
New Member
Feb 27, 2018
i might be stupid or my english is just bad, but i didnt undestand that. Should i walk around the log counterclockwise and then go left or what? because i tried but i cant exit the maze
Sorry. English not my first language.
I did this: I walked clockwise around the log and then i went to the left.


Jun 21, 2018
Sorry. English not my first language.
I did this: I walked clockwise around the log and then i went to the left.
Look for the description of the maze in the discord spoiler channel
This has a picture of the path and descriptions from MuseX

The discord like is on the mysex patreon page.


New Member
Feb 27, 2018
Look for the description of the maze in the discord spoiler channel
This has a picture of the path and descriptions from MuseX

The discord like is on the mysex patreon page.
Thanks but I'm too lazy to sing up for a Discord account. Maybe I was lucky to get out of the maze.


Aug 1, 2018
theres apprently a update on his patreon regarding his updates and stuff, would some one be so kind to upload it here :?


Active Member
Jun 29, 2017

This is a looong post, so I divided it in different topics in case you're not interested in reading everything.

Why I'm not releasing anything right now:

This is a hard post to make, damn. It's hard because I had a lot of stuff to decide before talking to you, and a lot of things in motion that I'm still not sure if they'll work out the way I think they will, so I'm trying to not share too much before the time is right.

First things first, let's talk about Farmer's Dreams. Yes, I'm still making it. No, I won't stop making it until it's finished the way I want it to be - I'm not going anywhere. In fact, for some time now, the entire script and all the CGs for the next release are already finished, and yet I still can't release a new version of the game. The reason for this is simple: I've not been entirely satisfied with the last few versions of the game. The game's quality was suffering because of the previous pace with lots of bugs, bad coding, the lack of some mechanics I just didn't have the time to implement and also a certain amount of refinement I was really proud of having before.

Making this game is really challenging for me, specially the programming part, and that's part of the reason I love making it so much, but boy that's not a good thing when you're trying to release new version every month!

Anyway, so I had a decision to make - to keep the releases coming every month, maybe change the game a bit to make it more simple and lose some quality or start making it on my own pace and end up with a far superior game in the end. It can sound like an easy choice, but not so much when you think that I make a living from this, making games is my job, not something I do just to have some fun anymore. What really helped me making this decision though is that I've been really busy with my job - between the 3 games I'm currently doing I've been working for about 1.5 year without vacations, most of my days working from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed. So I'm obviously a bit burned out, and I decided it was time to start making some adjustments (in all my games) that would allow me to live a happier life =) I really thought for a long time that I should just pause the pledges here until I could start releasing games every month again, but honestly, having less people supporting my work is way better than having none, because I'm still working, still making games and still spending a lot of money to make it happen, so your help as a more patient patron will surely help me a lot!

Will I be able to go back to monthly releases with FD? Maybe. Probably. But right now I can't make any promises about that. Will you get monthly releases again anyway? Hell yeah you will! If not with FD, its VN version will be released monthly, and hopefully some other games too (although that's something I still can't talk much about).


What I'm working on Farmer's Dreams

Right now I'm focused on fixing all bugs in Farmer's Dreams, writing a new walkthrough, writing new scenes, rendering some pictures and just making the game better than before. Basically everything I was already doing, just not under a tight self imposed deadline. With more time to make everything I finally got to make animations again for example, so already in the next version you'll get a nice 45 CGs scene with Nina plus an awesome 20 frames animation. We'll also get more stuff to do, more ways to make money, and a bunch of other cool things I wasn't having time to make.


Visual Novel?

I've been talking about this Visual Novel game for a while now, so what the hell is it and when do we get to play it?

The original idea was to make a different version of the same game, Farmer's Dreams, just to present it to people who weren't too interested in the gameplay of the original game, so it's a game focused on the dialogues and sex scenes, pictures and text only, and some choices, but not as many as you have in the RPG game. Then I decided I wanted to offer a different experience to the players who already enjoy the original game, not just the same scenes but something original too, and that's what we are doing now.

This game will have 12 chapters (or releases) and will tell the same story of Farmer's Dreams, with a few differences and some new content. We already have 4 chapters fully written, and writing a new one every month! Because I need to focus on FD, I'm currently talking to and training people to work in most of the exclusive pictures for this game and the programming. I had some difficulties with this in the past so I'm taking this process slower this time, hopefully we'll get some awesome new devs around here soon!

The girl from the picture above is called Nova and is probably the biggest difference between the 2 games. She's your housemate and she's been living at the farm since she was little. We can talk more about her later, but I must say we are really enjoying writing her, she's such a fun character, BRM (the writer) is really making a fantastic job here! I'm dying for you all to meet her!

But while we got a new character in the story, we also lost a bunch of others: Sam, Vincent, Roxie, Amanda and Heather didn't make the cut and won't be in this game.

I'm aiming for January or February of 2019 to start releasing this one, but I'll keep you informed.


Thanks for reading all this and thank you very much for all the support you guys always gave me, you're fucking awesome! For the patrons who prefer to stick around only when we have monthly game releases, I totally understand you, and I hope we meet again in a few months, please keep following the page and the discord channel until then =)

For the ones who are still supporting me through this adjustment time, be assured that I'm not disappearing on you, that I'm still working hard everyday to bring you some quality games and that things are changing for the better for sure!


Active Member
Jun 29, 2017
"so already in the next version you'll get a nice 45 CGs scene with Nina plus an awesome 20 frames animation."

Can't say I'm not looking forward to that one =). Is MuseX trying to make up for lost time? hope we get some content soon

Burt Reynolds Mustache

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jul 19, 2017
Glad that the word is officially out on the VN. And I agree... definitely excited to see how you guys take to Nova and the VN as a whole.
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Mar 9, 2018
Sorry for dragging you guys back. Please who could tell me what to do while trying to plant seeds and the shift key ain't working or planting. I have held the seed with the hoe equipped yet it wouldn't work. what do I do guys ?
Aug 27, 2018
@mskills walk over the soil then press the shift key while having the seeds of your choice held. There won't be any sound to indicate the seeds that have been planted. You will see the seeds after they are planted.


Jun 21, 2018
item 117 is iron ingot. You can not craft of make any ingots. This is not available in the
R9.02 game. You will not be able to play until you use the save game editer again and remove items that produce this kind of error when you try to view your inventory.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
For some reason after the first "free" day I seem to have lost the ability to flirt with Elise and ask Darius about his "quest" - is this a bug, or is there some hidden criteria for both I might be missing now?


Jun 21, 2018
For some reason after the first "free" day I seem to have lost the ability to flirt with Elise and ask Darius about his "quest" - is this a bug, or is there some hidden criteria for both I might be missing now?
You can only choose one girl a day to flirt with. I have not tried flirting with Elise before I do the initial give Elise 20 wood. (maybe this is a requirement? Wait a day and try Elise again after you talk if flirt is not available.

What is a "free" day? I am not sure what you are calling a free day.

Darius only gives you a quest involving Mia or Heather if your gold level is low. Spend most of your gold before you talk to him to see this.
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