The short answer is 'no'. The long answer is 'probably', but it may mess things up. You can go to the Console (press SHIFT-O - that's O, not zero) and then enter
where threadID is the ID of the thread you want to restart. You can get the thread ID by hovering over the thread name on the left side of the thread board (the thread IDs are a single word, starting with the name of the NPC that the thread primarily involves, such as lauraPoolPhoto for the first of Laura's threads). Make sure you enter everything with the correct upper and lower case letters.
This will probably do exactly what you want, but it may temporarily suspend some other threads until you recomplete the thread you've restarted. To be honest, I've never really tested this, but that reset() function must exist for a reason, right? Just keep a save until you're sure the game is still playing properly.