Can you teach me how to cheat?
Download "RPG-Maker-MV-Cheat-Menu-Plugin-master" but namely "Cheat Menu".
Unzip and paste in main directory with game.exe
Run MVPluginPatcher.exe once so it will add the js file from www to be enabled ingame.
That's it.
Press "1" on keyboard anywhere ingame. This also closes the cheat window.
A menu will appear in upper left part of the screen. Even on main menu.
You can move menu to different place by clicking Tilde button ~
You navigate using numbers. 2 and 3 usually move sections.
6 and 7 changes "what" to edit.
8 and 9 changes the amount (or True/False)
BEWARE: Changing player/enemy health "to zero" will crash the game. Save before and after major changes. Losing 30min of editing hurts...
Tip: Godmode doesn't work for scripted death and limb loss.
Why is Menu better than cheat editing?
-You can use it in almost any rpg maker mv -based game.
-Unless you know exactly what you are looking for (know the event name etc) then this is faster.
-You can also edit Speed of movement. Default it's set to 4. Five is nice. Played most game at 6. Beware of the mines and bear traps on higher difficulties though.
-You lost a limb? Look for Switches that sound like Mercenary_arm or Reporter_arm and set the lost limbs to FALSE (you may look for True if lost)
-Add items like Salomonsnake Amulet to prevent limb loss.
-NOCLIP. Yes, you can walk throuhg walls! Very useful.
-Add items like ammunition. Remember 99 is the max value. Works good for Soul Stones for Hexen.
File is attached. Wtf is with this? Virus? Fuck you 1/66 random detection software.