Oh yea its rushed, you can tell due to the fact if you pay attention most relationships were left incomplete in their development, the insane amount of exposition which should absolutely been stretched over a far longer narrative, taking several chapters to fully unveil, all of it show its rushed.
Holy fuck that ending was TERRIBLE!
Man what the hell. THAT'S the ending? After the whole mess we get some bullshit and oh no
and then Maive just gets screwed over no matter what?
I heard that it's been said that she comes back in Part 2 thankfully but holy fuck, after the entire game, after getting railed by like half the town and getting involved in so much shit, it was all for nothing? The MILF got shafted (and not in a good way) so I hope the second part gives her a good ending. This shit was just depressing
Well that ending sucked, it was a massive exposition fest where everything was pretty much just rammed down our collective throats what amount to a mass of backstory that should have been revealed over several chapters rather than in one big dump. Also the ending feel rushed as Hell, the story was advancing at some pace, the MC relationship with her family felt far from fully developed, instead it feel like this entire chapter was basically the Dev having abandoned this game in favor of its sequel because of the belief a male MC will earn the Dev more money, decided to expedite what should have been several chapters worth of exposition while dropping any other character relationship story aside for it.
Like I said many times in the thread, the game is lacking financial support, that's why the ending is rushed. I mean, what can you expect when everyone is complaining like they own the game but they are so poor and can't support the game financially. I'm working here, not doing some kind of charity.
Guess what? If its the year 4k they'd have interstellar travel technology, so if a black hole is coming what do you do? Not travel back in time a couple thousand years to try to fix things, you fucking build spaceships and you leave the planet, something FAR MORE FEASIBLE than time travel, if you say they didn't have the tech for interstellar travel because of the Laws of Physics I'd answer so they shouldn't have time travel either in that case, if one is possible both are possible and if anything space will be far easier to travel than time.
You cleary don't understand that in the game the black hole is consuming "EVERYTHING" which means other planets will be consumed too. Maybe you need to learn the word "Everything" first before making a comment.
Oh and Fourth Dimension bullshit?
Fourth Dimension doesn't really exist in real life that's why I'm free to create anything from it and It is funny you tried to compare fantasy aspect in a FANTASY GAME to a real life. Don't play fantasy genre if you want real life science situation
So yea in conclusion, this ending is garbage, I suppose I'll be one of a number of people that will be abandoning this story and its sequel, just like the Dev decided to abandon us
Abandoning? Lmao the story is continuing and there will be sequel to this game, your comment clearly non-sense.
great fucking idea Celestial Novel or I guess based on the credit at the very end, it was someone named Dwayne to blame)
I'm the one that responsible for the plot of the story, my writer is writing what I told him to do.
it seem Maive is pretty much gone,
Maive will be one of the main lovers in the sequel, stop spreading fake information
I doubt its even most of his paying supporters, its probably a small very vocal minority like usual, otherwise why the Hell were so many supporters invested in this story with a female MC if they disliked so much said MC that they needed to push for a male MC instead, so likely its merely the typical small minority that vocally used their paying support to tell the Dev what to do and convince him he'll be making making more money that way.
I'm laughing at this comment because actually paying customers never talk and never complaining. The small very vocal minority that always complaining is the one that never supports the game. I mean look at this thread, as soon as the game is leaked, people that never support the game coming in and crying about the game lol
Thank you for your reply I won't bother going back to this game and blacklist this dev.
Thanks God, one of the complainers that never support the game leave me, my day will be better