I'm not sure how to do that. This was the first time I've ever attempted to change something. I had to teach myself how to do it.
I looked at each json map and searched for "cheat" and found the actual options in menu in map 104 and the crystal in map 70 but in map 70 in the second instance of "cheat" it had buzzer after it so i figured out that was the part that was not allowing us to activate.
Then I was looking in map70 for "104" so I could find where the teleport option was. I simply copied that portion and replaced the buzzer portion.
That is the extent of my knowledge of this but I was very satisfied that i figured it out and could help.
Thanks for looking at some maps. It got me looking also.
There are script files in www/data/external folder of game. File DerekBombQuest.fd
I was able to edit DEREK's store so I can BUY iron ore, and the furnace recipe. (MUSEX replied in Discord that he was thinking about releasing a fix for furnace recipe and removing the shovel
Choice 0
// #Buy
Script var goods = [[0,113,0],[0,116,0],[0,118,0],[0,120,0],[0,157,0],[0,129,0],[0,130,0],[0,131,0],[0,132,0],[0,133,0]]; SceneManager.push(Scene_Shop); SceneManager.prepareNextScene(goods, true);
113 copper ore 157 furnace recipe