I understand your argument, but my counter-argument is that, if it makes a significant difference in the game whether I choose to engage in a BJ versus a HJ in an otherwise-identical sexual situation, the game is doing it wrong. There is no way a player can objectively evaluate the significance of a BJ vs HJ (I've gotten both, and the outcome was very similar).
Ditto, if I am in a shooter game and have the choice between a Rexonian Blaster (which wins every combat) and a Dukkan Wave Gun (which loses every combat), then that's not a real choice. Just having choice is meaningless. It is well-thought-out consequences of a choice that make choice decisions interesting. In the case of this game, Crush doesn't want there to be meaningful choices yet, because he already knows what the end-state of the character needs to be from this phase of the story, and so choices at this point can't be meaningful. Putting in pointless choices like BJ vs HJ would just slow down development without improving player enjoyment.
there is a blow job or handjob choice, so it's funny this is the hill people chose to die on...
I always choose the blow job, because who the hell would want to do the handjob scene? someone with a hand fetish? and I'm not loading a save just to see what that scene is like. So i actually don't care if it's identical story wise to the blow job scene. But this is the type of gamer I am... I just don't like choices and I choose the choice that is more... depraved anyway.
That being said... i think the handjob scene allows your character to listen to more intel when her boss is on the phone, but blow job scene makes it harder for kate to hear what the conversation is? this probably has an impact later on? but also don't really care. I actually don't want a game that presents too many branches so when you play a release, you only experience like 5 minutes of content because all 5 branches were worked on and you're only interested in 1. that is exactly what 'A wife and mother' game suffers from... and in this case crush also released 4 playable days and A wife and mother does like a half day of play after 8 months development rofl. Yes, that's what happens when you have 20 characters and can't prioritize and do all the content at once, and branch the story 8 different ways. I don't have time for that shit.
Bottom line is that few developers add choices and get it right. Maybe only our red string etc. Can't really think of many games that do it with good development times/content... and even for redlolly developer, for the game good girl gone bad, there is so much content i will never see, that is like a puzzle to unlock and I can't be bothered with the branches... I don't want to break my head figuring out what choices to make to see scenes i want to see and it's even fucking hard to figure it out WITH THE WALKTHROUGH. i refuse to replay the same game 20 times. walkthroughs are nice but some of these games don't even have a walkthrough so it's worse... and that's when i don't even bother with the game after. Fashion bussiness, great game, i actually like it, but I can't play that grindy shit more than once, and I don't back up saves soo.... until there is a cheat mod i won't touch that either.
but i guess the people complaining here enjoy these mechanics.... and somehow don't find fault with the games that have them. interesting.
for our red string, i legit just play the optimal whore/most sex choices, and gallery unlock everything else i missed. this is what i assume most people do.... if someone is actually having 4 playthroughs of a game on 4 different saves and somehow keeping track of all that shit... just the thought of that waste of time makes me cringe. but i stopped being a big gamer 10 years ago. lucky if i spend more than 1 hour a day on any modern games today.
but i'm also someone who dislikes ironmode/and rogue likes. I realized these games are modelled after life. can't fix your mistakes, there is no save to go back and try again, you live with your choices and consequences. fucker i'm playing games to escape real life not experience the brutality first hand in a game. hate that genre of game. i need to save scum minimally... but i also don't like it if the saves get too convoluted with different paths. I'm the type of gamer who played every RPG game as a good character and never touched it again as an evil one. So there is a whole 50% of most games i never experienced and i'm not interested in seeing. i just want the content i want, if updates have to take 5 times as long because the dev is making content for 4 other people that i'm not interested in.. well fuck that.