So, guys. Here is the big one:
I just want to explain why I did what I did. If someone will understand, I'd be glad. If not, it's perfectly okay too.
I started False Hero because I wanted to create the game I'd like to play. Heavy corruption, dark vibes. This is what I liked at the moment. But right now I just don't want to play games like that anymore. That's why I removed it.
I removed it not because I wanted to change Melanie's personality, to please someone else's tastes etc. Just because I didn't like it anymore. I can't create things I don't like.
(Important to say that I don't like how sebastien blackmails melanie not the fetish in general)
In this regard the game was better, I must agree. I also liked the vibe it had. But I have to sacrifice it for the sake of all other events that I plan at school. And most importantly for Melanie/Tiffany and Melanie/Tiffany/Sebastien content, which is the most important thing for me. With blackmail all the things I have planned just didn't work. Good mom will never trust her daughter to a man who is blackmailing her. With blackmail we would never see any Melanie/Tiffany/Sebastien scenes. Only if it would be some crazy mind break of Melanie OR Sebastien would start to blackmail both of the girls. It would be too painful I think.
I agree about this too: "Now that Melanie is willingly participating from the beginning kills part of the thrill (for me"
The game became much simpler in terms of tension etc. Although, you need to notice that it became better in all other aspects. I definitely lose smth. from the previous versions. And it's inevitable when you're redoing something. But my opinion about dark content has changed. In my opinion, the previous content was too painful. I don't know how you feel about it, but as a creator it wasn't an enjoyment for me. Believe me, guys if I'd continue to do as dark as I wanted it to be, this story would be the saddest shit you're ever read. It was only the beginning. Metamorphosis by Shindol would be a child play in comparison to me.
Now to BigDaddyDom.
I'm not disappointed. I didn't like the blackmail of Sebastien. (He acted too much like a dick.) I decided to remove it. DO NOT WORRY! The main quality of my game is corruption and it will never go away. I just improved the pace of it. Corruption is not only about blackmail, rape or other stuff for me. If the girl is interested in you it doesn't immediately make her a slut, it doesn't mean that she can't be corrupted further.
Also most of the corruption content I planned for Melanie in school. Mel's house content is only a warm up. With Lucy there will be a huge corruption part in her actress career. For me right now it's not important when mc won the hearts of the girls. It is more important what he is going to do next.
I didn't like the boring, grindy, and slow start of both Lucy and Melanie's routes, so I changed that.
“Enyo, you've said that you would focus solely on new content many times already... Your game already has the least amount of lewd content of any that I've seen... ”
Yes. I overestimated my capabilities.
"What happened to Lois becoming a new patient? That was another hot idea you teased in the last version of the game. You keep coming up with these great original ideas, and then inexplicably change them."
Yes. I didn't like it either. I haven't been able to get her storyline into False Hero, so I decided to hide her for now.
P.S. Let's be honest, guys. The personality of Melanie or Lucy didn't change. I wrote these characters and I know how they react and what they will do.
Melanie was always like that as well as Lucy. The only thing that changed are circumstances in which I put the characters in order to make a story faster. Twins and Tiffany didn't change for sure. All this discussion started because:
1) I dropped this update with a lot of changes out of nowhere. Didn't warn you about any changes, didn't prepare you for it, didn't share a difficult process that the game was undergoing. Reading all your comments, I understand that I made a big mistake by not sharing with you, guys, my complaints.
I was too sure that what I do is better and you will immediately feel it, despite all other great things that my previous versions had. But this is my job as a patreon developer not only to create a game but communicate with the community. And I did a poor job with that.
2) You liked the dark vibe, especially blackmail. I removed it. It's sad. I'm really sad too and also angry with myself that I can't be consistent. And sometimes I wonder. What the fuck?
Where are my balls now? But nothing I can do. I have changed.