Little credibility he had left is sinking. Untrustworthy is the best word to describe him now. I hate silence, but in this case, he should play the silent card instead of over-estimating his capacities and not meeting his deadlines again and again. It's not the first time and trust me, it won't be the last time either, unless he totally changes his work organization. Does he use a tool like Trello or a similar project management software ? I highly doubt it.
When you work in a company, the very first thing you do (and what your Boss asks you) is to estimate the time/workload on the project given to you and make sure you give the customer what he wants on the due date. If he worked in a company, he would have been fired since a lonnggg time. Anyway, I'm no patreon and don't have the right to complain, but he really should stop his bad habit of giving dates and not meeting them. This is definitely one of the things that sets fire and frustration on many threads of this site.