Celestial Novel

I Gave My Life To My Game
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2022
Who in the hell thought that using Dollar Store Geralt of Rivia for multiple voice-over narration was a good idea?

What was the thinking there? That 'quality' is a transitive property, and if you can get someone to gargle hot asphalt for your narration, they'd somehow transfer the audience's positive association of The Witcher III to this game? Instead, every time I hear that voice, I'm just remined how much worse this is than any of The Witcher games. If you don't have the actual chops to stand on your own, it is a terrible idea to invite such association, because you will only end up seemingly like the lesser of the two in that comparison.

Not that it's the only thing wrong, not by a long shot. Seeing the main menu, I suspected I was in for a mess of atrocious graphic design; and I was not wrong. Someone who thinks that gothic/old-English lettering made out of liquid mercury and sprinkled with random sparkles is clearly just more fascinated with using dumb overlays and filters in Photoshop, than they are in making anything that is actually aesthetically pleasing or even legible. There is exactly one instance where you can get away with that shit, and it is for the name/logo of a certain stripe of metal bands. So unless this game is a secret death-metal album, knock that shit out.

That is doubled down when you start the game and the first screen you see that isn't just a blank background, where you see black text with a white outline is then shown overtop an ugly and visually busy 'logo' screen. Not only that, but the text we are meant to be reading overlays other text in the background logo, making it an absolute shit-show for readability. This could have been fixed with a less awful and textless background image or use of a shaded text-box to help isolate the text from the background noise. But no, they cared more about showing off the ugly logo and cursive text rather than presenting something you could read without eye-strain.

Then the Wish.com Geralt narration starts, and right there it nearly had me quit out. I really should have, it would have saved me some time.

The first time the audience is presented with a character who is actually talking (to themselves, or in their own head), there is no punctuation. Outside the occasional comma or question mark, you never get any; periods are for the weak. This entire game is seemingly one long run-on sentence. Also the text has inverted, being now white with a black outline over a largely white background, because again readability is for losers. Also random and entirely inappropriate lens flares, because fuck it, why not? Again, it speaks to a very immature development mentality, one where they're tossing in random things because they can and not because they should or because they are appropriate.

We're literally introduced to a character, they wax poetic about the 'meaning of life' (cause that's what smart people do, right?), then BAM! Black screen with text, telling us explicitly that what we are about to see is not just a flashback, but the specific flashback of the death of this character's parents (the narration literally refers to the flashback as a 'scene'). Way to torpedo any suspense, and undermine the point of the whole flashback, by just giving away the conclusion before you've even started. Bravo. Marvelously bad storytelling. Also, hot asphalt gargling man makes his third narrative return and I want to die...

It never stops. The lighting is awful. Every scene is blown out and over exposed. Every room seemingly has no roof or is all skylights. The protagonist is the exact same model and hair as the mother in Milfy City from over 5 years ago, making this look like a game frozen in time. I'm left wondering if they picked that model, much like their narrator, seemingly again with the hope that quality and success are transitive properties (I personally think that game was crap, but it does have a lot of patrons). The posing is bad, with characters 'grabbing' stuff with the flat of their hands, or frequently staring off into the middle distance with a blank expression. Excessive use of those flat cut-out 'pre-rendered' background extras, that are used so often and close to the camera they're super easy to spot; their mismatched pre-baked lighting only further emphasizing how much they don't actually belong in any scene they show up in.

Guess what? Their use of music isn't any better. Getting the 'shut up, and sit down' drop for the track used to great effect in Our Red String for highlighting and contextualizing the super kinky dom/sub sex scenes, is here being used over a boring exposition dump about the city (including 3 sentences in a row that literally start with 'The city is') and it is fucking surreal.

Then you learn that the family is independently wealthy through cryptocurrency. That's not how that works. The people who actually made money on crypto are those who already had it, the venture capitalist whales who could buy in early and hard with the express purpose of getting a return on their investment, getting their money out and back into real currency. Nobody who was living a paycheck-to-paycheck subsistence and tossed all of their remaining funds into crypto during the boom as a means to escape poverty actually did so. Those are the kind of people who were the 'dump' part of uncounted 'pump & dump' scams. They were the ones holding out for their lambo as their coin of choice went 'to the moon'. They were the ones on countless Discords telling each other they're all going to make it so long as they all had 'diamond hands'. They were the serial bag holders, who were left with worthless coins when the bubble burst. If you don't want money to ever be a problem, just make them rich. If you want them to have been formerly poor, just say they won the lottery; it would better explain incredulous people with no financial sense bumbling into wealth.

Then Maive gets home and it's more white text overtop of a white carpet and a white tile floor! Remember folks: legibility is for the weak. At that point I was just skipping through the rest, seeing if it ever got better. Nope. It's super contrived and cliché scenes (masturbation 'help', touchy gym instructor, rub on sunscreen, strip poker, etc.), all involving women with bimbo proportions. The only choice is 'yes' to see content, or no to skip it, but skip enough times and then you're effectively locked out as you fall behind the required amount of points. There aren't alternate scenes or paths (past the card game, seemingly the only time you're actually given any meaningful choice for content), just needlessly skipping the only content that is there; making every choice a false choice. The option is not A or B, it is A or Not A; there is no B.

It's not offensively bad, but it's still bad. From what I saw, it's not AI generated (at least the renders, don't know about the voice overs). It didn't appear to be overtly racist or click-baity, nor does MTL seem to be involved. But what is there, still isn't very good. I'd give it a D, because while it might cover the bare minimum needed to pass the class, it is still so bafflingly bad only a mother could care to hang it up on their fridge.
People can say whatever they want and criticize my game whenever they want. However, with the combined income from Patreon and Subscribestar, I already make $900 each month. If I were to follow the opinions of random people who don't even financially support my game, I'm certain my earnings would drop to less than $50 a month :p


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
People can say whatever they want and criticize my game whenever they want. However, with the combined income from Patreon and Subscribestar, I already make $900 each month. If I were to follow the opinions of random people who don't even financially support my game, I'm certain my earnings would drop to less than $50 a month :p
Sure. I'm not your dad. But being financially successful and being good are not one and the same thing. People can and will buy garbage. Great gig if you're the garbage seller for sure.

But it's nice to know that only opinions back with dollars are important to you. Great way to improve as an artist.

I wasn't even expecting a response from the dev. But this? Outright dismissal in the express name of money? That's 'Russian tanks in Ukraine with steel cages welded onto them' levels of copium. :ROFLMAO:

Celestial Novel

I Gave My Life To My Game
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2022
being good
Absolutely, financial success and goodness aren't identical. It's fascinating, though, how one person's 'garbage' can be another's treasure. If people are buying, maybe it's not so much about the quality of the 'garbage', but the eye of the beholder. Quite a lucrative philosophy for us 'garbage' sellers, wouldn't you agree? :KEK:

As for your analogy, I wasn't aware that game development was akin to geopolitical warfare. Maybe I should consider adding some tank battles into my next game update. Thanks for another great idea :HideThePain:
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Reactions: Dufy


Devoted Member
Jun 11, 2020
Absolutely, financial success and goodness aren't identical. It's fascinating, though, how one person's 'garbage' can be another's treasure. If people are buying, maybe it's not so much about the quality of the 'garbage', but the eye of the beholder. Quite a lucrative philosophy for us 'garbage' sellers, wouldn't you agree? :KEK:

As for your analogy, I wasn't aware that game development was akin to geopolitical warfare. Maybe I should consider adding some tank battles into my next game update. Thanks for another great idea :HideThePain:
No tank battles needed, thank you IMG_1670.gif


Engaged Member
Oct 30, 2019
Absolutely, financial success and goodness aren't identical. It's fascinating, though, how one person's 'garbage' can be another's treasure. If people are buying, maybe it's not so much about the quality of the 'garbage', but the eye of the beholder. Quite a lucrative philosophy for us 'garbage' sellers, wouldn't you agree? :KEK:

As for your analogy, I wasn't aware that game development was akin to geopolitical warfare. Maybe I should consider adding some tank battles into my next game update. Thanks for another great idea :HideThePain:
No tank battles needed, thank you View attachment 2615398
Exactly what was missing from Vaulinhorn : Tanks ! My prayers were heard :D


Dec 27, 2020
You are fast with your mods. Thanks for updating so soon.

Can someone please share here the updated 5.0 (pc) joker Wt_CheatMod mod file? For some unknown reason I am not able to download in mixd, nor by pantreon.
Thanks in advance. (y)


Active Member
Jan 27, 2021
As had been stated at the beginning of chapter 4, all young-looking characters will be changed to the mature one
Would be careful tho, easy to go overboard with that and it just doesn't work if the children look way too old to be their mothers kids ;D She doesn't look "old" enough to have too old looking kids I think (Tho the kids could very well be 18-20, there is no one be all end all how someone looks at a certain age :D)
Personally I would just let it be as is, but well, your decision.

Like it so far tho, gonna at least look how it turns out if you change em :D


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2019
Wow some one is conceded... I enjoyed it in the first few updates nice teasing with what would lead to more. Then it changed and she started just doing shit with random people she just met and haven't seen many from the beginning. Wonder where it would lead to if they ever did show back up. And the cinematic animations ooooffffff cringe how the dicks deform from what it looked like, not that great.

I like you game but its not as great as you make it sound... And $900 really bragging about that! Dont get me wrong im glad your getting support for what you do but dont do that... There are other devs one of which has made a game only 6 months before you works by themselves (not saying you dont) and freehands their art and that dev is making over 6k soo.... lets not. Unless i saw it wrong and I apologies for that but thats the way i took it.

Celestial Novel

I Gave My Life To My Game
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2022
Wow some one is conceded... I enjoyed it in the first few updates nice teasing with what would lead to more. Then it changed and she started just doing shit with random people she just met and haven't seen many from the beginning. Wonder where it would lead to if they ever did show back up. And the cinematic animations ooooffffff cringe how the dicks deform from what it looked like, not that great.

I like you game but its not as great as you make it sound... And $900 really bragging about that! Dont get me wrong im glad your getting support for what you do but dont do that... There are other devs one of which has made a game only 6 months before you works by themselves (not saying you dont) and freehands their art and that dev is making over 6k soo.... lets not. Unless i saw it wrong and I apologies for that but thats the way i took it.
I'm just tired of seeing people criticize down to such minute details like the main menu design, the brightness of an image that's too bright even though it was explained at the start of the game that you can adjust its brightness, the logo etc etc. I mean, this is the first time I've made a game, I'm alone, I don't have any experience at all, english is not even my main language and people are expecting me to instantly create a game as perfect as a AAA game, perfect from all aspects, where everything has to be realistic and made with an IQ of 200 :ROFLMAO: This is just a PORN GAME remember ;), If I wanted to make this game realistic, then after five years of development, you would only see Maive doing boring sex with her husband :HideThePain:. People are saying FMC started to do some shit, screw everyone she meets but guess what, if I made her not like that, people would say "wtf there's no sex, game suck", "this is not a porn game", "the game is shit because the progress is too slow" :ROFLMAO: in the end there are always people who will bitch about every choice that game developers make. And sadly, many novice developers will obey the commands of random people on the internet that will ultimately ruin their own game. People define your game as not "good", but what does "good" mean? What you see as "good" can be "trash" in the eyes of others and vice versa, there is no indicator that can be used as a reference to what is "good" and "trash". Therefore, I use my income as a reference. If my income increases every month, then I'm on the right path and my game is indeed progressing despite what people say. This might be difficult for you to understand because you're not a game developer. I've seen a lot of game developers succumbing to what people want, but in the end, it will ruin their own game. I could counter-argue every person in this forum, but I feel that's not worth my time. I'd rather try to make my game better than dealing with random people that is not even my Patron, That's why I often give quick answers.

Celestial Novel

I Gave My Life To My Game
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2022
Weekly Renders 25 (Free version): or
Weekly Renders 25 (Subscribers version): or
Weekly Renders 25 (Level 5++ version): or


Devoted Member
Jun 11, 2020
Weekly Renders 25 (Free version): or
Weekly Renders 25 (Subscribers version): or
Weekly Renders 25 (Level 5++ version): or
She’s a hotty, but can’t tell her age, is she a student or a mom?
View attachment IMG_1815.webp View attachment IMG_1814.webp


Apr 3, 2020
Gallery Mod Ch1-7

The game was re-worked again a bit, some music won't play on the first chapters, will try to fix that.
The rest work just fine.


  • unlock gallery from chapter 1 to 7

  • extract files in the main game folder
  • play the game!

Last edited:


New Member
May 18, 2023
View attachment 1994825
Fate and Life: The Mystery of Vaulinhorn [Ch 5] Walkthrough, Cheats & Patch Mod
The Mod shows points in the choices, adds a Cheat Menu, and now the "Roomates" are now Family.

Note: I've changed the Narrator's text color and outline strength, now it's easier to read.​

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Download: - - ANDROID by cebs
Compressed with Mod: PC

As always if you like this Amazing Game please show your support for the Dev, .
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hi, why when i put the "walkthrough, cheats and patch mod" folder in the game folder the game doesn't open anymore, but it open my pdf reader? thank you for your help
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