Really wish they didn't get that investor that wanted what literally nobody else asked for.
The "investor" is a complete fabrication, just like that other company that was offering them 15 million dollars for a bestiality game. They invented the first story to justify why they were dropping all support for the original premise of the game, and the second one likely as some pathetic attempt to quell dissent because it has been months without any actual content being released.
I remember when they were promising the game was going to be a fully-featured singleplayer experience, and look at what they're actually delivering now.
Some retarded multiplayer mode that is so poorly thought out it's unplayable (not that there's any actual gameplay to speak of) on the vast majority of rigs out there, very strong indication the "game" is going to be a grindfest forcing you to either hoard currency (the likes) and wait for the energy bar to recharge or pay real money to avoid spamming the same poses over and over again to unlock more stuff -
and this for a game you're actually supposed to buy.
Can someone riddle me this, if you are actually having to pay real money to buy the game, why exactly is not all the content available and unlocked from the get go? Why is there a countdown for the sanity meter (which is a fucking energy bar straight out of mobile trash) in a premium game?
Why are these developers supposed to get a free pass when people rightfully shit on big publishers and mobile game devs for pulling the same scam?
And for people defending this "game as service" dumpster fire, what happens when the developer decides to pull the plug and shuts down the servers? What are you supposed to do with your purchase then?
At least mobile trash games have the decency to be free-to-play, but these greedy clowns want you to pay upfront for and then double down some more - on top of the fact the "game" has virtually no content.
inb4 someone here tells me that a bunch of looping animations are supposed to be classified as meaningful content.