- Dec 7, 2020
- 28
- 17
What kind of error are you getting?Anyone?
Also, there are no penalties for the girls not being virgins
What kind of error are you getting?Anyone?
Any idea where this weapon shop is? Maybe a screenshot will work and Just want to ask How do you find Tainy and Pristina? I can't seem to trigger the event to recruit herA guide/semi walkthrough with tips/tricks:
Game start + Classes:
I won't mention prologue, since it's mostly straightforward semi tutorial - character creation stuff does not seem to matter at all - what slightly matters is element, but only a very tiny bit.. a lot of big bosses have dark element attacks so dark resist is probably best... most of the guide content starts in the main town aside of class info that I will mention here.
Dialogue choices don't make any impact at all either by the way. At least I never saw any big changes aside of small speech difference.
You can cross class - you keep every skill/passive except the initial one once you change class. But it's bad idea to do it early, better stick to 1 class until you can outpower strong enemies to rush levels of other classes. Majority of the useful class passives come via very expensive skill books anyway.
Changing classes is free and is mostly useful to gather good passives later in the game where getting first 20 levels is a few minute thing.
Reaching lvl 20 with any class opens the 'gem slot' passive which allows you to wear 4 gems instead of 2, a gamechanger considering how much impact those have.
Whenever you swap class old one keeps it's level but new one starts at lvl 1.
I will slightly spoil you and say that you will get 3 'permanent' characters you can use anywhere(1 MC + 2 girls) and 3 more girls, which are more 'temporary' as in you can use them in dungeon only...
1 of those girls is aimed at being a mage and I don't recommend more than 1 mage early on.
Class summary:
Warrior - this class is a must early on to attract aggro, it has passive aggro rate bonus and if you equip gems for more aggro on it along with weapon on aggro you will attract most non AoE attacks towards warrior, who will barely take any damage..
Recommended early game MC class. Out of skills - nothing special but it has one of best cheap and efficient nukes in the game for 15 mana which does 3x phys damage... also a 50% atk self buff for 8 rounds is neat for boss fights... there is also team buff, which again is neat for long fights.
Hunter - kinda mostly unremarkable dodge machine.. mostly useful for cross classing, bigger mana pool than warrior and passives. At late levels has a 40 mana 2x physical attack that you can spam without spending turns(meaning assuming you have huge mana pool and pre buffed yourself to the limit - you can destroy most bosses without them getting a turn, helps if you put assault gem on yourself as well for a neat +30% atk bonus every 3 attacks)
I do recommend 1 character being hunter from get go if only for the passive it eventually gets, which removes the poison from you after fight, some later floors become too annoying without it.
You can technically become immune to those via warrior passives, BUT those need pretty expensive skill books, so not really an option early on.
Mage - you need at least 1 in your party for heals. The last 'permanent' team member you will get(clearing floor 1 of labyrinth) is a girl who has a lot of passives that help towards being this class so I recommend just letting her play the role...
Mage gets a heal on lvl 5, which will allow you to use mana for healing aside of potions only... and on lvl 13 it will get meditate skill which restores MP but delays next turn by A LOT.. nice for short fights where the rest of the party can handle things. Overall I don't recommend using mage offensively early on - keep it mostly as healing machine early on for exploration.
Mage needs some HP from gems to survive, it's default HP is super low.. also very important to purchase ring for it, since it adds a good amount of survival.
Super later on you also get revival spell... but before that overall it's best to try not to die and if you die just retreat and go to sleep, revival item costs 3k coins to purchase and sells for 600.
Mage also gets a useful skill called Encouragement, which boosts max HP by 50% until you change the screen/location - very useful before boss fights, esp on mage since it's so squishy.
Cross classing:
Warrior/Hunter - whichever you use they both need warrior/hunter up to ~lvl 30 or so to unlock all passives/bonuses/actives. But you can technically make do with ~level 15 of class you don't plan to use, by this level most useful passives are achieved.
They also want lvl 8 mage for the cheapest skill book called magic barrier.. it's pretty damn good passive for how cheap and easy it is to get.
Mage - mage itself does not need accuracy but critical/evasion from hunter and poison immunity from warrior can sure help... meaning you only need lvl 14 hunter and lvl 15 warrior.
Team Setups:
Early game - MC Warrior + 1st Girl Hunter + 2nd Girl Mage
Early game you don't profit too much from MC sword and finding new weapon is usually more profitable... so MC can just equip the shield item instead of the sword. As sword gets power back you will slowly change from wearing shield to wearing main weapon and becoming mostly damager instead of tank...
Later on the MC weapon becomes the most god tier one and allows you to combine some crazy weapons into it(like putting the sword with huge stats which gives huge mana penalty... except mana penalty is not working when set as sub weapon since MC sub weap stats can't go below 0)
Main problem of MC warrior later on is that his weapon does not get the aggro bonus so he can at most be only DPS warrior later on... I recommend him as hunter later on though for bigger MP pool - he needs it for unique monster skills.
Later on: 1 mage girl + 3 warriors(DPS) or 1 mage + 1 warrior(tank) + 2 hunters(DPS) seems best setup...
Overall goal with 1st setup is to attract most attention away from the mage while having 3 big crit value machines... obviously 2 of those warriors(MC +1st girl) are cross classed with other passives.
2nd setup removes 2 warriors and instead makes an agro tank in favor of bigger mana pool of hunter - a reasonable choice as well if only for the mana pool.
Mage is a very strong class in this game but you can only make one to be super strong and mages are kinda annoying to manage, since they need mana micromanaging.. if you are fine with that you can also make 3 mages + 1 warrior tank and be fine.
The reason why only 1 mage: only one mage can get the double dmg double spell cost gem and only 1 mage can equip custom spell gem...
Custom spell: if you make it single target spell - it has 50x multiplier at max power with element of your choice(can also be physical) for 100 mana ... you can double this damage with spell cost gem and making it cost 200 mana.. sure, you lose most mana this way, but you kinda one shot kill nearly anything as well.
Reaching main town:
It's a bit long to explain all things that town has to offer, but all is in plain sight so I just recommend walking through the town to get acquainted to it before exploring the labyrinth for the first time.
Money + Fishing:
Majority of cash is gained via sub quests and quite a good amount is gained via selling useless equip, BUT there is one other neat function which gives great early game money - fishing...
Best way to spend cash are IMO class rings, gifts for girls, wedding rings + marriage and maybe property(you can buy 2 cheap houses and eventually build a big house)
Everything else like sex stuff and such you can buy later on.. do buy one sex interaction(does not have to be actual sex if you want to keep virginity) book for 2nd girl though(1st girl gets one for free).. any type of scenes with girl counts as sex and you need those to upgrade your weapon further.. each girl is +1 upgrade before the last one.
Fishing is pretty simple and is located in location north of adventurer's guild. It is simple
Short guide for optimal fishing:
Default gear fishing - aim to get Bass(4 fish medals) or porgy(6 medals)..
Your goal is to buy 15 medal bait. With 15 medal bait you can pretty reliably get porgy and have some chance Albacore(12 medals).. still not worth aiming for Albacore specifically, but if you get it or Tuna(most expensive fish, 20 medals) - just consider yourself lucky.
The gear order is: 15 bait > 15 rod > 50 bait(at this point I started aiming at albacore or tuna) > 50 rod OR 15 line(if you have problems catching fish, for me it was easy enough without it)
Be aware max amount of medals is 99, anything over that is wasted!
You can also fish out random gems, but that's ultra rare..
Overall this can net a good early cash amount.. if you really want some early money to help you beat content easier - feel free to rest/fish scam, since there is no day limit in the game.
MC weapon upgrades:
To upgrade MC weapon you need to have any kind of interaction with a new girl and then go to sleep. Anything seems to count as 'sex' for this purpose, I used breast groping for example.
1st and 2nd girls are easy to get for first 2 easy weapon upgrades... 3rd/4th girl take time to unlock... but you only get 1 weapon upgrade via their sex(I think you only need 1 of those 2 girls). The final weapon upgrades comes near the end of the game and I assume requiring sex with all girls, although I can't confirm if those are the exact requirements.
Costumes and medals:
Majority of girl costumes can be purchased from shop which sells them for medals. Those medals are pretty rare, so I recommend saving them until you only need a few costumes more for collection if you aim at item collection.
Main way to get RANDOM costumes are either sealed chest farming(labyrinth floor 9 will have 2 chests in same floor with a lot of items, pretty good value)
Once most costumes you get randomly start being dupes it's time to purchase the costumes in the shop assuming you gathered enough medals.
Another important to note is that randomly 'heart' icon encounters appear in labyrinth.. those seem to be randomly in fixed places after day changes... since they are random it's kind of random where you will find them but each floor seems to have 1 spot where it can appear(I might be wrong there, but I had one appear at same place 2 times an never ever encountered same spot again after since those are rare to begin with)
Those fights early on are a bit on the hard side to win since the monsters tend to run on low HP... I recommend preparing for big burst of damage when you get it under half HP or so.
Monster mostly spams skill that gives huge debuffs for whole battle if it lands on one of your girls.
If you kill the opponent - you will get a neat costume box with random costumes, try to kill those
Some costumes will also be given as part of the side quests.. so yeah, don't rush buying those unless you like how they look as you will likely get a lot passively as you play anyway.
To equip costumes with high lewd level you need to either have very high fondness values or girls not being shy.. those increase/decrease at same time though as you play around with them and you will likely reach the fondness first if you also gift some gifts to the girls.
1st house costs 2k and is in the very first location of the town - a warehouse in the south. It simply gives you a free rest with no strings attached. This house does not allow the bed scene events to happen.
2nd house costs 3.5k and gives +5% exp boost until you lose it by taking damage. This is similar to the cheap room of inn and in this house you can already view the fixed small scenes.
Big house - as you beat certain floor(4?) you will open up a quest to clear dungeon behind the labyrinth... this will get you the land you need for big house... you will need 5k for the land.. go to house purchase NPC and talk about building house.. turns out you need a carpenter - he is in adventurers guild and asks for 10k coins, a land permit(the one for 5k) and either of the 2 warrior 5 rarity weapons(fire sword or thunder spear) you can buy thunder spear for 6k from an NPC in labyrinth 5... it's a scam deal but this bypasses RNG of needing to find it)
Once all those are in your hands - give the stuff to carpenter and wait ~3 days until he finishes building it.
Once you purchased the big house - a new shop section opened up in item shop vendor - furniture... Warp stone is very cheap and very useful allowing you to teleport inside your house. Basement allows you to challenge the monster girls 1vs1 in a slightly easier fight. There are 3 in total and they give crazy support buffs for MC which don't even cost a turn and insanely powerful gems(aside of maybe slime girl one which increases tension and is kinda so so tier)
Bathroom is somewhat useful to change equip of non permanent girls without going out of your house.
There is also decorative furniture just for the looks aside of that.
This is not really important but is often asked. Tension slightly increases Agi + offensive stats. It lasts for as long as you are on same 'screen'.. so if you keep battling on the same screen you will be keeping it.
It's not a huge boost but it can help a bit when you are clearing monsters for chests)
Those are nothing complex but worth a mention... I recommend auto assault gem on 1 girl(if you don't get it randomly - pick it as reward for one of the quests in the inn)
The gems from subduing monsters are pretty neat - minotaur one is the best with +50% atk... mage one can be very good for boss fights(+100% magic attack BUT double MP cost as well, so bad for exploration)...
You can also easy farm chests with auto AoE attack ones on easier floors, you will need to go sleep occasionally for MP restoring as mana will drain fast.
Aside of that:
Warrior wants aggro and Atk
Hunter wants Atk
Mage wants HP and Matk
Every class profits from agi as well.
Girls and marriage:
Won't mention names to avoid spoilers, instead will mention how to get them(although there are also hints for this in game):
Permanent girls are the only ones who can change classes by the way and hence learn cross class passives, other 3 girls are bound to 1 class(there is a warrior/hunter/mage one)
Marriage needs a ring(purchased for 5k) + a cost of 1k > 10k > 20k > 30k > 40k
Marriage bonus is the ring itself becomes arguably best in slot ring for that girl.. although not too much better than the most expensive class ring. But first 2 girl marriages are bound to fondness and are cheap, hence those will profit you a lot. I recommend mage girl ring first to make her much more bulky in terms of defence so random hits don't 2 shot her.
The requirement for marriage agreement of 1st and 2nd girl seems to be ~60 fondness. Other girls need their questlines fully completed after which they will agree... which is close to end of the game, so kinda on the late side.
1) 1st and easiest girl to get 'permanently' - basically as soon as you reach the 1st town go to north eastern part of the town and buy the slave there for 5k coins.. to purchase her borrow cash from lender(don't worry, the amount you need you can easily return in a day or 2 of exploring)
I made this girl hunter myself at start, but you can also be a hunter yourself and make her warrior if you want to.. those 2 classes need almost identical stats anyway.
You can also do the fishing money scam instead by fishing/resting until you get the cash.
2) 2nd girl is another easy and last 'permanent' one - simply beat 1st floor of labyrinth.. shouldn't pose too much challenge when you have 2 girls. This girls passives make her an optimal mage.
3) 3rd girl needs a house and ~30 fondness with 1st and 2nd girl. Once those are met - you will have a very low reward solo quest you can accept from the adventurers guild... this is where you will get the girl. She is a hunter from prologue.
4) 4th girls has approx same requirements as girl 3.. she is the warrior girl from prologue.. her quest seems to appear some days after you get the house(or maybe a day after you get 3rd girl? not too sure).. her 1st encounter is inside adventurers guild then she will be in one of the Inn rooms where you can do quest with her.
For her quest you will need to select locations... the 1st location needs
5) 5th girl you get near the end of the game after reaching end of labyrinth floor 9 and she is a mage.
Sub quests:
There ain't much missable stuff in terms of side quests - those don't have time limit to complete them and you can't fail anything..
That said there is one quest location you seemingly can't revisit - castle under water which needs special breathing item and swimsuits to access.. this quest has a skeleton you can feed afterwards for extra bonus and a shortcut back to entrance that is just outside of the location with skeleton.
One thing I should also note is that it seems that to access next monster subdue quest you first need to beat the previous monster in basement(I did not get the quest for minotaur before I beat slime girl in basement of the house) and got it immediately afterwards)
Easy to miss secrets:
Labyrinth lava floor(4?) - this has a secret chest you can see but need to access from another location to the south of it, consult mini map to notice a hidden entrance. Once you encounter him here you will encounter the NPC in floor 5 of the labyrinth(only after floor 6 of labyrinth opens up though!) after which he runs away again.
The last time you will find him on floor - give him teleport shard and he will give you the reward.
Treasure maps - game mistakingly tells that those drop on floors 3 or lower.. the truth is the opposite, those drop on floors 4+ and seemingly have higher chances on higher floors(I started getting them on floor 8 myself, but you might get lucky before that)
Those are simply item drops that you can open in inventory for a hint of where treasure is. Treasure has 10k gold + a strong unique weapon usually.
Be aware you can't get those without owning the map. Nothing happens when you are on the correct place either - you need to press action button near the correct location to dig up the treasure.
Treasure map 1 - 'abandoned houses on the streets' location behind the house.
Treasure map 2 - 'south cave' location in the tomb near the coffin.
I will add more treasure map locations if I manage to find them.. not having much luck sadly
Also if I missed some other secret that you feel like is easily missable - tell me and I will edit it in.
Weapons shop is in the Everthin market district.Any idea where this weapon shop is? Maybe a screenshot will work and Just want to ask How do you find Tainy and Pristina? I can't seem to trigger the event to recruit her
Uhhh I think the link to your guide is dead?Weapons shop is in the Everthin market district.
To find Pristina, you must have
-Have Torte and Fano joined your party
-Completed the quest "Sealing off the dungeon"
-Built a house
After that, check daily at the shop to see if Pristina is there,it will start a side quest, after completing it, Pristina will join you.
To find Tainy, you must have
-Reached the third floor of Labyrinthos (the one with the magic circle where you fight the first boss)
-Completed the quest "Sealing off the dungeon"
-Built a house
After that, there should be a new subjugation quest at the Adventurer's Guild from Tainy, after completing it, she will joinyou.
I also made a steam guide if you're confused about anything
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Sometimes she does not show up on that day, its random chance. Link to the guide works for me.Uhhh I think the link to your guide is dead?
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Well anyways I already got tainy showing up on Labyrinthos but and have already met the requirements for Pristina but she's still not showing up?
Nah Just confirm it You need to have a sex with scenes with either both your slaves then Upgrade the Audragon Blade and You don't need to have Tainy to recruit her either by the waySometimes she does not show up on that day, its random chance. Link to the guide works for me.
After defeating them on their subjugation quests, if you built the monster girl dungeon in your house, you can visit them, then fight them 1v1 and assert overwhelming dominanceReally well made game. Character creation, choices, interesting story, pleasant music, non-boring fights, truly an RPG.
I can't seem to find out how to fuck monster girls though. Does anybody know?
That's a first, the tutorial god also says the only requirements are Torte and Fano have joined you, you beat the cliff dungeon, and you've built a houseNah Just confirm it You need to have a sex with scenes with either both your slaves then Upgrade the Audragon Blade and You don't need to have Tainy to recruit her either by the way
Yeah I know It seems that the Tutorial God was a little off in it's guide you have to H either Torte or Fano then after that the Audragon will get upgraded and she will show up the next day I'm sure that you can do anything then it will unlock it the requirements for her to show up to is to upgrade the AudragonThat's a first, the tutorial god also says the only requirements are Torte and Fano have joined you, you beat the cliff dungeon, and you've built a house
the place you find the girl with pink hair has 1 statue to save and full recover from hp and mana and the monster are lvl 1Nobody has complained about magic damage! The complaint is about having low mana points and no way to restore Mana except by sleeping. It's fucking retarded to have an RPG game with no mana potions. You can clear about 2 floors and your out of mana completely if you only use mana on the groups with 3 or more enemies.
when i found out that i could have 4 team members i was already on the 8th floor, i don't speak englishA guide/semi walkthrough with tips/tricks:
Game start + Classes:
I won't mention prologue, since it's mostly straightforward semi tutorial - character creation stuff does not seem to matter at all - what slightly matters is element, but only a very tiny bit.. a lot of big bosses have dark element attacks so dark resist is probably best... most of the guide content starts in the main town aside of class info that I will mention here.
Dialogue choices don't make any impact at all either by the way. At least I never saw any big changes aside of small speech difference.
You can cross class - you keep every skill/passive except the initial one once you change class. But it's bad idea to do it early, better stick to 1 class until you can outpower strong enemies to rush levels of other classes. Majority of the useful class passives come via very expensive skill books anyway.
Changing classes is free and is mostly useful to gather good passives later in the game where getting first 20 levels is a few minute thing.
Reaching lvl 20 with any class opens the 'gem slot' passive which allows you to wear 4 gems instead of 2, a gamechanger considering how much impact those have.
Whenever you swap class old one keeps it's level but new one starts at lvl 1.
I will slightly spoil you and say that you will get 3 'permanent' characters you can use anywhere(1 MC + 2 girls) and 3 more girls, which are more 'temporary' as in you can use them in dungeon only...
1 of those girls is aimed at being a mage and I don't recommend more than 1 mage early on.
Class summary:
Warrior - this class is a must early on to attract aggro, it has passive aggro rate bonus and if you equip gems for more aggro on it along with weapon on aggro you will attract most non AoE attacks towards warrior, who will barely take any damage..
Recommended early game MC class. Out of skills - nothing special but it has one of best cheap and efficient nukes in the game for 15 mana which does 3x phys damage... also a 50% atk self buff for 8 rounds is neat for boss fights... there is also team buff, which again is neat for long fights.
Hunter - kinda mostly unremarkable dodge machine.. mostly useful for cross classing, bigger mana pool than warrior and passives. At late levels has a 40 mana 2x physical attack that you can spam without spending turns(meaning assuming you have huge mana pool and pre buffed yourself to the limit - you can destroy most bosses without them getting a turn, helps if you put assault gem on yourself as well for a neat +30% atk bonus every 3 attacks)
I do recommend 1 character being hunter from get go if only for the passive it eventually gets, which removes the poison from you after fight, some later floors become too annoying without it.
You can technically become immune to those via warrior passives, BUT those need pretty expensive skill books, so not really an option early on.
Mage - you need at least 1 in your party for heals. The last 'permanent' team member you will get(clearing floor 1 of labyrinth) is a girl who has a lot of passives that help towards being this class so I recommend just letting her play the role...
Mage gets a heal on lvl 5, which will allow you to use mana for healing aside of potions only... and on lvl 13 it will get meditate skill which restores MP but delays next turn by A LOT.. nice for short fights where the rest of the party can handle things. Overall I don't recommend using mage offensively early on - keep it mostly as healing machine early on for exploration.
Mage needs some HP from gems to survive, it's default HP is super low.. also very important to purchase ring for it, since it adds a good amount of survival.
Super later on you also get revival spell... but before that overall it's best to try not to die and if you die just retreat and go to sleep, revival item costs 3k coins to purchase and sells for 600.
Mage also gets a useful skill called Encouragement, which boosts max HP by 50% until you change the screen/location - very useful before boss fights, esp on mage since it's so squishy.
Cross classing:
Warrior/Hunter - whichever you use they both need warrior/hunter up to ~lvl 30 or so to unlock all passives/bonuses/actives. But you can technically make do with ~level 15 of class you don't plan to use, by this level most useful passives are achieved.
They also want lvl 8 mage for the cheapest skill book called magic barrier.. it's pretty damn good passive for how cheap and easy it is to get.
Mage - mage itself does not need accuracy but critical/evasion from hunter and poison immunity from warrior can sure help... meaning you only need lvl 14 hunter and lvl 15 warrior.
Team Setups:
Early game - MC Warrior + 1st Girl Hunter + 2nd Girl Mage
Early game you don't profit too much from MC sword and finding new weapon is usually more profitable... so MC can just equip the shield item instead of the sword. As sword gets power back you will slowly change from wearing shield to wearing main weapon and becoming mostly damager instead of tank...
Later on the MC weapon becomes the most god tier one and allows you to combine some crazy weapons into it(like putting the sword with huge stats which gives huge mana penalty... except mana penalty is not working when set as sub weapon since MC sub weap stats can't go below 0)
Main problem of MC warrior later on is that his weapon does not get the aggro bonus so he can at most be only DPS warrior later on... I recommend him as hunter later on though for bigger MP pool - he needs it for unique monster skills.
Later on: 1 mage girl + 3 warriors(DPS) or 1 mage + 1 warrior(tank) + 2 hunters(DPS) seems best setup...
Overall goal with 1st setup is to attract most attention away from the mage while having 3 big crit value machines... obviously 2 of those warriors(MC +1st girl) are cross classed with other passives.
2nd setup removes 2 warriors and instead makes an agro tank in favor of bigger mana pool of hunter - a reasonable choice as well if only for the mana pool.
Mage is a very strong class in this game but you can only make one to be super strong and mages are kinda annoying to manage, since they need mana micromanaging.. if you are fine with that you can also make 3 mages + 1 warrior tank and be fine.
The reason why only 1 mage: only one mage can get the double dmg double spell cost gem and only 1 mage can equip custom spell gem...
Custom spell: if you make it single target spell - it has 50x multiplier at max power with element of your choice(can also be physical) for 100 mana ... you can double this damage with spell cost gem and making it cost 200 mana.. sure, you lose most mana this way, but you kinda one shot kill nearly anything as well.
Reaching main town:
It's a bit long to explain all things that town has to offer, but all is in plain sight so I just recommend walking through the town to get acquainted to it before exploring the labyrinth for the first time.
Money + Fishing:
Majority of cash is gained via sub quests and quite a good amount is gained via selling useless equip, BUT there is one other neat function which gives great early game money - fishing...
Best way to spend cash are IMO class rings, gifts for girls, wedding rings + marriage and maybe property(you can buy 2 cheap houses and eventually build a big house)
Everything else like sex stuff and such you can buy later on.. do buy one sex interaction(does not have to be actual sex if you want to keep virginity) book for 2nd girl though(1st girl gets one for free).. any type of scenes with girl counts as sex and you need those to upgrade your weapon further.. each girl is +1 upgrade before the last one.
Fishing is pretty simple and is located in location north of adventurer's guild. It is simple
Short guide for optimal fishing:
Default gear fishing - aim to get Bass(4 fish medals) or porgy(6 medals)..
Your goal is to buy 15 medal bait. With 15 medal bait you can pretty reliably get porgy and have some chance Albacore(12 medals).. still not worth aiming for Albacore specifically, but if you get it or Tuna(most expensive fish, 20 medals) - just consider yourself lucky.
The gear order is: 15 bait > 15 rod > 50 bait(at this point I started aiming at albacore or tuna) > 50 rod OR 15 line(if you have problems catching fish, for me it was easy enough without it)
Be aware max amount of medals is 99, anything over that is wasted!
You can also fish out random gems, but that's ultra rare..
Overall this can net a good early cash amount.. if you really want some early money to help you beat content easier - feel free to rest/fish scam, since there is no day limit in the game.
MC weapon upgrades:
To upgrade MC weapon you need to have any kind of interaction with a new girl and then go to sleep. Anything seems to count as 'sex' for this purpose, I used breast groping for example.
1st and 2nd girls are easy to get for first 2 easy weapon upgrades... 3rd/4th girl take time to unlock... but you only get 1 weapon upgrade via their sex(I think you only need 1 of those 2 girls). The final weapon upgrades comes near the end of the game and I assume requiring full completion of girls 3 and 4 quests, after which a new quest unlocks for the weapon upgrade.
Costumes and medals:
Majority of girl costumes can be purchased from shop which sells them for medals. Those medals are pretty rare, so I recommend saving them until you only need a few costumes more for collection if you aim at item collection.
Main way to get RANDOM costumes are either sealed chest farming(labyrinth floor 8 will have 2 chests in same floor with a lot of items, pretty good value)
Once most costumes you get randomly start being dupes it's time to purchase the costumes in the shop assuming you gathered enough medals.
Another important to note is that randomly 'heart' icon encounters appear in labyrinth.. those seem to be randomly in fixed places after day changes... since they are random it's kind of random where you will find them but each floor seems to have 1 spot where it can appear(I might be wrong there, but I had one appear at same place 2 times an never ever encountered same spot again after since those are rare to begin with)
Those fights early on are a bit on the hard side to win since the monsters tend to run on low HP... I recommend preparing for big burst of damage when you get it under half HP or so.
Monster mostly spams skill that gives huge debuffs for whole battle if it lands on one of your girls.
If you kill the opponent - you will get a neat costume box with random costumes, try to kill those
Some costumes will also be given as part of the side quests.. so yeah, don't rush buying those unless you like how they look as you will likely get a lot passively as you play anyway.
To equip costumes with high lewd level you need to either have very high fondness values or girls not being shy.. those increase/decrease at same time though as you play around with them and you will likely reach the fondness first if you also gift some gifts to the girls.
1st house costs 2k and is in the very first location of the town - a warehouse in the south. It simply gives you a free rest with no strings attached. This house does not allow the bed scene events to happen.
2nd house costs 3.5k and gives +5% exp boost until you lose it by taking damage. This is similar to the cheap room of inn and in this house you can already view the fixed small scenes.
Big house - as you beat certain floor(4?) you will open up a quest to clear dungeon behind the labyrinth... this will get you the land you need for big house... you will need 5k for the land.. go to house purchase NPC and talk about building house.. turns out you need a carpenter - he is in adventurers guild and asks for 10k coins, a land permit(the one for 5k) and either of the 2 warrior 5 rarity weapons(fire sword or thunder spear) you can buy thunder spear for 6k from an NPC in labyrinth 5... it's a scam deal but this bypasses RNG of needing to find it)
Once all those are in your hands - give the stuff to carpenter and wait ~3 days until he finishes building it.
Once you purchased the big house - a new shop section opened up in item shop vendor - furniture... Warp stone is very cheap and very useful allowing you to teleport inside your house. Basement allows you to challenge the monster girls 1vs1 in a slightly easier fight. There are 3 in total and they give crazy support buffs for MC which don't even cost a turn and insanely powerful gems(aside of maybe slime girl one which increases tension and is kinda so so tier)
Bathroom is somewhat useful to change equip of non permanent girls without going out of your house.
There is also decorative furniture just for the looks aside of that.
This is not really important but is often asked. Tension slightly increases Agi + offensive stats. It lasts for as long as you are on same 'screen'.. so if you keep battling on the same screen you will be keeping it.
It's not a huge boost but it can help a bit when you are clearing monsters for chests)
Those are nothing complex but worth a mention... I recommend auto assault gem on 1 girl(if you don't get it randomly - pick it as reward for one of the quests in the inn)
The gems from subduing monsters are pretty neat - minotaur one is the best with +50% atk... mage one can be very good for boss fights(+100% magic attack BUT double MP cost as well, so bad for exploration)...
You can also easy farm chests with auto AoE attack ones on easier floors, you will need to go sleep occasionally for MP restoring as mana will drain fast.
Aside of that:
Warrior wants aggro and Atk
Hunter wants Atk
Mage wants HP and Matk
Every class profits from agi as well.
Girls and marriage:
Won't mention names to avoid spoilers, instead will mention how to get them(although there are also hints for this in game):
Permanent girls are the only ones who can change classes by the way and hence learn cross class passives, other 4 girls are bound to 1 class and you can't cross class them.
Marriage needs a ring(purchased for 5k) + a cost of 1k > 10k > 20k > 30k.. etc
Marriage bonus is the ring itself becomes arguably best in slot ring for that girl.. although not too much better than the most expensive class ring. But first 2 girl marriages are bound to fondness and are cheap, hence those will profit you a lot. I recommend mage girl ring first to make her much more bulky in terms of defence so random hits don't 2 shot her.
The requirement for marriage agreement of 1st and 2nd girl seems to be ~60 fondness. Other girls need their questlines fully completed after which they will agree - for girl 4 and 5 you also need to invite them to live with you in the house... those quests start ending around floor 9 of labyrinth.
1) 1st and easiest girl to get 'permanently' - basically as soon as you reach the 1st town go to north eastern part of the town and buy the slave there for 5k coins.. to purchase her borrow cash from lender(don't worry, the amount you need you can easily return in a day or 2 of exploring)
I made this girl hunter myself at start, but you can also be a hunter yourself and make her warrior if you want to.. those 2 classes need almost identical stats anyway.
You can also do the fishing money scam instead by fishing/resting until you get the cash.
2) 2nd girl is another easy and last 'permanent' one - simply beat 1st floor of labyrinth.. shouldn't pose too much challenge when you have 2 girls. This girls passives make her an optimal mage.
3) 3rd girl needs you to construct the big house and have ~30 fondness with 1st and 2nd girl. Once those conditions are met - you will have a very low reward solo quest you can accept from the adventurers guild... this is where you will get the girl. She is a hunter from prologue.
4) 4th girl has approx same requirements as girl 3.. she is the warrior girl from prologue.. her quest seems to appear some days after you get the house(or maybe a day after you get 3rd girl? not too sure).. her 1st encounter is inside adventurers guild then she will be in one of the Inn rooms where you can do quest with her.
For her quest you will need to select locations... the 1st location needs to be mountain where you subdue the minotaur - Mount Menou.. another 2 are Castle under Water and Valley of sea rumbling - all of those are from the side quests.
5) 5th girl you get near the end of the game after reaching end of labyrinth floor 9 and she is a mage.
6) 6h girl you get as part of main story later on.
Sub quests:
There ain't much missable stuff in terms of side quests - those don't have time limit to complete them and you can't fail anything..
That said there is one quest location you seemingly can't revisit - castle under water which needs special breathing item and swimsuits to access.. this quest has a skeleton you can feed afterwards for extra bonus and a shortcut back to entrance that is just outside of the location with skeleton.
One thing I should also note is that it seems that to access next monster subdue quest you first need to beat the previous monster in basement(I did not get the quest for minotaur before I beat slime girl in basement of the house) and got it immediately afterwards)
Easy to miss secrets:
Arena - arena is unlocked once you are able to enter the mansion of Letterfaith guild. You won't miss this, don't worry. One of the servants will tell you the 'password' to the door at town entrance. The password is buying a cake from the inn and handing it over. Inside that door is an arena. First arena win gives you custom magic gem.. the other ones mostly give coins.
Almost every side dungeon has some optional chest or 2 that are out of the main path. Usually including some MC armor gear or consumable or coins for costumes.
Labyrinth lava floor(4?) - this has a secret chest you can see but need to access from another location to the south of it, consult mini map to notice a hidden entrance. Once you encounter him here you will encounter the NPC in floor 5 of the labyrinth(only after floor 6 of labyrinth opens up though!) after which he runs away again.
The last time you will find him on floor 8 - give him teleport shard and he will give you the reward.
Treasure maps - game mistakingly tells that those drop on floors 3 or lower.. the truth is the opposite, those drop on floors 4+ and seemingly have higher chances on higher floors(I started getting them on floor 8 myself, but you might get lucky before that)
Those are simply item drops that you can open in inventory for a hint of where treasure is. Treasure has 10k gold + a strong unique weapon usually.
Be aware you can't get those without owning the map. Nothing happens when you are on the correct place either - you need to press action button near the correct location to dig up the treasure.
Treasure map 1 - 'abandoned houses on the streets' location behind the house. Gives a holy element sword and shield weapon with hate x1.5 and decent stat values on par with ~t9-10 gear. Also has chance to heal everyone for a small amount, likely removes the need to heal at all in random fights.
Treasure map 2 - 'south cave' location in the tomb near the coffin. Gives a sword that gives atk +218, critical +25(!!!), magic evasion +5 an MP - 100... MP -100 is big penalty.. luckily penalty won't work if you use it as sub weapon for MC sword. It's the best in slot crit chance increasing sub weapon.
Treasure map 4 - 'ruins of demon sword' map. Gives a bow - it's not too remarkable stat wise, BUT it gives a very cheap 4 mana cost skill which deals physical damage x4 against full HP target - pretty much guarantees a kill against any random monster for just 4 mana, neat.
I will add more treasure map locations if I manage to find them.. not having much luck sadly
Also if I missed some other secret that you feel like is easily missable - tell me and I will edit it in.
But they are sapient and monster girls are only monsters on the outside.Nah, if they aren't sapient, it isn't slavery. Even if they are, who cares about monsters?![]()
How to get Fano to join or?Does anyone knows how do i take Fano out to proceed with quest? i'm at the beggining i believe