
Jun 17, 2017
i have the problem that i cant get into the hallway of mcs house, there is always an error and i get instantly rolled back to sisters room.

ashish 090

Sep 6, 2018
i love the character design and also the storyline in this game..... i hope this game becomes the best one when it reaches its completion(which i hope is a long way down as there are numerous content).


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2017
Well, after the the 0.6 update, i started a new Game. Like it is recommended. I can read, thats what i learned in 1st grade. Just sayin' ... but if the game is not made for public, only for some patrons then i have another point of view now and i can understand it. Unforunatly it is public here and i downloaded and played it....so i guess i also have a little right to critizise here what i dont like.
One thing to remember, you most likely did not download this, directly from the dev, most all games shared here, are uploaded many times by many people, by the time you download it.


Apr 19, 2017
what are the new quests for 7c that it says in the changelog? I cant find anything new
have you played either 7a or 7b? only bug fixes since those. i say only very very loosely
Interessting....its not made for me, thats obviously, cause i didnt "support" you, means, i havent paid for an unfinished game full of bugs. I also wouldnt buy a car where the tires are missing. But the next time, i will prise your great product here, even if the last three updates was almost only bugfixes and very less content. thats it for now with my comments...more in a future update.
your analogy is slightly off, better to ask the question: if you were able to get your hands on a stolen car for free, that had been labeled as being incomplete, would you complain if it didn't work as you hoped? even after the owner of said car, continues to make adjustments so it runs better
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Engaged Member
Nov 6, 2017
Ok ok, but your original question. When you did your thing with Naomi at the jacuzzi, didn`t that conversation tells you that, you should talk to Mom at evening ???? When you talk to Mom (in same evening), after the talk, Mc thinks that ha should buy a PRESENT to Mom !!! That happend in my game.
never got the jacuzzi part, had sex with naomi and mom saw and freaked.


Engaged Member
Nov 6, 2017
Could you tell me the specifics? What version were you running. What was the last Melissa scene you did?
7b, last thing i did with melissa was intracrurial sex in the garage, i can't sleep with her, i have been able to kiss her lips since the first. naomi i only have the sauna scene, no texts from melissa. oh yea also i started with a new game in 7b
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