I mean, I like how it looks, but this is also why I'm here and not supporting on Patreon. This game has seen so many rewrites and changes without any noticeable progress that it feels like this is going nowhere.
Pros; UI is nice, looks a lot less clunky and easier to navigate
I suppose I kinda like the new avatar? Haven't seen much to really say anything too negative, so I suppose that's good?
Cons; Lack of any significant updates and more along the line of rehashing what's already available for the last few years.
My perspective on this
CoC, CoC2 and TiTs are emblematic text based adult games, which, prior to having a team, still provided chapters of content at a steady pace, unlike this which just seems to pump a line or two before scrapping it and redoing things
Suggestion, provide content, acquire crowd, complete game. And if you're not satisfied with the first title, just make a better one with the first one for experience, instead of nitpicking what's already there and frustrating the crowds.