im working on this right now. i have it setup where it will simply remember the game's installed version whenever you enable the played checkbox, inside a finished version variable. i dont want any complex logic like what installed has. i just want the played/finished checkbox to be a checkbox, and when you mark it as played it will remember the version you had installed at that time.
what i am split on is how to show this finished version. first of all, definitely dont want it to show if it is marked as played, like the installed box does, it doesnt show the installed version if it matches the current latest version. the question is where to show the finished/played version when it is not marked as played. one option would be to add it to the normal version text. if the game is outdated, show installed version and latest version. once it is installed and updated, show played vs current version. this has the possible issue of hiding the played version when the game updates, because you will see installed and current versions. but showing all 3 versions in the same text string is too much...
one option is to remove the installed version from the normal version text. leave the version text for the latest version. show the installed version when you hover over the installed checkboxes. same goes for played/finished version, show it when hovering over the played checkboxes. and by this i mean when these are not checked, so you get a hover popup for installed version when the game is not installed on latest version, and you get last played version hover popup when the played checkbox is unselected.
then theres also the naming problem. "played version" would sound associated with "last played", but last played is when you clicked play, not when you marked the game as finished playing. but the "played" checkbox indicates finishing playing, not having played it in any amount. so i am thinking of renaming "played" to "finished", so then we have "finished version" and "last played". i think this makes more sense for naming.
also ping
FaceCrap GrammerCop GAB estrada777 for thoughts as "power users"
EDIT: actually would make more sense to again do something similar to the installed checkbox for the finished checkbox.
unselected when not finished ever. half selected when finished version doesnt match latest version, but it was finished in the past. full selected when finished version matches latest version.
i explained it better