
Sep 29, 2019
A shame,
I finally gave in and tried the Bangkok content and really like it. I'd love to see more of that. The writing is actually quite good.
The problem is that without the character creation, the skill checks are meaningless, as you don't have actually developed any skills to be different from one player to another.
And obviously, I do not know in how many years I should check back in for a significant content increase.

I am not even sure I can agree with that. The writing is good. Yes. But does a game like this need this amount of text? And for the time it takes him to write it, it isn't even that much. Several months for a few pages of setting up a scene? It feels like 90% of it is pointless. I certainly don't read all of it anymore. Do I need to make a decision on what type of food the character has for dinner? Does the outcome change anything? This is the biggest problem I have with the writing so far. There is a lot of it, but it means nothing. What is the expression? You sure talk a lot, but you don't say anything.

The game uses decision making mechanics and yet, nothing changes. I am not even talking about the skills and dice rolls, because other than being there, there is nothing to it.

I have stated it before, I don't even understand how you can progress with this game without having any idea what you want these mechanics to do. Either come up with a meaningful way and implement it now or scrap it and stop wasting time on it. He says that he wants to expand the game later and build up some groundwork. Well, he has done that for years. Time and time again and every couple of years he gets to a point where he hits a wall and starts all over again. I am not accusing him of intentionally scamming anybody, but even though the last couple of months suggest progress, has the game really progressed?

We got a few dozen pages of text and very little game. For years there was no progression at all and now the story progresses at a speed, where it doesn't make much sense anymore. The Agent barely arrived in Thailand, got herself a job, is no longer forced to whore herself out, but immediately gets raped, has no problem with it and installs cameras at the club so that her story is basically done. She can let the SWAT team do the rest.

At this point I have no idea where the story is supposed to go, how far he wants to stretch it, especially considering that he wants to create some open world kind of thing. At this point the agent can return home. Why would I explore more of the city or the underworld when the story has been told in less than an in game week?

I suggested a while ago, that at this point it would make more sense to go back to the college part of the game, have her travel to Thailand as a student, have her lose all her money and passport for real instead of just pretending and have her being forced by an agency to work for them in order to get home or something. At this point that would make much more sense, would leave you with many more options and it would be a decent way to attach the college part of the game which he wants to bring back at a later stage anyway.

How can you implement the actual character creation and setting up the skills and everything at a later point? You need to know what you want do with skills, how to integrate them and write scenes for it. You need to do that before you do everything else or otherwise you end up rewriting everything again, once you realise that you shoehorned yourself into a corner.

While I do appreciate the fact that we finaly made it to Thailand, I think he is going to hit a wall sooner or later, once he notices that he can't just implement skill checks and such without changing the outcome of everything he has written so far.


Apr 8, 2020
... and if Crush focused on that and hired someone with an actual fucking clue to do the coding for him, the game might actually get done before we get through global warming and out the next ice age. Would be less profitable, though.
You are overly optimistic


Oct 4, 2017
I am not even sure I can agree with that. The writing is good. Yes. But does a game like this need this amount of text? And for the time it takes him to write it, it isn't even that much. Several months for a few pages of setting up a scene? It feels like 90% of it is pointless. I certainly don't read all of it anymore. Do I need to make a decision on what type of food the character has for dinner? Does the outcome change anything? This is the biggest problem I have with the writing so far. There is a lot of it, but it means nothing. What is the expression? You sure talk a lot, but you don't say anything.

The game uses decision making mechanics and yet, nothing changes. I am not even talking about the skills and dice rolls, because other than being there, there is nothing to it.

I have stated it before, I don't even understand how you can progress with this game without having any idea what you want these mechanics to do. Either come up with a meaningful way and implement it now or scrap it and stop wasting time on it. He says that he wants to expand the game later and build up some groundwork. Well, he has done that for years. Time and time again and every couple of years he gets to a point where he hits a wall and starts all over again. I am not accusing him of intentionally scamming anybody, but even though the last couple of months suggest progress, has the game really progressed?

We got a few dozen pages of text and very little game. For years there was no progression at all and now the story progresses at a speed, where it doesn't make much sense anymore. The Agent barely arrived in Thailand, got herself a job, is no longer forced to whore herself out, but immediately gets raped, has no problem with it and installs cameras at the club so that her story is basically done. She can let the SWAT team do the rest.

At this point I have no idea where the story is supposed to go, how far he wants to stretch it, especially considering that he wants to create some open world kind of thing. At this point the agent can return home. Why would I explore more of the city or the underworld when the story has been told in less than an in game week?

I suggested a while ago, that at this point it would make more sense to go back to the college part of the game, have her travel to Thailand as a student, have her lose all her money and passport for real instead of just pretending and have her being forced by an agency to work for them in order to get home or something. At this point that would make much more sense, would leave you with many more options and it would be a decent way to attach the college part of the game which he wants to bring back at a later stage anyway.

How can you implement the actual character creation and setting up the skills and everything at a later point? You need to know what you want do with skills, how to integrate them and write scenes for it. You need to do that before you do everything else or otherwise you end up rewriting everything again, once you realise that you shoehorned yourself into a corner.

While I do appreciate the fact that we finaly made it to Thailand, I think he is going to hit a wall sooner or later, once he notices that he can't just implement skill checks and such without changing the outcome of everything he has written so far.

There are more lines written here than crushtation has written all this year


Game Developer
Nov 16, 2017
The Agent barely arrived in Thailand, got herself a job, is no longer forced to whore herself out, but immediately gets raped, has no problem with it and installs cameras at the club so that her story is basically done. She can let the SWAT team do the rest.
Most of the setup was simply geared to set a 'Secret Service Agent' up as a whore in a brothel where she carries out more and more degrading acts. I number of years back Crush had a whole collection of very good sex scenes sketched out at high level. I talked to him about it as I preferred the Dubai style event and a good storyline, but they were good. The people wanting a clever spy story (i.e. myself) are in the minority!

Open world I doubt he can pull it off (I've told him), but the existing storyline is easy to branch off/expand at a later date. The latter would make a good game if you could set up scenarios such as playing the flirt/tease to get the job (good attractive agent is not going to sleep with anyone for a bar job) then losing control. But before anyone says it, I accept the depressing reality of timescales and no-one else has the time to work on something similar.


May 15, 2018
The latter would make a good game if you could set up scenarios such as playing the flirt/tease to get the job (good attractive agent is not going to sleep with anyone for a bar job) then losing control.
I really hope Crush reads this and gets why it is a great idea. Branching the "Bangkok prologue" like that would be the bare minimum it'd take to suggest to me (and probably a number of others) he may actually still be trying to deliver a RPG experience, as opposed to having settled for a low-visual VN with irrelevant pseudo-choices.


Game Developer
Nov 16, 2017
Branching the "Bangkok prologue" like that would be the bare minimum it'd take to suggest to me (and probably a number of others) he may actually still be trying to deliver a RPG experience, as opposed to having settled for a low-visual VN with irrelevant pseudo-choices.
Crush wants the RPG experience, but here is the dilemma. Every branching scene takes double the time to write, and need a lot more planning as you need to consider how the outcomes of event 1, will affect event 2 or even event 3 or 4. Crush will pivot at some point on RPG mechanics but I actually think branching off a linear already written story is better for Crush. But hey, I don't know if Crush will pivot to the Lifepath, Sandbox, Sex Engine v3 or more meaningful choices in the current Bangkok experience.
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May 15, 2018
I'm trying to come up with something, anything, that could get through to what passes for the mind of something that "thinks" the average indie porn game developers on Steam makes millions. I got nothing.

Fun fact: Crush's Patreon earnings to date would put him in the top quartile of Steam indie developers (mainstream and porn) by lifetime gross revenue. There's reasons good porn game developers only use Steam as a secondary revenue stream with an actual (mostly) finished product.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2017

Hey guys! Sorry for another late report. I normally work 8-10 hours per day on the game, but occasionally I have a burst of mania when everything is just flowing, and I feel like I can work and work without my brain getting exhausted.
Someone should notify him of this typo, I think he meant 8-10 hours per week.


May 14, 2019
Someone should notify him of this typo, I think he meant 8-10 hours per week.
"I just realized that I'm close to the end of my 3 month deadline and still haven't finished writing a handful of basic text scenes, so I'm now rushing to cram it all in."
He claims to have spent nearly 17 hours polishing one scene while adding "extra stuff" to it because he was "inspired."
Yeah right


New Member
May 1, 2020
Anyone got a link to the 1.6.3 version with supporter unlocks? Or can point out how to unlock them with the browser dev tool?


Sep 29, 2019
Crush wants the RPG experience, but here is the dilemma. Every branching scene takes double the time to write, and need a lot more planning as you need to consider how the outcomes of event 1, will affect event 2 or even event 3 or 4. Crush will pivot at some point on RPG mechanics but I actually think branching off a linear already written story is better for Crush. But hey, I don't know if Crush will pivot to the Lifepath, Sandbox, Sex Engine v3 or more meaningful choices in the current Bangkok experience.
That is what I meant. I don't expect an Agatha Christie like crime novel or spy story. I am perfectly fine with a smaller project if it's well done. In this case however, the game is all over the pace. He still doesn't know what he wants to do or what he actually can do in a timely fashion. Like I said, if you don't have the time or creativity to implement multiple choice decisions and branching decisions then don't try to force them into the game. Nobody wants choices in a game and then only decide on food. While the avatar system is done well, I don't see the benefit as clothes change nothing in regards to the outcome of a scene.

He is spending resources on features that do nothing and add nothing.


Nov 29, 2017
Would be great if he manages to keep that release schedule tbh, even if the episodes are shorter.

Will he be able to do that though? My generous guess is the first one is on schedule, then after that it's delays.
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