Finally i finished your new route.

I was dealing with new routes of original game.
You amazed me again. Your storytelling as good as your modding. Awesome job. You lined up all Laura's girlfriends for Pedro.
Easy to find right answers for your new route cause your funny ball-busting clip.
Best scene award goes to ending movie.
There is an original game looping day bug which ruins your new achievement's trigger time. It is related new Nanny route. (edit: It`s not Nanny route. It`s related new general events for girls) When you finish this new route, there is MFF scene (Gina & Nanny wake Pedro) when you go to sleep at saturday nights and repeats even this route is over. If you go to sleep at saturday night at 23:00, beside sunday you wake up saturday morning. For to skip this looping day bug, 00:00 time is better to go sleep on saturdays.
This bug ruins it, if you fuck the last Laura's girlfriend (who has ex-husband) on saturday and sleep at 23:00. Achievement picture triggered to me 2 or 3 days later even it was already in my achievements list.
Did this save for that looping bug: (Similar Bug for Gina bedroom everyday at 18:00. You can check this bug too with this save file)