Before I answer your comment, I want to remind you that I'm doing this game aloneI was gonna ask a lot of things around all parts of the game and things like that but I have decided that I will just do two questions:
-Will the game follow the usual "choose option for route" or will we have more variables that influence it rather than just player input?.
An example to make it easy: Imagine that we want to get Melanie as a girlfriend, it would be different to get her while she is still Mark's girlfriend or if they already broke up. If you only take into account player input we will have just a route to seduce Melanie, however if it is influenced by thing like who is her current boyfriend or the corruption level that she has then we have things influencing how we get her as our girlfriend in the game.
-This is about relationships, first of all I want to ask if we can have a harem ending, another one is if the girls can be jealous and if the relationships are linear or if they are based on events related to the relationship level with the girl. Another thing is if I can break up with the girl if I want to.
That's kind of the incredibly short version of the big message that I was writting XD.
Sounds good, just enjoy what you do and do what you canBefore I answer your comment, I want to remind you that I'm doing this game alone
-I think your comment is perfectly describing the question that probably any creator has to answer himself before he decided to do something: "What I truly want to make and what I'm able to implement". I don't want to be the person who just can't complete his ideas only because he wanted to do too much. That's why I'm fully focused on implementing at least one route, i.e. well-thought-out ideas that I have on each of character. But in future with the good team, I will be adding more connected routes and widen each character choices, updating gameplay and etc., making the game interesting to play even in a second time.
-Possibility of harem and others features is great. I can write it easily. I always think about it and I have a lot of drafts (twins and tiffany, for example). But my knowledge in programming didn't allow me to implement that at this moment.
There were taken out of the .rpaSo don't archive it, and leave the images folder in place.
Thanks, a lot dude never knew it was as simple as this I thought the files would get ignoredAnd?
Existing files/folders take precedence over .rpa files.
Interesting game, but the combination of detail-oriented narrative and poor translation made for a confusing time. When Seb did something weird (c.f. stealing the files), I never really knew what was supposed to be surprising and what was not.I guess you was confused, because of the gameplay, where you think that the story tells every Sebastien's move, because you play as Sebastien. But my goal was to hide his real intentions from the start, that's why you'll never see his emotions, for example. He's a character as any person in the game, and has his own story. But it demands attention to details. I should make this part clearer.
Sharing is caring. x'Dso the cheating and sharing will also be avoidable ?
HaremKing don't share x'DSharing is caring. x'D