Beautiful graphics, animations, the whole nine yards. Love the shadowing during movement. If the writing turns out to be on par with the rendering this one is going to be a monster hit. Did note the hunchback references and had to agree.. especially the scene of the two on the front porch leaning on the railing. Understanding of the fears of the dreaded 'NTR' but don't think it applies here at all unless the 'ex' involved ends up being forced into the MC's love life in the future. Being 'uncomfortable' around that charactor is normal and I, for one am not going to pass on something with this much quality in the first release without something really going sideways.
One of the best, in terms of quality and substance, first releases I have seen. Enjoyed the Liam cameo considering that was the last game that had me feeling the emotions I see coming down the road in this one.
Surprising me not at all.. I can't wait. BokettoGames, stay true to the road you have planned and don't let anyone tell you how to write your story.. The only advice you should accept.. red heads for MrFriendly..
Bookmarked and seriously considering pissing my wife off as she sees another recurring charge popping up on my statements.
BarbarrossaNA's wife, "Seriously? I'm out of work and you're buying stuff again? What is it this time?"
Me, "Nothing.. just part of my allowance.. I don't ask you what you buy from QVC."
-Works everytime.