VN Ren'Py Completed Fantasy School [v1.0] [Darklender Studios]

2.70 star(s) 3 Votes

I am Gone

Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2020
so is the only difference between version 0.1 and 0.2 that it says version 0.2 on the main menu? I tried the mega link pixeldrain link and the download from and that was the only thing different it even ends saying that it's the end of version 0.1 and that the dev hopes you want to play version 0.2
Haha, I wasn't sure but I thought as well that this version ends where 0.1 ended. ^^
seems someone forgot to upload the .2 files in the zip.... oops.
This is not 0.2 !
It is 0.1 with a new cover, at the end it even says it's the end of 0.1.
And PLEASE get a proof reader.
Just uploaded the fixed version and the changelogs


Oct 17, 2017
Dunno what to say about hentai stuff but story going really smooth and relaxing for some reason.


Devoted Member
Jun 26, 2018
I'm not sure it's a great idea to include this option in a harem game:


Nor the comments about bukake. I don't know, there is always the possibility that the intention is to kill the interest of the players in this LI...

Yeah, the Dev needs to improve either his English skills or he needs an editor.
It throws you totally out of the story.

But there are other parts of the story that are quite confusing and irritating in my opinion.
MC wakes up from a coma, can speak, and is top fit? I don't think so.
The doctor implied they had patched him up. Injuries take some time to heal and if he was in a coma the entire time
he can not move or speak shortly after awakening. Porn logic I guess. ^^

Awakening and meeting a succubus should be quite frightening from what I've read. ^^
Why are Angels and Demons friendly to each other?

Adoptive grandmother and adoptive mom seem to be cloned, only the hair color is different. ^^

Why does the grandmother have the same last name as the MC?
His adoptive dad was an asshole, I don't think he took the last name from his wife.

What else...?
Ah, I never met a doctor who offered his/her first name.
A nurse would never give you a handjob. That's unprofessional and she can lose her job.
Yeah, must be the porn logic. ^^

Overall it's okay-ish but nothing outstanding.
Maybe it's like in Spain and the child can have the mother's surname first and then the father's. As a note, after marrying, the woman keeps her last name.


Aug 29, 2018
arf, a kinetic with 4 poor false choices for 1-2 hour of reading.... I m out of here...
One last think... NO, your mother really abandon you... She had a girl 1 year after abandon you... 10 year later she have remorse and try to contact you, and your step dad threatened her... But it s not excuse she abandon you at your birth and remake her live not thinking of you from 10 years... No, i will not forgive her if it was me... why i should do it ? because she had remorse 10 year after ? Well not really big, she don t fight at all for the mc, why ? she live in desert island with no one who could help her (even the father of your half sister ?) ? But she look have some money...
You rush too much the story.... and stop with fasle choice... Make you kinetic and don t try to hide it with useless for the story fasle choices, it will better... like the fist... would you like to live with your mother ? yes or not, if we say no, why the mc forgive this mother so easily, haaa because it s not a real choice... why he beleve this grandmother ? because of one mail, it s not enought, he don t know her at all, it could be a fake (how many years this post had ? i know for young people is unbelievable but ephone are not really old...)... well as i said you rush your story too much, not time to know girls the mc already have sex with them...

i will not come again, good luck with your game.
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Mar 15, 2018
arf, une kinétique avec 4 mauvais faux choix pour 1-2h de lecture.... je m'en vais...
Une dernière réflexion... NON, ta mère t'a vraiment abandonné... Elle a eu une fille 1 an après t'avoir abandonné... 10 ans plus tard, elle a des remords et essaie de te contacter, et ton beau-père l'a menacée... Mais ce n'est pas une excuse qu'elle t'ait abandonné à ta naissance et qu'elle ait refait sa vie sans penser à toi depuis 10 ans... Non, je ne lui pardonnerai pas si c'était moi... pourquoi devrais-je le faire ? parce qu'elle a eu des remords 10 ans après ? Et bien pas vraiment grosse, elle ne se bat pas du tout pour la mc, pourquoi ? vit-elle sur une île déserte avec quelqu'un qui pourrait l'aider (même le père de ta demi-sœur ?) ? Mais elle a l'air d'avoir de l'argent...
Tu précipites trop l'histoire.... et arrête avec le choix de fasle... Rends-toi cinétique et n'essaie pas de le cacher avec des choix de fasle inutiles pour l'histoire, ça ira mieux... comme le poing... le ferais-tu tu aimes vivre avec ta mère ? oui ou pas, si on dit non, pourquoi le mc pardonne si facilement cette mère, haaa parce que ce n'est pas un vrai choix... pourquoi il croit cette grand-mère ? à cause d'un mail, ce n'est pas assez, il ne la connaît pas du tout, ça pourrait être un fake (combien d'années ce post avait-il ? je sais pour les jeunes c'est incroyable mais les ephone ne sont pas vraiment vieux...).. Bon comme je l'ai dit tu précipites trop ton histoire, pas le temps de savoir des filles le mc a déjà couché avec elles...

Je ne reviendrai pas, bonne chance avec votre jeu.
yeah i think the game go to fast too no real choice and really short on history we just know he was in a coma and are a demi god the story seem going more on the succubus than the mc he want or corrupt a lot with succubus power but where are his power three girls seen naked a not even his first day of school and without knowing more about or him learning what magic or powers he have i hope the game will be story focused too and a story than people can enjoy but already 6 or 7 girl he made sexual thing with them and it s only 0.3 the dev said big harem i hope the games don t go to 40 girls just put here without personnality or background i will come back in a few update for see if thing improved i hope for more story and background
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Engaged Member
Jun 8, 2020
I know?

Just how fucking ridiculous is that?

You know what that means, right?

If I ever end up in a coma no hot nurses will molest me just because I don't have a dick.

My hypothetical time in a coma is ruined.
You never know! You might get a hot nurse who's into girls. :love: :ROFLMAO:

hentai charley

Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2019
Oh, Wow!
Cuttlefish and nuddles for dinner! Are they Ramen nuddles or Udon nuddles? I like those little L*pt*n nuddles in my Chicken soup.


May 14, 2018
so far pretty good however one thing that bothers me is how instead of saying Okay it says Okaj in every conversation where a character is meant to say okay.


Nov 19, 2020
I'm genuinely surprised this site is only showing the 0.5 version, when 0.7 has been out for 2 days already....
2.70 star(s) 3 Votes