This game sure likes to talk about its "gameplay mechanics". Is there any actual combat gameplay in any of the updates? or its just a huge scam?
There are no gameplay mechanics in any of the builds they have released and so far as I can remember they have never released any footage, screenshots or particularly detailed write ups of exactly what the gameplay is supposed to entail.
The limited descriptions that they have provided have changed a few times but I believe it's currently supposed to be something along the lines of a card-based team auto-battler (whatever the fuck that means).
I presume it's something along the lines of building a deck with monsters and girls forming the basis for cards, with the girls probably being the "power" pieces, and you then place/fight them in some setup similar to Yu-Gi-Oh or Magic The Gathering. The reference to combat animations, again a presumption on my part, is probably the "auto-battle" component where the characters associated with the placed cards fight and the victor is decided based on card power/modifiers.
It doesn't sound like an awful concept tbh, if it actually exists and they don't fuck it up with F2P monetization. I am sceptical though since they released Fallen Doll: Origins without the gameplay element and then just abandoned it.
Given the awfully thought out grind mechanics in harem mode, the awkward video transitions used for opening card packs and stuff like organising animations by some arbitrary combination of characters and smiley faces when they have perfectly good tags available these guys don't exactly seem to be operating at the peak of gameplay and UX design. My suspicions are therefore that, if they do release any gameplay, it's likely to be questionably implemented and ruined by attempts at monetization.