Ok. I’ve played through all the content and I’ve gotta say I’m impressed. There’s a lot there. In addition to a decent and rarely used MacGuffin, good story, and fairly intuitive progression, you (the dev) have chosen some spectacular models for this, and the scene choices fit seamlessly. The only issue for me is that immersion gets seriously broken by something that’s likely not going to change without a little help.
Nothing breaks my enjoyment of a game quicker than smacking headlong into a wall of unholy grammar. I mean no offense by this, but it’s pretty clear that English isn’t your first language. There’s a whole lot of dialogue that comes across as Eastern European sentence structure piped through Google translate, then using the most laughable choice of words. So I was wondering… if I did a proof edit to convert that sentence structure to clear English, either with American or British idiom, would you use it? I have some background with copy editing and a good bit of background writing erotic fiction, though none with Twine coding. This is a good game/visual novel. It could be great.