won't have sex with her. But this is the canon route so it's mandatory to do it.
I had a hard time with the mini-game, but I managed to find the solution. I solved up to "A Lot" money puzzle. "Till I Drop" puzzle is just very tedious. The other mini-games was simple. Just follow the order and repeat the order in the same sequence.
I maxed out Fitness and Knowledge, but Charisma is at 3. I don't know how to increase the charisma other than it affects with Sarah's date events. So I'm guessing you get charisma from dates?
It's pretty decent content for a demo game. I might wait for newer updates. Maybe fix the money puzzle because that was the dumbest thing to do.