This game has an insane memory leak issue. It gobbles up almost 10 gigs of ram just by loading the harem?
That wouldn't be a "memory leak". A memory leak occurs when memory utilization keeps escalating perpetually until you quite literally run out of memory. Ex. You had a game using 12 GB of RAM and eventually it gets up to 33 GB of your 64 GB (especially when it never displayed such utilization prior no matter how you used it) would not be normal and a clear memory leak. Even more so if the application continues to accumulate memory after closing the application as processes still consume increasing memory not closing properly.
Simply using 10 GB isn't enough to qualify as a memory leak, and actually isn't even a strange amount of RAM to use.
Now that you know you can go observe if it does do this or not as I couldn't tell you because I don't really play it. I do know the game's CPU utilization is a joke though, as shown in that other person's screenshot where the game couldn't use even half of his GPU before CPU capped out bottlenecking FPS.