3.80 star(s) 65 Votes


Jan 5, 2022
So I like do what with the game? I downloaded it (non vr) pressed Fallen Doll exe and it opened steam page. I pressed Fallen Doll launcher,easy anticheat logo and Alet appered and it also opened steam page. Any suggestions (btw how to open all anims without that stupid ass grinding?)


Jan 4, 2023
So I like do what with the game? I downloaded it (non vr) pressed Fallen Doll exe and it opened steam page. I pressed Fallen Doll launcher,easy anticheat logo and Alet appered and it also opened steam page. Any suggestions (btw how to open all anims without that stupid ass grinding?)
You delete it from hard drive and download cracked version, ignore harem mode and go to gallery mode.


Oct 9, 2018
I feel like all the supporters are tired of telling the devs and warns shits to them because they are not gonna listen. The devs themselves keep put some complications into the game on their own and when they are overloaded with problem, they just blame on the supporters for complaining. This is the stupidest shit I ever seen,
1. They promised that this game is gonna be Single player offline game.
2. They changed the entire concept into multiplayer always online game.
3. Saying they made it always online just for anti piracy.
4. Now they use Denuvo, then they should go back to offline single player concept. because multiplayer is useless for this game. Brings nothing but performance impact that they can't or don't even know how to optimize their game and now no one can't even play the fucking game because they had a server issue because it's an online game.
And don't say that it's still under development because they spent half a decade on this game already and the game doesn't even run.


Jan 5, 2022
You delete it from hard drive and download cracked version, ignore harem mode and go to gallery mode.
I don't have the game on steam,it just opens the steam page and that's all. (I am bad with english,so sorry for any mistakes I may make)


Jan 5, 2022
I feel like all the supporters are tired of telling the devs and warns shits to them because they are not gonna listen. The devs themselves keep put some complications into the game on their own and when they are overloaded with problem, they just blame on the supporters for complaining. This is the stupidest shit I ever seen,
1. They promised that this game is gonna be Single player offline game.
2. They changed the entire concept into multiplayer always online game.
3. Saying they made it always online just for anti piracy.
4. Now they use Denuvo, then they should go back to offline single player concept. because multiplayer is useless for this game. Brings nothing but performance impact that they can't or don't even know how to optimize their game and now no one can't even play the fucking game because they had a server issue because it's an online game.
And don't say that it's still under development because they spent half a decade on this game already and the game doesn't even run.
In short: Project Helius = Yanderedev junior


Oct 9, 2018
In short: Project Helius = Yanderedev junior
Correct, but as one of the supporters I would still believe that this game, at least can't crack because of the Denuvo but crackers still can spoof the server to play offline alone... or at least I hope.


Jan 5, 2022
You delete it from hard drive and download cracked version, ignore harem mode and go to gallery mode.
Turns out this build has even less animations that you can view in gallery mode. I have both 049 and 034 on pc and 034 has more anims. Can I somehow unlock them in 049?


Jan 5, 2022
I feel like all the supporters are tired of telling the devs and warns shits to them because they are not gonna listen. The devs themselves keep put some complications into the game on their own and when they are overloaded with problem, they just blame on the supporters for complaining. This is the stupidest shit I ever seen,
1. They promised that this game is gonna be Single player offline game.
2. They changed the entire concept into multiplayer always online game.
3. Saying they made it always online just for anti piracy.
4. Now they use Denuvo, then they should go back to offline single player concept. because multiplayer is useless for this game. Brings nothing but performance impact that they can't or don't even know how to optimize their game and now no one can't even play the fucking game because they had a server issue because it's an online game.
And don't say that it's still under development because they spent half a decade on this game already and the game doesn't even run.
Are they really gonna go and make it offline again or those are just your thoughts?


Nov 16, 2021

Support tickets closed, don't expect much help getting your stuff sorted out if you're missing backer rewards, etc. Also this means for a refund open the ticket with Patreon, then your payment provider. Or quote this when going to your payment provider.

Also good on Pasix for taking a break. I don't know why anyone tries this hard for a guy they know is lying and who doesn't even bother paying them or helping them out.


Jan 5, 2022
View attachment 2443121

Support tickets closed, don't expect much help getting your stuff sorted out if you're missing backer rewards, etc. Also this means for a refund open the ticket with Patreon, then your payment provider. Or quote this when going to your payment provider.

Also good on Pasix for taking a break. I don't know why anyone tries this hard for a guy they know is lying and who doesn't even bother paying them or helping them out.
Why am I not surprised their launch has failed? "Insert trollface"


Oct 9, 2018
View attachment 2443121

Support tickets closed, don't expect much help getting your stuff sorted out if you're missing backer rewards, etc. Also this means for a refund open the ticket with Patreon, then your payment provider. Or quote this when going to your payment provider.

Also good on Pasix for taking a break. I don't know why anyone tries this hard for a guy they know is lying and who doesn't even bother paying them or helping them out.
Well, like I said we supporter already warns them, that making it online would bring a lot more work for you all to handle. Don't blame supporters who wants the games to work and to support the Devs but in this case the devs put themselves in this situation by not listening to supporters that being online is not worth anything at all. And don't blame the supporter that they are having health issues right now because we were all been silence or being silenced for almost a year already. They have no right to complain or blame their health on supporters for criticizing the game that didn't go the way they pay for. Because if you read all the discussions on the game on steam or patreon you will find that the only Pasix or Malone are doing is just telling the supporters to fuck off with there long ass paragraph explanation of nothing. And now look what the game came to. I love the character I love the game, I want it to be success and I still haven't cancelled my patreon on them even for all these year. But the devs never cooperate and never listen.

P.S. I've read ALL the threads ALL the comments on Steam and Patreon and this is the first time I ever came out and comment about this game. Common sense wise, all these game problem is not supporters fault because the only part we do is paying. All these issue with the game are all against the supporters wish and how can you say that all this bad situation happened is because of supporters. when the game doesn't even run!!!!
Last edited:


May 16, 2020
Oh my, this is such a clusterfuck, I finally managed to get in today and it's so much worse than I feared.

It looks like they spent most of the time on anti-piracy nonsense and battlepass.

The battlepass UI is badly designed, confusing, and does not work most of the time anyway, because their servers can't handle 500-ish online users. After many attempts, I managed to pair it with my patreon account and I received 700+ of new currency that's used to level the battle passes, 100 for 10 levels. But because of the various bugs, I am now left 60 of it and only 30 levels gained :poop:

Oh and a lot of the UI text is hardcoded in Chinese, even if your UI is set to English. That includes the in-game mails with the patreon stuff. I got two of those, one with the 700-ish coins, another with what looked like outfit unlocks, but it unlocked nothing... Instead I got rather tiny amounts of the old currencies, such as 160 likes, which is not enough for even one outfit it looks like. And good luck getting more of them in the actual "game", sending likes tends to time out with various cryptic errors as well.

All positions are locked and you have to unlock them again. Only the unlocking UI action ends up with online errors most of the time as well. So it's even more tedious than before.

The "game" itself is pretty much the same as before, if you ever manage to get into a room. Usually it kicked me back into the main menu. I failed all attempts to get into the old map, succeeded once with the new one. It looks like it's impossible to place many of the poses in the new map, since they are tied to the old map's environment location. The pole dance is copy pasted from the old game, the masturbation animation is horrible, someone posted it above, you can get a drink at the bar, and that's about everything "new" that actually works on this map.

None of this matters anyway, when I ran the game a while ago once more, on the same Steam account, it went through the initial setup again, all my progress got reset to zero and I could not pair it with patreon anymore.

So stick with the cracked 0.4.9, it's better in every way than this pile of dung.


Jan 5, 2022
Oh my, this is such a clusterfuck, I finally managed to get in today and it's so much worse than I feared.

It looks like they spent most of the time on anti-piracy nonsense and battlepass.

The battlepass UI is badly designed, confusing, and does not work most of the time anyway, because their servers can't handle 500-ish online users. After many attempts, I managed to pair it with my patreon account and I received 700+ of new currency that's used to level the battle passes, 100 for 10 levels. But because of the various bugs, I am now left 60 of it and only 30 levels gained :poop:

Oh and a lot of the UI text is hardcoded in Chinese, even if your UI is set to English. That includes the in-game mails with the patreon stuff. I got two of those, one with the 700-ish coins, another with what looked like outfit unlocks, but it unlocked nothing... Instead I got rather tiny amounts of the old currencies, such as 160 likes, which is not enough for even one outfit it looks like. And good luck getting more of them in the actual "game", sending likes tends to time out with various cryptic errors as well.

All positions are locked and you have to unlock them again. Only the unlocking UI action ends up with online errors most of the time as well. So it's even more tedious than before.

The "game" itself is pretty much the same as before, if you ever manage to get into a room. Usually it kicked me back into the main menu. I failed all attempts to get into the old map, succeeded once with the new one. It looks like it's impossible to place many of the poses in the new map, since they are tied to the old map's environment location. The pole dance is copy pasted from the old game, the masturbation animation is horrible, someone posted it above, you can get a drink at the bar, and that's about everything "new" that actually works on this map.

None of this matters anyway, when I ran the game a while ago once more, on the same Steam account, it went through the initial setup again, all my progress got reset to zero and I could not pair it with patreon anymore.

So stick with the cracked 0.4.9, it's better in every way than this pile of dung.
know any way to unlock all animations in gallery mode? Some of them were in 0.34 but now they are missing or locked
3.80 star(s) 65 Votes