Unity Completed Factions: Crystals of Control Demo [The Anax]


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2018
Just watched the video and am not sure if it attracted me or repelled me. Made it seem a little more complex than it probably is. Probably just an information overload right now.
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The Anax

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 24, 2017
Just watched the video and am not sure if it attracted me or repelled me. Made it seem a little more complex than it probably is. Probably just an information overload right now.
This is common in my games. Since it is all erotic horror some people, like me, find it all sexy as hell, others get scared or even grossed out. The Anaxverse is a dark place full of hot horrors all bent on corrupting and controlling anything and everyone they can. Some folks on my novels even delete the picture folder and just read my games as straight-up horror tales, but those that share my fetishes read them with great pleasure.


I Want to Rock your Body (To the Break of Dawn)
Jun 5, 2017
This is common in my games. Since it is all erotic horror some people, like me, find it all sexy as hell, others get scared or even grossed out. The Anaxverse is a dark place full of hot horrors all bent on corrupting and controlling anything and everyone they can. Some folks on my novels even delete the picture folder and just read my games as straight-up horror tales, but those that share my fetishes read them with great pleasure.
I'm curious now, you mind listing all the planned fetishes, and even whats not planned but your still thinking about for the game?


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2018
This is common in my games. Since it is all erotic horror some people, like me, find it all sexy as hell, others get scared or even grossed out. The Anaxverse is a dark place full of hot horrors all bent on corrupting and controlling anything and everyone they can. Some folks on my novels even delete the picture folder and just read my games as straight-up horror tales, but those that share my fetishes read them with great pleasure.
I will probably try this demo of the demo just to get feel for it. At least the video was helpful in playing the match 3 game.

The Anax

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 24, 2017
I'm curious now, you mind listing all the planned fetishes, and even whats not planned but your still thinking about for the game?

So far my novels number well over half a million words and are still growing. This game will be relatively easy to follow in the story, but the Factions have huge amounts of lore gleaned from my novels. Easter eggs will abound, and strategies and knowledge from my massive story projects will be found in every level of Factions: CoC. So, if one ever wanted to get further information, they could find an immense amount of character, location, and attack information in my novels.

The finished demo will be released to the community for free as my Halloween treat! Blank and I will also be holding occasional developer question and answer sessions, so check my blog, patreon, and the Hypnopics gallery to look for those. If I am able to gain enough income, this project will become huge with sexy scenes and versions of my characters. There will be a Faction for everyone!

Factions/Starting Character IN FULL GAME:

There will be male and female. (For those that like it, there will even be possible ways for doing M to F transformations in some cases too- no promises but if I can earn the income, I don't see why not! If the player wants to choose that on some scenes), however, as far as just male and just female- every Faction has one of each. Factions, themselves, work with two main characters. When you are going through the game fighting them, one of the two will be a "mini-boss" halfway through the map, and the other will be the "boss" at the end. As of right now it should be:

Faction Name: Female / Male / Fetish Style

The Invaders: Justine Day/Overmind - Squick
Giggle Gang: Trixie Goodwin/Giggler - Clowns
The Shadowed: Evelyn Addams/Me - Possession
Nergalian Demons: Karen/Bo Wyatt - Defiled Corruption
Lilin Demons: Dionyza/Walter Riley - Succubi/Incubi
Aka Manian Demons: Getty/Aka Manah - Rape
Ophidian Demons: Eleanora/Ophion - Snakes
Undead Horde: Absinthe/Ivor - Vampires
Cereborgs: Chieko Naru/Cerebrum - Robotization
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I Want to Rock your Body (To the Break of Dawn)
Jun 5, 2017

So far my novels number well over half a million words and are still growing. This game will be relatively easy to follow in the story, but the Factions have huge amounts of lore gleaned from my novels. Easter eggs will abound, and strategies and knowledge from my massive story projects will be found in every level of Factions: CoC. So, if one ever wanted to get further information, they could find an immense amount of character, location, and attack information in my novels.

The finished demo will be released to the community for free as my Halloween treat! Blank and I will also be holding occasional developer question and answer sessions, so check my blog, patreon, and the Hypnopics gallery to look for those. If I am able to gain enough income, this project will become huge with sexy scenes and versions of my characters. There will be a Faction for everyone!

Factions/Starting Character IN FULL GAME:

There will be male and female. (For those that like it, there will even be possible ways for doing M to F transformations in some cases too- no promises but if I can earn the income, I don't see why not! If the player wants to choose that on some scenes), however, as far as just male and just female- every Faction has one of each. Factions, themselves, work with two main characters. When you are going through the game fighting them, one of the two will be a "mini-boss" halfway through the map, and the other will be the "boss" at the end. As of right now it should be:

Faction Name: Female / Male / Fetish Style

The Invaders: Justine Day/Overmind - Squick
Giggle Gang: Trixie Goodwin/Giggler - Clowns
The Shadowed: Evelyn Addams/Me - Possession
Nergalian Demons: Karen/Bo Wyatt - Defiled Corruption
Lilin Demons: Dionyza/Walter Riley - Succubi/Incubi
Aka Manian Demons: Getty/Aka Manah - Rape
Ophidian Demons: Eleanora/Ophion - Snakes
Undead Horde: Absinthe/Ivor - Vampires
Cereborgs: Chieko Naru/Cerebrum - Robotization
With how thats' pasted I feel like I made a mistake, but after double checking I think this deserves its own place somewhere in the OP; although it is kind of crowded already.

The Anax

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 24, 2017
Originally I wanted to have the first post after the main post, but... sadly, I did not get the chance. Yes, I wanted to post more like that. But, I don't know if a mod can post an extra post in there for me lol

EDIT: I went ahead and posted my "Full" overview as well on the OP.
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Thanks for the feedback Anika- can you link me the projects you have completed or worked on? I would like to see your work so I know how to do it right.
I hope you understand that my feedback on your game is not intended to belittle your work. You do not have to take my criticism personally.

I'm working on a visual novel at the moment, but I have no idea when it will be published.


I Want to Rock your Body (To the Break of Dawn)
Jun 5, 2017
Originally I wanted to have the first post after the main post, but... sadly, I did not get the chance. Yes, I wanted to post more like that. But, I don't know if a mod can post an extra post in there for me lol

EDIT: I went ahead and posted my "Full" overview as well on the OP.
So your games seem to cater to a large variety of fetishes, and it seems the you already have this game planned from start to finish, but is there ever a chance you might add something along the lines of bestiality? If not is it possible for you to maybe add Werewolves/Minotaur's? Either way I have a new found appreciation for this game and I can see just how much you care about your work. I'll 100% be keeping my eye on this game, as well as playing the others.
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The Anax

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 24, 2017
I hope you understand that my feedback on your game is not intended to belittle your work. You do not have to take my criticism personally.

I'm working on a visual novel at the moment, but I have no idea when it will be published.
Though I took nothing as a personal affront, I just assumed you must be a master of the craft to be able to dole out such criticism, so, now I'll take your future criticism with a grain of salt. Thanks for the feedback anyway. I can, hopefully, offer you some, someday, when you release something of your own.

So your games seem to cater to a large variety of fetishes, and it seems the you already have this game planned from start to finish, but is there ever a chance you might add something along the lines of bestiality? If not is it possible for you to maybe add Werewolves/Minotaur's? Either way I have a new found appreciation for this game and I can see just how much you care about your work. I'll 100% be keeping my eye on this game, as well as playing the others.
Werewolves will appear in my Desideratum: Blood Bonds novel. However, straight up dogs and such sex, will not. But, yes, that novel will be all about werewolves, vampires, mummies, ghosts, and other ghoulish monsters. As far as appearing in Factions, I DO expect some of the werewolf characters to eventually find their way into my video games, absolutely. I am glad you have found an appreciation towards my hard work! I am extremely passionate about my projects and I intend to do this for the rest of my life!
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Though I took nothing as a personal affront, I just assumed you must be a master of the craft to be able to dole out such criticism, so, now I'll take your future criticism with a grain of salt. Thanks for the feedback anyway. I can, hopefully, offer you some, someday, when you release something of your own.
It is a big mistake to believe that only an experienced developer has "know-how" to perform certain types of criticism about a game. Personally, I think even a criticism coming from someone with little or no experience with games is valid.

I will be happy to have your feedback, regardless of whether it is a harsh critic or a compliment.

The Anax

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 24, 2017
I think it's a big mistake to critique things when someone is inexperienced. In reality, it's not even a critique. It's just an opinion of someone, a layman, and I do not take it as seriously (though I also do not ignore it completely). Everyone is entitled to their opinions. I have done art my entire life and grew up in a very rural place. I remember people telling me how bad my artwork was- until I moved to New York City and an actual art critic looked at it. Soon a couple of others did, and they offered me real insight- there was so much more to what they were saying than some rancher that offered an uneducated opinion. Because of all that, I have a thick skin, and while I am not trying to belittle your opinion any more than you are trying to vex me- the reality is that your view does not really weigh in for me, personally. But, no big deal. Thanks for that feedback, too, I suppose! lol


I Want to Rock your Body (To the Break of Dawn)
Jun 5, 2017
I think it's a big mistake to critique things when someone is inexperienced. In reality, it's not even a critique. It's just an opinion of someone, a layman, and I do not take it as seriously.
I don't know if I can agree to this. In some situations the perspective and critiques of someone who's not considered experienced and is more of along the lines of ordinary are just as important in my opinion. For example if I was making a game and someone with not a lot of experience with games told me my UI was unintuitive, and on another hand someone who had a lot of experience told me it was fine, I would 100% go back and look over my UI and try to make it more beginner friendly. Of course this is just one example, but I just don't think that a "professionals" critique is inherently worth more. Even if its in the field of art, I've found valid criticisms and inspiration from my friends who have never drawn a picture past the age of 6 or taken a single class.

The Anax

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 24, 2017
Yeah, it's only my opinion, of course. The main game will have an options menu, for example, but unless someone can fork over a couple of hundred dollars, I cannot afford to add it now. Anyway, it's all just opinions and opinions. As I said, I don't ignore a layman's opinion, but if another game dev showed up and gives me a critique, it will hold more weight for me. Of course, they are unlikely to do so since this is just a demo- and not even a finished demo yet. Anyway, it's all alright!
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The Anax

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 24, 2017
Yes, we have a Mac Version that will be released either on Halloween or right after! The full game will be on both platforms as well (the safe for work version I plan on releasing on Android and iOS stores as well)
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May 1, 2017
Yesssss finally you posted on here. i rmeeber a couple weeks ago we were having a twitter convo about this very game lol.
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