is this game grindy?? because i get rect at the forest thingy map. its level 10 when my party is about level 8. or i miss something?
Oh yeah ... it's a friggin' grindfest honestly. From lvl 2 first floors to the 3rd/4th floor the monsters suddenly just double in level too, going from around 8 to lvl 16 dragons all of a sudden.
Of the 5+ hours playtime, I've spent most of that just grinding levels, as much as I hate to admit it.
I expected something more along the lines of Last Embryo when it seemed to be the same DEV, but it's nothing like it though.
And it's also one of the games that do one of the most irritating things one of these damn RPG's can do. Make MP SCARCE! Despite being necessary.
You get some MP recovery item from monsters if you're VERY lucky, but can't buy the damn thing. Then you have a mage class that's utterly useless in 'normal attack', but runs out of MP in no time if you actually use magic, but you can't buy any friggin' way to recover it.
So either you constantly go sleeping to fully recover or you just keep trudging away with normal attacks, letting the mage just defend for dear life. So you basically end up running around in circles, normal attacking away to save MP and get lvls.
It ain't even remotely the first game that makes it's own magic system unteneble by making MP hard to come by. At least here you technically CAN still get MP back by sleeping at the inn rather than some games I've had where you simply don't want to ever use MP since it's more limited a resource than it should ever have a right to be.
By the way ... I'm like lvl12, entering the dragon's forest map and though I don't get 'recked', it ain't ideal nonetheless to fight lvl 16 dragons since I'll run out of potions too quickly if I wanna constantly clear the floor for the chest.