I'm still getting the same issue, I did a clean update/new install last time as I was told this would make it automatically update the next time, but with the newest update that was rolled out I tried to auto-updater again and the same thing happens. It tries to update, the shell shows up, does literally nothing, closes and nothing open up again, does the program have to be ran as admin and/or does the program need to be installed on the same drive as the OS? auto updater has never worked for me, not once. I was wondering why my program keeps fucking up since this is most likely a user error at this point.
So FaceCrap and GrammerCop mostly answered the questions and gave some good tips, but I’ll summarize my thoughts too.
Folder name should not be a problem. As a rule of thumb the more you mess with computers you tend to try to avoid weird file paths, such as spaces and weird characters (mainly $%#?!*^={}@"'&/\<> and anything that isn’t ASCII (google is your friend)), because they tend to lead to nasty bugs when not handled properly. However that does not mean that they are impossible to handle properly, and that’s why I do everything with standard libraries made exactly to avoid such problems. And anyway numbers and dots don’t constitute a problem usually.
Clearing the %temp% folder is good advice, it tens to get cluttered very quickly on windows, while on something like Linux the /tmp folder is made in a smart way where it’s actually stored in ram so it clears at every restart. Even though it’s good advice, I personally don’t think it’s the issue here, but I’d be happy to be proven wrong.
Following your original report I had added some status messages and hopefully error messages to the update script, but
FaceCrap made me notice that the shell itself has output suppressed so it’s completely useless, that’s why you see nothing in the shell window. I will fix that and make a dummy build so you can use it to try to “update” 10.0
I’d rule off user error, you’re doing nothing wrong, I’d attribute this to some weird windows quirk. Last thing that comes to mind is running a chkdsk scan.