Seems you underestimate rpg Maker. And why would it become awesome if this unity game ? I don't really understand ? Both engine capable to do 2D Games. And unity while being able to do 3d game obviously harder to use than RPG Maker.
Unity is an generic (3D) engine, with a strong programming language foundation(C#), which allows you to more or less do anything you want(within the certain confines). As it compiles your game with the engine, essentially merging both together(Making the performance bottleneck how you write your code, rather than an engine limitation).
RPG Maker however, relies on an script-engine(Ruby iirc) to do anything outside of the established mechanics, because of this, attempting to do anything outside of what's semi-intented by RPG Maker carries a lot more overhead(also doesn't help that the Ruby code isn't compiled, but rather interperted, which carries additional overhead).
This is why using the mouse is so expensive in previous RPGMaker engine games(that have custom scripts to allow for that), while doing the same in Unity(Assuming Unity had no inherent mouse support) or Gamemaker carries no overhead(As the code is compiled together).
But yeah, as for ease of use, RPG Maker has pretty much any engine beat, as it doesn't require any code knowledge to make the bare minimum, and instead you can use the event system. Infact you 'should' use the event system as it carries lover overhead than the script system, sadly enough, or at least, this was the case with previous RPGMaker engines.