Good update though it is a bit short. I know you bring out your new versions monthly, unfortunately this is often the joy of the update longer than the actual playing time. But that should be relativized in the coming months because the game is bigger. I also have no problems playing games with each update over and over again because I really like your games and I'm kind of a fanboy of it. You realize that you are now really inside in renpy, your work is error-free and the games is logical to accomplish. Unfortunately, I do not know how it will look like if you still have problems editing individual passages. If not it would be a sugar lick you put IC in Paradise on renpy port.
Conclusion: It will be a good game and you will surpass your old games with it. The renpy port did you a great job, keep it up, and put the IC in Paradise family into the Renpy engine as well. THX for update and your nice work.
Please excuse my grammar but I fell out of bed 5 minutes ago.