I like slave training games and I like Whoniverse stuff, so that's all to the good. I never read any of the Faction Paradox books so that goes a bit over my head ... but it's probably a safer choice than going with the Doctor or any of his supporting cast, so fair enough.
What would improve matters immensely would be a bit more feedback. There's basically two ways you can do a game like this. You can tell the player up front that he needs to get stat X to value Y for the plot to advance or you can just let them sandbox and be surprised when events develop.
The problem here is that the sandboxing isn't interesting enough to hold my attention. I just loop sleep and relaxed lecture with the occasional science study and every now and then go through the other options to see if anything has shaken loose. But nothing seems to be happening and I have no way of telling if I'm doing it wrong, or if I'm doing it right and just have to be patient, or if there's a bug preventing me from progressing or if I've hit the end of the content currently in game. (I'm assuming it's not the latter since the change log says there should be lewdness and I've not encountered any apart from cleavage and innuendo).
Anyway: nice idea, nice art, decent presentation ... but it needs something so the player knows he's actually achieving something beyond clicking buttons and raising abstract numbers. That's my take on it.