Hate to add to the feature request count, as obviously beggars can't be choosers, but having the option to favorite specific games you want to come back to and quickly sort by these favorites would be a useful tool for culling a larger game library. In my use of this app, I've tended to add any games that catch my eye in order to track and archive them, but obviously some games stand out more than others, but can get washed away by more frequently updated games (especially completed games). Both the installed and personal rating systems can somewhat serve the same purpose, but neither quite fits (e.g. feels weird to personal rate a game you haven't even played yet).
Also, adding "open folder" to the main overall menu would be helpful in my personal use case (or a very ambitious solution, customization for what elements show on the main screen). I often keep a save guide in the game's folder, and as a result, I often have to click into the full game info pop up element to access that settings. Another option would be having a direct button to pair to launch a paired txt doc with the game whenever it is booted up, like a saved template for what should be launched/opened when a game is launched, but this is getting more ambitious. Obviously can be done manually with a few more clicks though, so it's not a big deal.
Thanks for the excellent work and tool as always.