I by no means forgive Crush for this absurdly slow drip feed, but it is easy to get lost trying to develop systems in twine when you could just hand-write it in the meantime.
I think that's part of why people are not really believing Crush. Coding a dynamic event system is hard as it is, and Twine doesn't really make it any easier. But that's nothing compared to the fact that the actual coding and logic of those dynamic events are just an added complication to the writing itself.
In other words: Crush is struggling really hard to write a completely linear story with some "choices" (which are just branches that meet on the same spot or simply add minor changes to flavor text), using a tool made for writing exactly that. If he's struggling so much with doing the "simple" stuff, just how bad is it going to be when (if) it comes to writing the complicated parts?
Keep in mind that this project is fairly old (for a porn game anyway), and it was always advertised as "It's going to be an open world RPG with plenty of options and choices and sidequests!"
Speaking of sidequests, since he announced the future updates (until January at least) are going to be sidequests, I hope he realizes that sidequests are supposed to be
optional. I wouldn't mind it too much if he released an html file that only includes the sidequest and nothing else, for testing purposes, but if the sidequest is mandatory, it's not a sidequest.