3.50 star(s) 68 Votes


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
One question it's a renpy game why no rollback feature?
Just right click and save as...and place this file into your game folder. Roll back should be enabled.

Update: Well this is odd....going further in the story, I noticed the roll back seems be locked or fuck up again. Because it stops working while the sis is pulling some lesbian shit in the change room with MC's girl. (Man I'm not a fan of the sister in this story.)

Anyways, I used UnRen choice #6 to fix the locked rollback (which it created the file I posted)...if anyone wanted to know how to fix that issue.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
That seems obvious after clicking on "WALKTHROUGH MOD" on the 1st page. Your question should be, "Is anyone updating the walkthrough mod on this game thats been abandoned for about a year?"
You can try using 0x52_URM tool and the Universal Choice Descriptor mod together to view what's behind most of the story choices. It's not a walk through mod...but it help's to avoid game over choices.



Active Member
Mar 15, 2020
he actually is beholden to the people on patreon because they're paying him
Incorrect. You are not paying him. You are giving him money. It is support. Nothing more. It buys you nothing. No obligations on the dev's part, no promises to you. You pay the money. Patreon takes their piece off the top and the rest goes to the developer who does what he pleases with it. The intent behind your giving him the money (by the premise under which Patreon was created) was to support the developer in the further development of his craft. But there is nothing in place that will promise you, or even give assurances to you the money will be used that way. It's sort of like throwing cash into the guitar case of a street performer. You liked what you heard so you tossed him some cash, not knowing if he'll use it for guitar strings or for a six pack. Here it's the same thing. You like what he's creating so you tossed him some cash. All you are 'entitled' to with your donation is the warm and fuzzy you get helping the guy along on his path to success. Now I will note the developers have found a way to manipulate the Patreon "support" model turning it into a paywall for updates. Premium members, gold members, silver members, all that nonsense. I don't participate in that either. If you do, all the power to you. It's your money.

Actually the way most of the world works you are beholden to the people who pays you.
There's no actually about it. That's precisely why IMO the creation of the Patreon model is an abysmal failure. The way it operates in no way resembles the way most of the world works. If that is what you were expecting you will certainly be disappointed. If you are expecting that it was ever intended to be; or ever will be, you are delusional. Again, you aren't "paying" anyone anything. In Patreon and SS, or when you buy someone a cup of coffee you are giving your money to the cause, nothing more.

Saint Blackmoor

Saint and Sinner
Oct 26, 2017
Well for one, you subscribe and donate and the game gets abandoned. What about your money?

Or a game like this may have been collecting all this time even though it was abandoned.

I suppose you can call it a success rather than failure depending on what side you're viewing from.
None of that makes sense.

You know going in that there is no guarantee. You know you are not getting your money back if that's what you mean by "what about your money?"
It's like giving to charity or even to a homeless person. You are saying I want to help, now it's up to the recipient of your money as to what happens to the money. If they don't use your money as you hoped, they have failed, not Patreon.

Patreon is not a failure. This site and others like it are the real failures. I guess they are not failures because the intent was to steal content, so I guess they are nonfaliures.

Someone here said devs are scamming us with paywalls. Haha, what a hot load of horse shit. That's like a bulgar getting mad at homeowners who make it impossible to break into their house.:ROFLMAO:

Yeah, yeah, I know; delete for off-topic or for being honest? :sneaky:


Active Member
Nov 18, 2017
Wow it's this game. Think I used to really like it, but it feels like it's been years since I've heard about it. Wonder if its as good as I remember...


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
Well I just spent a few hours playing from the start up to chapter 10's release, so I could use the old walk through mod for the right choices. But when I tried to load the saves with chapter 11 version, they just crash and don't fucking load (because the walk through mod is out of date).

And this title definitely needs a walk through as some of the choices can end in game over moments, or missed content. I guess with the way this title's walk through was created, the saves will only load if the wt mod has been updated. (sigh...I hate when that happens. Hence why I use URM and the Universal Choice Descriptor mod...using them doesn't break saves.)

But wow...so far 10 chapters in and there is still no vaginal sex, only a few hand jobs and blow jobs. And a lesbian content, which I would prefer to avoid. And why would anyone want to date a hooker, or hear about a love interest getting repeatedly fucked by her father...while she is give MC a hand job? :FacePalm:
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3.50 star(s) 68 Votes