It's probably harder to write a good story, to get a "good flow", through collection of smaller, disconnected stories, like in this case. Probably/possibly, the reason Enyo backtracks a lot. There is no real "grind" here, but this game would be far better of as more linear VN.
I'd make Melanie a central part ( far more depth, build up, background, dynamic than others), "spine" of the narrative, and work on progress with others, in between.
So you slowly detach her from her husband/marriage, she falls for Sebastian, moves in with him, etc. And in between, you have smaller epizodes with Lucy ( her career, and slowly becoming jealous, obsessed with MC), Jane, Tiffany and twins ( corruption/love story).
Then, near the end, depending on your choices, you get more branching narrative ( single girl, harem, etc).